For the last 6 or so months I have had recurring pain in my right leg. It starts at my hip and goes down the fornt of my thigh to my knee which is also painful.
I don't run or do any strenous sports. I do tend to be on my feet all day at work but I have moulded insoles in my shoes and when out side of work I wear cushioned trainers and almost never heels.
When I walk I have noticed that my foot is not straight but tends to point out-wards.
I have been told that when I walk there is a lot of rolling with my feet. I have no idea what that means though.
I take cod liver oil and Omega 3 tablets but don't seem to have any improvement.
I am 26 and this pain is becoming increasingly irritating. lifting leg causes pain too.
Suggestions greatly received
What's causing the pains in my leg?
I see this patern all the time.
The leg pain is most likely refered commonly caused by sacro-iliac joint dysfunction.
Weak pelvic floor musculature is a common cause and or Hypermobility in the Sacro-illiac joints. It tends to be worse at particular times in the menstrual cycle (although not always) because the low back becomes swollen and makes the area more congested and /or a spike of relaxin is released during the cycle which makes the ligaments more elastic adding to the hypermobility.
Manual therapy will help if it is in anacute or sub acute stage but to prevent it recuring pelvic floor and core stability exercise will help to create strength and stability in the abdominal s and pelvic floor.
Pilates I think is the best exercise for this.
Less commonly these symptoms could be caused by hip dysfunction and even more uncommon would be femoral nerve impingement. Both of these scenarios are unlikely in a healthy person you age. SI joint problems are common as muck.
Reply:Well, you need to get treatment, but first you need to find out exactly what is causing it. There's one branch of the sciatic nerve that runs to the point you're talking about, and that could mean a bulging disk in your spine. It could also be a misalignment of the SI joint, which has to do with your hip. I'd see someone who can do tests like an MRI first, find out what is exactly wrong, and then decide what kind of treatment I needed. There are some really good chiropractic treatments now, and I'd definitely try them before thinking about surgery.
Reply:Sounds like sciatica to me but you would need to go to your Docs just to make sure. Good luck and hope you get it sorted quickly.
Reply:its possible it could be arthritis.
Reply:it's a lower back problem. go to a GOOD chiropractor (ask around), remember there are alot of screwy chiropractors out there. my mom had the same problem with her hip (one was higher than the other when she was standing on flat ground.) and she was complaining of numb hands when she woke up, and alot of pain in her hips and upper legs. come to find out, she went to the chiropractor and her lower back was off alignment-- as well as her neck in several places.
Reply:go to your doctor, ive had the same thing for past few weeks, 1st time in hospital with physio today and it turns out ive got a twisted 3rd vertebrae, which with excercises and manipulation over next 6 weeks will cure me.
Reply:I would ice ice and ice some more. have you seen a doctor? I ahd somthing and ended up having a tumor..not cancerous..but quite painful. It would be a good idea to get it checked out..
Reply:Although it doesn't feel like it, it sounds like a back problem. Usually when there is a kink or slight twist in the back, it can often differ pain to other places. My mum had the same thing. She had a slip disc which differed pain down her leg.
I'd see a specialist or a chiropractor, but don't see a doctor about it. For some reason they never think backs can go wrong
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