Saturday, October 24, 2009

Achilles tendonitis?

i was diagnosed with the above 6 months ago and the only treatment that i received was being told not to wear heels, which annoys me no end cause i'm tiny and look even tinier in flat shoes, and being told to wear some special insoles in shoes.

in my opinion it is getting worse and having a injury to my foot at the moment isn't helping. does anyone else suffer with it, and what helps you?

Achilles tendonitis?
Tendonitis that is not responding to rest may require oral meds, injections of steroids,blocks or other meds and could even need a brace or surgery. You may be shorter than you would prefer but this is your feet we are talking about and without the use of them you are in trouble. See a podiatrist or a orthopedist. I have had this and am also an RN. Good luck.

office chair

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