Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New Sneakers Basketball Tennis shoes....How do we get rid of the odor?

We paid over $130 for a pair of basketball shoes for our son and now that bball season is over he wants to wear them for everyday use which would be fine except he never aired them out during bball season. He left them zipped up in his sports bag and now his tennis shoes have a horrible odor. We have tried odor eater spray, baking soda, odor eater insoles and bounce dryer sheets. The dryer sheets did seem to work the best but by the end of the day the smell was coming back. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.....please no suggestions to throw them out, they are expensive shoes and new, have never been worn outside. Thanks!

New Sneakers Basketball Tennis shoes....How do we get rid of the odor?
Wash them in the washing machine. I used to do this with all of our tennis shoes. Don't dry them though as they tend to get the leather too dried out.
Reply:Charcoal is good for removing odors, but you'd have to be careful about how you use it, otherwise you'll get charcoal dust in the shoes. Each time after he wears them, crunch up a few pages of the newspaper and stuff them in, that will get rid of moisture in them from being worn. You maybe could replace the insoles, that might be where the odor is coming from and by replacing them you get rid of the source. And don't let him wear them every day, give them at least a day in between to air out. Good luck!
Reply:Air them outside for a week. Then spray an entire can of axe into the shoes. It will smell of axe for QUITE some time which may or may not be a good thing.... but at least it's better than foot odour right?
Reply:Sun is the best odor eliminator. After cleaning them thoroughly with tide detergent and color bleach in gentle wash cycle setting, crisp dry them in sun. It will take few days but will be odor free.
Reply:baby powder your feet and the shoes every time you use them

dog skin problem

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