For work, I am constantly on my feet and, like today for example, I was on my feet working for 13 hours non-stop. My feet are incredibly sore now. Does anyone have any quick remedies to help and possibly prevent further aches, besides gel insoles or similar things?
What is the best way to heal achy tired feet?
I work in a hospital and am on my feet CONSTANTLY. Here are some quick helpers:
1. For immediate relief, get a can of cold soda, beer, etc. from the 'fridge and put it on the floor. Put your foot on it and roll back and forth...the massage of the can combined with the cold can do wonders.
2. Keep them elevated if you can
3. Invest in some Epsom Salts...they're fabulously cheap, and you can find them at any drug/grocery store. Make up a solution with about 1/4 cup Epsom salts and water as warm as you can stand it, and soak. FYI - Epsom salts are most popularly used as a laxative, but if you read the box, it will say that it helps relieve muscle pain as well. Just didn't want you to think I was completely insane. :)
4. Just for a nice, cooling effect, get a bottle of Peppermint Lotion (I'm a fan of The Body Shop variety, but any kind will do), and keep it in the refrigerator. Slathering some of that on and then putting on some warm socks feels AMAZING!!
And even though you mentioned it, insoles and PROPER SHOES are an absolute must. If you are on your feet all the time, check out some of the specialty stores that can custom-make insoles for you. I did that, and haven't had foot pain since. They aren't cheap, but they are worth the hardships (pain, stress fractures, fallen arches, etc.) that can be caused later on.
Best of luck!
Reply:quickly a foot soak with epsom salt or if you have other things like lavender or vanilla scented stuff, this will help you to relax. For long term relief the only thing I know of would be to wear good shoes, insoles for support and soaking often.
Reply:First - for fast 'pain' relief . . . hot water soak, with rub/massage after drying
Make certain your shoes fit correctly . . .
New Balance brand shoes have been the best for me.
Make regular sit breaks a part of your routine day -
even a 60 second respite will make a big difference, if practiced three times an hour. . .
Reply:soak them in warm water with epsom salt. I forget exactly what the epsom salt does, but it really helped me out. I also found one of those foot bath massager tubs are just a *dream*. But when they ache really bad, just take a warm bath, get the leg muscles too. Don't deny them the nice relaxing warmth! One of my favorite tricks, is to get the bath at a warm temperature, then go to the back of the bathtub and pull my legs up, and turn the water on high (not so high to burn myself). Let it fill the remainder of the way with the hotter water, and turn it off when it reaches my knees. then plunge my sore legs into the heat, it's like a big hand just wrapped around my legs and started slowly massaging them! It's *w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l* try it out but remember, don't go so hot you'll burn yourself.
My husband works long hours like that, I really suggest also getting a comfortable insole for your shoe and make sure the shoes are comfortable for long hours like that. If they start to wear down, get new ones.
Sometimes I use a lotion and just the massaging feels great, but I have Raynaud's so I can't use cold temperatures, only heat for achy feet - so I apologize I have no cold remedies. I find that they make muscles contract quickly and it sounds like you want them to let go. I find using heat or massaging the area until the muscle lets go really helps, but I understand how hard this can be on the feet. You might try on your days off, accupuncture (I love this - it's a great way to learn how to relax, because you can't move with the needles in, trust me the needles also help release certain endorphines and you get a nice natural high during the treatment - some may hurt initially but if they do, they're meant to, let the person doing the job know if something hurts, they'll let you know if it's supposed to or not, any initial pain will disappear). You might also try purchasing a TENs unit to use on your legs if those muscles are refusing to let go, a ten's unit can send electric pulses to the muscles there tightening them up until they are forced to let go (this is something I have to do on muscles at time that won't let go). Also do any stretches you can during the day. Get some shoes that are easy to take on and off if you can, and I think someone gave some suggestions for stretches above, do those on your breaks.
Hope that helps!
Reply:You can soak them in epison salt. Or have someone give you a foot massage!
Reply:Get one of those foot soakers and add a bit of Epsom salt to it. Go to a spa and get a pedicure or just have them rub your feet. Take an aspirin and elevate them a little on a pillow.
Reply:A nice warm bubbly foot spa followed by a soft foot massage with soothing foot cream, with mint or cucumber, sounds good doesn't it.
Reply:find you a good pair of work shoes, that have an arch if you have a high arch. Don't worry about them looking stylish if your feet hurt you hurt all over. Ive lived with my feet hurting all my life. A good pair of shoes will help, but you have to change shoes soon as they feel as if they are wearing out or your feet began to hurt again. Try wearing different shoes during the day, say 6 hours in one pair and the next 6 in another pair. Good luck in finding a solution.
Reply:You don't say what kind of work you do, that would make a difference in the type of shoes your wearing. Nurses, waitresses and other jobs require you to wear a shoe that it made to support your feet for long periods. There are some things you can do to help. If you don't wear the necessary type shoes, take a different pair, different style, pair of shoes and change them a couple times during your shift. There are several different kinds of soaks you can buy to add to really warm water to soak your feet which will help relax the muscles in your feet. Be sure to dry them well after the soak, and be sure you keep your nails trimmed properly. If you notice hard places starting on your toes, or along the side of your foot by the big toe or little it means your shoes do not fit right. If you have a special person in your life a gentle massage is great after your all clean and dry.
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