Please be specific on how I should take my steps. What's the proper way when my feet touch the ground? I know that I'm doing something wrong because my shins hurt everytime I jog. I have my running shoes for about 1.5 year, but I'm using shock absorber insoles.
Can anyone give me some tips on running properly to avoid shin splints?
Sounds like you need new shoes. Get properly fitted, and avoid running on concrete and pavement until your legs are conditioned.
Also, stretch and condition your leg muscles by doing toe raises, by rotating your ankles both ways, and by working your toes ( while you're sitting down, try picking up marbles or pencils with your toes).
Progress gradually. Don't try try to run a marathon by next weekend! Jogging is wonderful exercise; a great way to get out and get fresh air and enjoy good weather. It does, however, take some getting used to. Good Luck!
Reply:first of all buy new shoes. you need to replace your shoes every 3-5 months. second, run on the balls of your feet. the impact from your whole foot hitting the cement can cause greater damage than some think.
another thing that might help is to wrap your shins before you go running with sports tape and i use a thin foam for comfort. and for after running there are shin wraps that help speed up heal time by adding the right pressure (walgreens or some sports places might have these). also run on a cushioned surface, like a treadmill or grass. and if you have to run outside asphalt is more giving than sidewalk cement.
but one you get shin splints you'll always have them. and the more you run, the more they'll occur because of the way the bones fuse.
Reply:Make sure you warm up well first. And try getting a new pair of shoes. I've been told that although the shoe may still look great, after a year the support tends to wear down - you just don't see it.
Here is some info I pulled off off the web for you. Hope it helps:
Apart from good footwear, what else can you do? I believe the following three preventative measures are not only very effective, but crucial.
Firstly, a thorough and correct warm up will help to prepare the muscles and tendons for any activity to come. Without a proper warm up the muscles and tendons will be tight and stiff. There will be limited blood flow to the lower legs, which will result in a lack of oxygen and nutrients for those muscles.
Before any activity be sure to thoroughly warm up all the muscles and tendons that will be used during your sport or activity. Click here for a detailed explanation of how, why and when to perform your warm up.
Secondly, flexible muscles are extremely important in the prevention of most lower leg injuries. When muscles and tendons are flexible and supple, they are able to move and perform without being over stretched. If however, your muscles and tendons are tight and stiff, it is quite easy for those muscles and tendons to be pushed beyond their natural range of movement. To keep your muscles and tendons flexible and supple, it is important to undertake a structured stretching routine.
Stretching HandbookStretching is one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports injury and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. Don't make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching won't be effective.
For an easy-to-use, quick reference guide of more than 100 clear photographs of every possible stretch, for every major muscle group in your body, get a copy of The Stretching Handbook. You'll also learn the benefits of flexibility; the rules for safe stretching; and how to stretch properly. Click here to learn more about The Stretching Handbook.
And thirdly, strengthening and conditioning the muscles of the lower leg will also help to prevent shin splints. There are a number of specific strengthening exercises you can do for these muscles, but instead of me going into the details here, I have simply found another web site that has already done all the hard work. It explains a number of exercises you can do for preventing shin splints. You can find these strengthening exercises by going to
The above-mentioned article is the only other article I found that included a comprehensive section on shin splint prevention. If you're only interested in the strengthening exercises, you'll find them towards the end of the article. If however, you suffer from shin splints or you're looking for more information on shin splints, I recommend you read the entire article.
* Rest. The sooner you rest the sooner it will heal.
* Apply ice or cold therapy in the early stages when it is very painful. Cold therapy reduces pain and inflammation. Cold therapy can be applied. More information about cryotherapy or ice application can be see in shin splints rehabilitation. Click for more detailed information about cold therapy.
* Wear shock absorbing insoles in shoes.
* Maintain fitness with other non weight bearing exercises.
* Apply heat and use a heat retainer or shin and calf support after the initial acute stage and particularly before training. This can provide support and compression to the lower leg helping to reduce the strain on the muscles. It will also retain the bodies natural heat. Heat causes blood vessels to dilate and increases the flow of blood to the tissues.
* Visit a sports injury clinic for treatment and rehabilitation.
Reply:FIRST OF ALL, invest in a new pair of good running shoes and arch supports. Most running stores can help you pick the right shoe and support you need. The best stores will measure where most pressure is placed on your foot as you run, therefore telling you how to adjust your running form to improve your shin splints.
If you don't feel that you are being helped properly at any store you first go to, don't buy anything and just walk away. There are plenty of running stores around with knowledgable staff who are willing to help you improve your form through using the right support.
accessories belts
Saturday, October 24, 2009
does any one know what is a good pair of sandals? i have bunions and the doctor said to wear sandals with my insoles. because the surgery is to extreme. what do i do i am 21 y.o.
Arcopedico shoes are good for feet with bunions. They are made from material that "gives" where your feet bulge, so there is no rubbing or irritation. They are imported shoes. Check their website.
Reply:try Birkenstock
Reply:You could try amputating your feet. That would solve all your foot related problems.
interest rate
Arcopedico shoes are good for feet with bunions. They are made from material that "gives" where your feet bulge, so there is no rubbing or irritation. They are imported shoes. Check their website.
Reply:try Birkenstock
Reply:You could try amputating your feet. That would solve all your foot related problems.
interest rate
How to you relieve a naroma ( nerve damage) on your foot ?
Has anyone had to wear special shoes or insoles for yor feet due to foot pain ?
How to you relieve a naroma ( nerve damage) on your foot ?
Do you mean neuroma? I have a condition where the balls of my feet have worn out, which causes them to swell, and drives my toes out of line. It was causing sharp needle pains in my big toe. Now I use a piece of medical tape to splint my 2nd toe, and that pulls all the other toes into line. My osteopath showed me how to do it. It has practically cured it. Just loop the tape over the top of the 2nd toe and then fasten the two tape ends to the bottom of your foot. There are also special supports that will do it.
He told me to also wear shoes with hard soles.
I was just diagnosed with this 2 weeks ago. I went on eBay and bought magnetic soles to put in my shoe, I am also drinking a product called Vibe and getting a magnetic mattress pad and 1/3 of my ankle and foot are coming back, mine isn't caused by diabetes but if yours is go on a low carb diet, I am on that also.
Reply:They have elastic sleeve slips so there is not so much pressure on your foot. You could also try wearing shoes that aren't so narrow. But if that doesn't help you may need a custom-fitted orthotic.
skin disease
How to you relieve a naroma ( nerve damage) on your foot ?
Do you mean neuroma? I have a condition where the balls of my feet have worn out, which causes them to swell, and drives my toes out of line. It was causing sharp needle pains in my big toe. Now I use a piece of medical tape to splint my 2nd toe, and that pulls all the other toes into line. My osteopath showed me how to do it. It has practically cured it. Just loop the tape over the top of the 2nd toe and then fasten the two tape ends to the bottom of your foot. There are also special supports that will do it.
He told me to also wear shoes with hard soles.
I was just diagnosed with this 2 weeks ago. I went on eBay and bought magnetic soles to put in my shoe, I am also drinking a product called Vibe and getting a magnetic mattress pad and 1/3 of my ankle and foot are coming back, mine isn't caused by diabetes but if yours is go on a low carb diet, I am on that also.
Reply:They have elastic sleeve slips so there is not so much pressure on your foot. You could also try wearing shoes that aren't so narrow. But if that doesn't help you may need a custom-fitted orthotic.
skin disease
I have shin splints. i have a big track meet tomorrow, what are some things i can do to reduce the pain?
i get shin splints every track season, i have special shoe insoles and such, and they've really helped this season. Now half way through, the pains killing me. Mixed with a muscle issue around my knee, i'm dying. i have to run though. i love it. and tomorrow's a big meet.
I have shin splints. i have a big track meet tomorrow, what are some things i can do to reduce the pain?
Good stretching may help...
in that short period of time, stretching is probably the best you could do..
the taping above girl adviced is Elastikon..but I wouldn't advice on using it for the meet..
Some competitions ban tapings of that kind during the's also dependent upon the kind of sports..
when you do stretching make sure to do get good stretch on lower compartment...that's with knee flexed..if you stretch with knee extended, you are stretching Gastro mostly...with flexted, soleus...
Reply:Stay off your feet. Dont even get up to go to the fridge!
Reply:To reduce pain.....20 min. prior to your event, take 2 tylenol 500mg and three ibuprophen {motrin or advil}. That is the closest u can get to a narc and will not make you sleepy. We call it a combo. Good luck I was there in 83 and 84 with the same problem.
Reply:You can take painkillers to mask the pain but if it is really bad, you might be doing more damage to yourself, so you might want to consider not running.
Reply:I know exactly how you feel! When i was in track i always got them and my coach had me put that type of tape (it doesnt stick to you, but it sticks to itself, its brown) tape it around your leg right below your knees and also tape around your leg right above your ankles. Do that on both legs if the shin splints are on both legs
dog skin problem
I have shin splints. i have a big track meet tomorrow, what are some things i can do to reduce the pain?
Good stretching may help...
in that short period of time, stretching is probably the best you could do..
the taping above girl adviced is Elastikon..but I wouldn't advice on using it for the meet..
Some competitions ban tapings of that kind during the's also dependent upon the kind of sports..
when you do stretching make sure to do get good stretch on lower compartment...that's with knee flexed..if you stretch with knee extended, you are stretching Gastro mostly...with flexted, soleus...
Reply:Stay off your feet. Dont even get up to go to the fridge!
Reply:To reduce pain.....20 min. prior to your event, take 2 tylenol 500mg and three ibuprophen {motrin or advil}. That is the closest u can get to a narc and will not make you sleepy. We call it a combo. Good luck I was there in 83 and 84 with the same problem.
Reply:You can take painkillers to mask the pain but if it is really bad, you might be doing more damage to yourself, so you might want to consider not running.
Reply:I know exactly how you feel! When i was in track i always got them and my coach had me put that type of tape (it doesnt stick to you, but it sticks to itself, its brown) tape it around your leg right below your knees and also tape around your leg right above your ankles. Do that on both legs if the shin splints are on both legs
dog skin problem
Need help??
i have a disabilty in my right foot which means its alot weaker then the left one.. so i always have to wear a runners because its the only type of shoe my special insoles fit in . but if im going to a wedding or disco things i want to dress up for i feel odd in runners.. is there any kind of shoes that i can wear and be comfortable in?
Need help??
material boots like ugg boots i know they'rs casual but im sure you can find different styles too.
heres some links
hopw this helped :D
Reply:Flats there comfortable just remember to put on a band aid in the back of your foot just in case
Reply:flats and flipflops are really comfortable.
Reply:them flat ballet look-alike shoes
Reply:Funky flat boots. Insteps should fit in them..
Hotel reviews
Need help??
material boots like ugg boots i know they'rs casual but im sure you can find different styles too.
heres some links
hopw this helped :D
Reply:Flats there comfortable just remember to put on a band aid in the back of your foot just in case
Reply:flats and flipflops are really comfortable.
Reply:them flat ballet look-alike shoes
Reply:Funky flat boots. Insteps should fit in them..
Hotel reviews
Aftercare following plaster childs cast removal?
I am hoping that someone may be able to offer some advice. My son has had a tenotomy on each achilles tendon (a z plasty). The operation was a success and he has been in plaster from the ankle to the knee for the past six weeks.
The question is that he had the plasters removed on Tuesday evening and the specialist, although saying that insoles would be prepared for the future, suggested no course of physio or offered no advice as to what we should be expecting.
It is now Saturday and he is in discomfort whenever he has to walk - he is altering his gait so as not to 'stretch' the tendons in his calf. Although we will get further specific advice come Monday, we are just wondering that are such symptoms; increasing levels of pain/discomfort, altered gait and a desire not to walk, to be expected after such an op? Naively we had thought that after the actual op had taken place and the plaster casts removed that he would be all fine again...
Aftercare following plaster childs cast removal?
I've had Z Plasty's done on other tendons, its really not nice, i hope he feels better soon!
Physio IS needed, if he doesnt do physio they will shrink. I know it hurts, but he needs to do gentle stretches of it. Not so its painful, just so its uncomfortable. Try to get him not to alter how he walks, it wont help the recouperation at all.
It is painful for a few weeks after, but then all of a sudden it will get so much easier. It will get much easier if stretches are done too..
Obviously i dont know like a professional does, but i've had plenty of surgery and physio [3 years] and thats what i was always told.
That also says he should be having physio.
I hope that helped =]
cat skin problem
I am hoping that someone may be able to offer some advice. My son has had a tenotomy on each achilles tendon (a z plasty). The operation was a success and he has been in plaster from the ankle to the knee for the past six weeks.
The question is that he had the plasters removed on Tuesday evening and the specialist, although saying that insoles would be prepared for the future, suggested no course of physio or offered no advice as to what we should be expecting.
It is now Saturday and he is in discomfort whenever he has to walk - he is altering his gait so as not to 'stretch' the tendons in his calf. Although we will get further specific advice come Monday, we are just wondering that are such symptoms; increasing levels of pain/discomfort, altered gait and a desire not to walk, to be expected after such an op? Naively we had thought that after the actual op had taken place and the plaster casts removed that he would be all fine again...
Aftercare following plaster childs cast removal?
I've had Z Plasty's done on other tendons, its really not nice, i hope he feels better soon!
Physio IS needed, if he doesnt do physio they will shrink. I know it hurts, but he needs to do gentle stretches of it. Not so its painful, just so its uncomfortable. Try to get him not to alter how he walks, it wont help the recouperation at all.
It is painful for a few weeks after, but then all of a sudden it will get so much easier. It will get much easier if stretches are done too..
Obviously i dont know like a professional does, but i've had plenty of surgery and physio [3 years] and thats what i was always told.
That also says he should be having physio.
I hope that helped =]
cat skin problem
Painful heel(plantar facillitis)?
right,i have plantar facillitis(pain in heel)was given naprosyn by the doctor but its not working,its painfull all day n night,driving me crazy,i feel also my foot is twisting because of way im holding it due to pain,are there any pads or insoles etc i can get to stop this
Painful heel(plantar facillitis)?
I had platar for years! The only thing I learned that helped was orthotics and stretch your calve muscle by leaving both your feet on the ground and push your body forward on like a door or a wall, make sure to keep your feet planted on the ground, after awhile it will help more. Plantar in my case was caused by my calve muscle being to tight, and that muscle runs under or over your heel to the top of your foot. You should be able to sit down and stretch your foot towards you and feel the band on the cove in your foot, THAT band needs to be stretched, OFTEN! Hope this helps.
Reply:I have had plantar faciitis for a few years now. I have to wear custom made orthotics in my shoes. Because of the orthotics, I have no more pain, but boy did I. You will most likely need to go to a Podiatrist (foot doc) to have them take a mold of your foot and have them made for you. They cost me $260.00, but soooooo worth it. Go to the dr.!!!
Reply:KMS is right about the stretching it. i have plantar for many years now and stretching is the most helpfull and cortisone shot in your heel to reduce inflamation.getting out of bed in the morning and trying to walk is the most the stretches for about 2-3 days and you will notice relief bigtime!! good luck
Reply:Freeze a couple water bottles and roll your foot over them several times a day. This has given relief to many of my massage clients.
develop skin cancer
Painful heel(plantar facillitis)?
I had platar for years! The only thing I learned that helped was orthotics and stretch your calve muscle by leaving both your feet on the ground and push your body forward on like a door or a wall, make sure to keep your feet planted on the ground, after awhile it will help more. Plantar in my case was caused by my calve muscle being to tight, and that muscle runs under or over your heel to the top of your foot. You should be able to sit down and stretch your foot towards you and feel the band on the cove in your foot, THAT band needs to be stretched, OFTEN! Hope this helps.
Reply:I have had plantar faciitis for a few years now. I have to wear custom made orthotics in my shoes. Because of the orthotics, I have no more pain, but boy did I. You will most likely need to go to a Podiatrist (foot doc) to have them take a mold of your foot and have them made for you. They cost me $260.00, but soooooo worth it. Go to the dr.!!!
Reply:KMS is right about the stretching it. i have plantar for many years now and stretching is the most helpfull and cortisone shot in your heel to reduce inflamation.getting out of bed in the morning and trying to walk is the most the stretches for about 2-3 days and you will notice relief bigtime!! good luck
Reply:Freeze a couple water bottles and roll your foot over them several times a day. This has given relief to many of my massage clients.
develop skin cancer
Heels hurt?
I want to be able to wear high heels but they hurt my feet like crazy.
I have but some foot insoles but I haven't tried them yet.
what is the best way to get used to wearing heels?
Heels hurt?
This sounds weird, but I have the same problem. I don't toss and turn alot at night time, so I wear them to bed. As long as your feet don't sweat alot it's ok. It breaks them in faster and molds them to fit your feet, not the other way around.
Reply:this always happens to me. i was a gymnast for 13 years and the constant pounding on my heels still affects me. it's a disease called "plantar fasciitis". it means inflammation of the heels. It hurts me not only when i wear heels, but also when i wear flip flops. it never permanently goes away, it just comes and goes temporarily. to get rid of it, i usually just walk on my toes, or switch to sneakers for a day or to before wearing non supportive shoes, [like heels or flip flops]
hope i could help!
Reply:Just keep practicing in them. Start with a lower heel and get comfy with those and then keep moving up. I also believe a better quality shoe brand makes the difference with heels. I wear 4" heels all the time with no probs. Good luck and keep trying.
Reply:Maybe try of with some smaller heels.
and work your way into higher heels.
gives your muscles a chance to adjust to the change and you will be more confident when you end up in very high heels.
Reply:i wear heels all the time and i still feel like i walk funny in them. i just can't seem to get use to 'em. in short, i don't think you'll ever get used to wearing them.
Reply:when wearing them, walk on your toes, don't balance your weight on you heals. hope that helps :)
Reply:sweetie ust make sure they are de wringt size... and then you have to wear them a couple times and get you to it... trust me you will be fine...
PS: sometimes use some clear bandates
microsoft excel
I have but some foot insoles but I haven't tried them yet.
what is the best way to get used to wearing heels?
Heels hurt?
This sounds weird, but I have the same problem. I don't toss and turn alot at night time, so I wear them to bed. As long as your feet don't sweat alot it's ok. It breaks them in faster and molds them to fit your feet, not the other way around.
Reply:this always happens to me. i was a gymnast for 13 years and the constant pounding on my heels still affects me. it's a disease called "plantar fasciitis". it means inflammation of the heels. It hurts me not only when i wear heels, but also when i wear flip flops. it never permanently goes away, it just comes and goes temporarily. to get rid of it, i usually just walk on my toes, or switch to sneakers for a day or to before wearing non supportive shoes, [like heels or flip flops]
hope i could help!
Reply:Just keep practicing in them. Start with a lower heel and get comfy with those and then keep moving up. I also believe a better quality shoe brand makes the difference with heels. I wear 4" heels all the time with no probs. Good luck and keep trying.
Reply:Maybe try of with some smaller heels.
and work your way into higher heels.
gives your muscles a chance to adjust to the change and you will be more confident when you end up in very high heels.
Reply:i wear heels all the time and i still feel like i walk funny in them. i just can't seem to get use to 'em. in short, i don't think you'll ever get used to wearing them.
Reply:when wearing them, walk on your toes, don't balance your weight on you heals. hope that helps :)
Reply:sweetie ust make sure they are de wringt size... and then you have to wear them a couple times and get you to it... trust me you will be fine...
PS: sometimes use some clear bandates
microsoft excel
How can i make my big shoes fit? please help!!?
i bought a pair of heels with the peep toe style that are 1/2 size too big. they slip off from the back when i walk and i REALLY love them but its hard to walk when my heel keeps slipping out, how can i make them smaller and fit better? can i take them to a shoe repair place is there something they can do besides me just trying insoles? please help!!
How can i make my big shoes fit? please help!!?
you can fix it! i had this problem with a pair of heels i ordered online and i didn't want to go through the trouble of sending them back.
i just went to payless and bought these little pad things called "heel grips". they are sticky and you just put them in the back of the shoe so it sticks to your heel and your foot doesn't slip out. if you can't find them in any stores, try these. same product, just a different brand.
Reply:I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything you can do other than try insoles. You can't even stuff them because they're peep toes. In future buy the right size as you don't want to damage your feet. (When you wear shoes that are too big your toes can curl to try and keep them on, putting unnessary pressure on your feet and damaging them in the long run)
Reply:If you have tried the scholl insoles for sandals and that doesn't work, unfortunately I think you are out of luck. This has happened to me with platform peep toes that I bought on sale when I didn't have hose on, and when I tried them later my foot kept coming out. I ended up giving them away, as it was really dangerous to try to wear them. Sorry!! I understand!
Reply:The boot maker here in auz has shrinked a pair of my boots before, so try him :-) also what about those gel things ya wear with heels to stop slipping and for more comfort, they are quite thick so you could stick one of those behond the strap??
Reply:sorry but you cannot change the size of a shoe. you should take them back and get the correct size. if they do not have it, ask them to call around other stores and see if one of them has them in stock or search online.
Reply:My mother use to stick a rolled up piece of toilet paper in the toe. Try placing that in the heel.
Reply:i dont think there nothing more u can do
How can i make my big shoes fit? please help!!?
you can fix it! i had this problem with a pair of heels i ordered online and i didn't want to go through the trouble of sending them back.
i just went to payless and bought these little pad things called "heel grips". they are sticky and you just put them in the back of the shoe so it sticks to your heel and your foot doesn't slip out. if you can't find them in any stores, try these. same product, just a different brand.
Reply:I'm sorry, I don't think there's anything you can do other than try insoles. You can't even stuff them because they're peep toes. In future buy the right size as you don't want to damage your feet. (When you wear shoes that are too big your toes can curl to try and keep them on, putting unnessary pressure on your feet and damaging them in the long run)
Reply:If you have tried the scholl insoles for sandals and that doesn't work, unfortunately I think you are out of luck. This has happened to me with platform peep toes that I bought on sale when I didn't have hose on, and when I tried them later my foot kept coming out. I ended up giving them away, as it was really dangerous to try to wear them. Sorry!! I understand!
Reply:The boot maker here in auz has shrinked a pair of my boots before, so try him :-) also what about those gel things ya wear with heels to stop slipping and for more comfort, they are quite thick so you could stick one of those behond the strap??
Reply:sorry but you cannot change the size of a shoe. you should take them back and get the correct size. if they do not have it, ask them to call around other stores and see if one of them has them in stock or search online.
Reply:My mother use to stick a rolled up piece of toilet paper in the toe. Try placing that in the heel.
Reply:i dont think there nothing more u can do
Legs hurt after work?
i work in retail after an 8 hour shift my legs, knees hurts for about 2 hours started happening last year i bought several pair of shoe's ,insoles sit down on my breaks they didn't help.any ideas on how to keep my legs from hurting during n after work???
Legs hurt after work?
on day offs, you might want to do squats and calf raises to gain strength in your leg muscles so they better support your legs.
On work days, you could get some sort of massage after by either getting a massage chair or some other device.
Reply:I do not mean to sound rude, but if you are overweight, this could be one of the problems that are causing you the pain.
well, when you stand for long time blood accamulate in you feet( high pressure) which is caused by the pressure variation around the body, and hence the best way to get rid of this pain as well as the enlargment of the foot size it to sit between now and then.
Reply:Add potassium to your diet.
Broccoli, and bananas are both loaded with it.
Reply:You may have tendinitis or sciatica that is being aggravated from standing. I had it once and it sucked. It eventually healed after about 6 months. If you have good insurance, get an MRI which will tell you if you have inflamation. Rest for a couple of days and see your dr.
windows media player 11
Legs hurt after work?
on day offs, you might want to do squats and calf raises to gain strength in your leg muscles so they better support your legs.
On work days, you could get some sort of massage after by either getting a massage chair or some other device.
Reply:I do not mean to sound rude, but if you are overweight, this could be one of the problems that are causing you the pain.
well, when you stand for long time blood accamulate in you feet( high pressure) which is caused by the pressure variation around the body, and hence the best way to get rid of this pain as well as the enlargment of the foot size it to sit between now and then.
Reply:Add potassium to your diet.
Broccoli, and bananas are both loaded with it.
Reply:You may have tendinitis or sciatica that is being aggravated from standing. I had it once and it sucked. It eventually healed after about 6 months. If you have good insurance, get an MRI which will tell you if you have inflamation. Rest for a couple of days and see your dr.
windows media player 11
Dance shoes too big! :(?
I'm a swing dancer and recently ordered some Aris Allen white canvas sneakers (specifically for dance) from their online store.
I went out dancing last night, and after about two dances it became obvious that I had ordered a size too big. However, now the company won't accept an exchange because the shoes have been worn!
I will probably go try to find some insoles to take up more room. Any other ideas?
Dance shoes too big! :(?
You need to go to a local shoe store with professionally trained staff (not high school kids) to get your correct shoe size. Then, you can buy from there or online with more confidence. Be forewarned that not all shoes having the same size will match 100%, due to the materials used, the shoe style, where it was manufactured, etc.
P.S. When ordering ANYthing over the net or from walk-in stores, make sure you know their return policy (keep in mind that if you have to pay shipping costs to return an item, you will be losing money in the long run!). You might be better off asking the manufacturer where you can get their product in a store local to you; conversely, ask your favorite shoe retailer to order the shoes for you (if they sell that mfr's shoe, then they will be more than happy to do so, and the fit will be more accurate).
Reply:stuff a sock in the end of both shoes! I had to do that once!
I went out dancing last night, and after about two dances it became obvious that I had ordered a size too big. However, now the company won't accept an exchange because the shoes have been worn!
I will probably go try to find some insoles to take up more room. Any other ideas?
Dance shoes too big! :(?
You need to go to a local shoe store with professionally trained staff (not high school kids) to get your correct shoe size. Then, you can buy from there or online with more confidence. Be forewarned that not all shoes having the same size will match 100%, due to the materials used, the shoe style, where it was manufactured, etc.
P.S. When ordering ANYthing over the net or from walk-in stores, make sure you know their return policy (keep in mind that if you have to pay shipping costs to return an item, you will be losing money in the long run!). You might be better off asking the manufacturer where you can get their product in a store local to you; conversely, ask your favorite shoe retailer to order the shoes for you (if they sell that mfr's shoe, then they will be more than happy to do so, and the fit will be more accurate).
Reply:stuff a sock in the end of both shoes! I had to do that once!
How to diminish pain caused by flat feet?
I've had flat feet since birth, even had surgery 15 years ago to remove an extra bone on the insides of each foot. I'm 25 now and in the past few weeks, I've been having a lot of pain on the inside of my right foot and it is radiating up into my ankle. I am on my feet literally all day, I sometimes don't sit down for 12 hours. This won't change anytime soon. Anyone know any exercises or home remedies to relieve the pain, besides just insoles? I'm tired of limping.
How to diminish pain caused by flat feet?
You need to see a Podiatrist and have your feet evaluated. They have treatments for people with "flat feet".
How to diminish pain caused by flat feet?
You need to see a Podiatrist and have your feet evaluated. They have treatments for people with "flat feet".
Is it ok to wear orthotics to the gym?
I have extremely flat feet and have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. My podiatrist has given me custom orthotics (insoles) and these have relieved my pain immensely. I can now walk without pain %26amp; want to join a gym to lose weight. My question is, is it ok to do high impact exercises with orthotics in? I don't want to damage my feet further. What exercises can I do and which should I avoid, if any?
I know I should ask my podiatrist but my next appointment is weeks away and it would be nice to start working out soon.
Is it ok to wear orthotics to the gym?
Well like yourself, i am also a person in need of orthotics. Sometimes when i do heavy running (long distance) my soles would cramp up and have a pain there. However if it is quite light exercise, things like aerobics, orthothics would help you more, than not wearing them.
C++ Function
I know I should ask my podiatrist but my next appointment is weeks away and it would be nice to start working out soon.
Is it ok to wear orthotics to the gym?
Well like yourself, i am also a person in need of orthotics. Sometimes when i do heavy running (long distance) my soles would cramp up and have a pain there. However if it is quite light exercise, things like aerobics, orthothics would help you more, than not wearing them.
C++ Function
I have no idea what to do, anyone?
Yes, *sigh, it's about feet. To be specific, bunions. I have gone to a podiatrist and she gave me insoles for my apparently flat feet but still. Also, I'm a teen if that matters.
So the bunions. They only hurt occasionally. Usually only after I've been walking a while. Yes, wearing the proper shoes. The thing that bugs me the most would be- and I don't want this to sound shallow- but the appearance of them. My feet look really odd even though my bunions are only moderate.
So, here are the questions.
1. How old should you be to get them surgically fixed?
2. Alternatives to surgery?
3. Can you get surgery for aesthetic purposes?
4. How much does it cost (both feet)?
I have no idea what to do, anyone?
Question #1: This depends on your insurance. You may need to be at least 18 and the procedure will have to be medically necessary. Check with your insurance provider.
Question #2: You're already using alternatives. The one you haven't mentioned is wearing a thick felt ring around the bunion. The next alternative is to accept your condition.
Question #3: Of course you can but you will pay out of pocket. Aesthetic procedures are not medically necessary and are not a covered benefit.
Question #4: Generally not done to both feet at the same time. For a covered benefit, check with your insurance carrier as to cost. If paying out of pocket, speak to the foot surgeon's office manager.
The procedure is bunionectomy, also called hallux valgus repair/correction.
Reply:A bunion is a deformity of the big toe that is misaligned at the joint causing it to angle outward 10 to 15 degrees. Bunions can be hereditary or can be caused by other factors like having flat feet. Treatment for bunions requires a thorough evaluation by a podiatrist. The only way to eliminate bunions is by surgical removal. Treatment usually involves applying ice to the feet for approximately 15 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day to reduce pain and swelling.
Soaking the feet in a solution of vinegar and warm water (1 cup vinegar per gallon of water) and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can also help. Due to potentially severe gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects, NSAIDs should only be used as instructed.
Comfortably fitting shoes are the next step. High-heeled and narrow-toed shoes should be discarded in favor of sandals or wider shoes and lower, padded heels.
Padding inside the shoe is another option, particularly if the bunion is small. Different types of pads and toe spacers are available to prevent the big toe from angling outward and relieve pressure against the bunion while wearing shoes.
Most patients can benefit from a custom-molded orthotic, which keeps the feet properly aligned and stable, helping to prevent progression of the condition.
Bunions worsen over time unless the problem that produces them is eliminated. If a bunion causes severe discomfort, a surgical procedure called a bunionectomy may be performed. Surgical techniques vary, depending on the angle of the bones in the bunion and the extent of the deformity.
The simplest procedure involves shaving the bump and repairing the soft tissue in the big toe joint. Bunions that cause severe discomfort usually require more correction than this procedure provides.
In these cases, the most common technique involves surgically fracturing and realigning the bones of the big toe. In another procedure, a wedge-shaped piece of bone from the metatarsal is removed, decreasing the toe's angle of deviation. In both procedures, the bones are repositioned and stabilized with pins, screws, plates, or wires.
Extremely loose or tight ligaments and tendons may also need to be adjusted surgically. This surgery is relatively simple, and the bones and soft tissues take 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Crutches, a walking cast, or a wheelchair may be used to keep weight off the foot during recovery.
Severe bunions on both feet require undergoing bunionectomy and recovery twice, or having both feet repaired at the same time, which results in 6 to 8 weeks of immobility. Most patients choose the former because it offers them a degree of mobility and self-sufficiency.
After surgery and recovery, the patient is fitted with orthotics to maintain stable, properly aligned feet. Without this treatment, the underlying cause of the bunion continues to cause problems and the bunion can recur.
Bunion surgeries cost between $1500 and $2000, you may even have to pay more for anesthesiologist or maybe some other tests that needs to be performed. I think that Insurance companies always pay for bunion surgery up to the limits of your policy. You probably have to talk about this with health insurance company or your parents health insurance company.
So the bunions. They only hurt occasionally. Usually only after I've been walking a while. Yes, wearing the proper shoes. The thing that bugs me the most would be- and I don't want this to sound shallow- but the appearance of them. My feet look really odd even though my bunions are only moderate.
So, here are the questions.
1. How old should you be to get them surgically fixed?
2. Alternatives to surgery?
3. Can you get surgery for aesthetic purposes?
4. How much does it cost (both feet)?
I have no idea what to do, anyone?
Question #1: This depends on your insurance. You may need to be at least 18 and the procedure will have to be medically necessary. Check with your insurance provider.
Question #2: You're already using alternatives. The one you haven't mentioned is wearing a thick felt ring around the bunion. The next alternative is to accept your condition.
Question #3: Of course you can but you will pay out of pocket. Aesthetic procedures are not medically necessary and are not a covered benefit.
Question #4: Generally not done to both feet at the same time. For a covered benefit, check with your insurance carrier as to cost. If paying out of pocket, speak to the foot surgeon's office manager.
The procedure is bunionectomy, also called hallux valgus repair/correction.
Reply:A bunion is a deformity of the big toe that is misaligned at the joint causing it to angle outward 10 to 15 degrees. Bunions can be hereditary or can be caused by other factors like having flat feet. Treatment for bunions requires a thorough evaluation by a podiatrist. The only way to eliminate bunions is by surgical removal. Treatment usually involves applying ice to the feet for approximately 15 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day to reduce pain and swelling.
Soaking the feet in a solution of vinegar and warm water (1 cup vinegar per gallon of water) and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can also help. Due to potentially severe gastrointestinal and cardiovascular side effects, NSAIDs should only be used as instructed.
Comfortably fitting shoes are the next step. High-heeled and narrow-toed shoes should be discarded in favor of sandals or wider shoes and lower, padded heels.
Padding inside the shoe is another option, particularly if the bunion is small. Different types of pads and toe spacers are available to prevent the big toe from angling outward and relieve pressure against the bunion while wearing shoes.
Most patients can benefit from a custom-molded orthotic, which keeps the feet properly aligned and stable, helping to prevent progression of the condition.
Bunions worsen over time unless the problem that produces them is eliminated. If a bunion causes severe discomfort, a surgical procedure called a bunionectomy may be performed. Surgical techniques vary, depending on the angle of the bones in the bunion and the extent of the deformity.
The simplest procedure involves shaving the bump and repairing the soft tissue in the big toe joint. Bunions that cause severe discomfort usually require more correction than this procedure provides.
In these cases, the most common technique involves surgically fracturing and realigning the bones of the big toe. In another procedure, a wedge-shaped piece of bone from the metatarsal is removed, decreasing the toe's angle of deviation. In both procedures, the bones are repositioned and stabilized with pins, screws, plates, or wires.
Extremely loose or tight ligaments and tendons may also need to be adjusted surgically. This surgery is relatively simple, and the bones and soft tissues take 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Crutches, a walking cast, or a wheelchair may be used to keep weight off the foot during recovery.
Severe bunions on both feet require undergoing bunionectomy and recovery twice, or having both feet repaired at the same time, which results in 6 to 8 weeks of immobility. Most patients choose the former because it offers them a degree of mobility and self-sufficiency.
After surgery and recovery, the patient is fitted with orthotics to maintain stable, properly aligned feet. Without this treatment, the underlying cause of the bunion continues to cause problems and the bunion can recur.
Bunion surgeries cost between $1500 and $2000, you may even have to pay more for anesthesiologist or maybe some other tests that needs to be performed. I think that Insurance companies always pay for bunion surgery up to the limits of your policy. You probably have to talk about this with health insurance company or your parents health insurance company.
How do i cope with the fact ive prematurely aged at 30 years old due to a hard life and stress ?
i have bpd and ptsd- i feel i look a physical wreck, im bald, my skin looks colorless, dull, pasty, open pores...rough skin, dark deep lines under my eyes stretching to my cheek bones...i feel my eyes look like dark caverns.
my other physical imperfections are: i have 2 missing teeth, at the front, bottom row due to an accident years ago..
a crooked little finger that droops over due to an injury months ago...doesnt straiten even with a splint put on for weeks.
cracked skin, tears in the skin on the head of my penis that im waiting to see a dermatologist about.......openings in the skin that are pronounced all over the head.
torn ankle ligaments, it clicks when i move it, i have to be careful how i walk on it because i can twist it easy and go sprawling over on it-- i will need surgery on it.
whilst having my ankle examined i was told i was flat footed, i was given insoles.
but whats really concerning me is my physical appearence, my face, the aging, dark lines, facial skin etc.
How do i cope with the fact ive prematurely aged at 30 years old due to a hard life and stress ?
Well, it sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! First of all, it sounds like you need to take care of your inside before you take care of your outside. You would undoubtedly benefit a great deal from medication and therapy. Also, you should start taking vitamin supplements. Not only will the vitamins make you feel better, but they'll also make you look better. Regarding the teeth, you need to see a dentist. As far as your skin is concerned, you should definitely see a dermatologist. Not only that, but there are now all sorts of skincare products that are specially made for men, so you should check into those. Needless to say, you also need surgery for your ankle ligaments. You would also probably benefit from seeing a physical therapist. Last, but certainly not least, you should EXERCISE! Exercise will definitely make you feel (and look) a lot better!
Reply:look go to super drug if you are in the UK or a similar shop were you live OK olay do some excellent creams, use day and night creams, get a contour gel for your eye area, you should see a difference in about four week, at least give it a go you have nothing to loose have you, best wishes to you
Reply:realize you are only 30 and your life is at most half over, this means you have 30 more years to focus on reversing whatever you don't like about yourself and fixing the source of such frustration.
Reply:I think you need cognitive behaviour therapy!
It will help you think more positive about yourself.
Secondly, see a beauticioan about your skin, there is a lot you could do about your skin, exfoliation and moisturising will help for starters but I really think you need help inside first or you will always focus on the negative aspects of yourself
Reply:exercise is a good stress relief and errr perhaps you ought to have been exercising all along !!
Reply:Boy, do you know how to list all your ailments and negative aspects. Maybe if you turn your thought into positive thinking, you will point out the strong aspects. Try it, it works.
Reply:first, see a physician to make sure you don't have a medical condition that is causing the pasty looking skin. If you are healthy, you could see a plastic surgeon for you face and a dentist to get your teeth fixed.
my other physical imperfections are: i have 2 missing teeth, at the front, bottom row due to an accident years ago..
a crooked little finger that droops over due to an injury months ago...doesnt straiten even with a splint put on for weeks.
cracked skin, tears in the skin on the head of my penis that im waiting to see a dermatologist about.......openings in the skin that are pronounced all over the head.
torn ankle ligaments, it clicks when i move it, i have to be careful how i walk on it because i can twist it easy and go sprawling over on it-- i will need surgery on it.
whilst having my ankle examined i was told i was flat footed, i was given insoles.
but whats really concerning me is my physical appearence, my face, the aging, dark lines, facial skin etc.
How do i cope with the fact ive prematurely aged at 30 years old due to a hard life and stress ?
Well, it sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! First of all, it sounds like you need to take care of your inside before you take care of your outside. You would undoubtedly benefit a great deal from medication and therapy. Also, you should start taking vitamin supplements. Not only will the vitamins make you feel better, but they'll also make you look better. Regarding the teeth, you need to see a dentist. As far as your skin is concerned, you should definitely see a dermatologist. Not only that, but there are now all sorts of skincare products that are specially made for men, so you should check into those. Needless to say, you also need surgery for your ankle ligaments. You would also probably benefit from seeing a physical therapist. Last, but certainly not least, you should EXERCISE! Exercise will definitely make you feel (and look) a lot better!
Reply:look go to super drug if you are in the UK or a similar shop were you live OK olay do some excellent creams, use day and night creams, get a contour gel for your eye area, you should see a difference in about four week, at least give it a go you have nothing to loose have you, best wishes to you
Reply:realize you are only 30 and your life is at most half over, this means you have 30 more years to focus on reversing whatever you don't like about yourself and fixing the source of such frustration.
Reply:I think you need cognitive behaviour therapy!
It will help you think more positive about yourself.
Secondly, see a beauticioan about your skin, there is a lot you could do about your skin, exfoliation and moisturising will help for starters but I really think you need help inside first or you will always focus on the negative aspects of yourself
Reply:exercise is a good stress relief and errr perhaps you ought to have been exercising all along !!
Reply:Boy, do you know how to list all your ailments and negative aspects. Maybe if you turn your thought into positive thinking, you will point out the strong aspects. Try it, it works.
Reply:first, see a physician to make sure you don't have a medical condition that is causing the pasty looking skin. If you are healthy, you could see a plastic surgeon for you face and a dentist to get your teeth fixed.
What can I do to my running shoes to keep my foot from slipping or moving and still staying comfortable.?
Something I can spray inside? Already have two insoles inside.
What can I do to my running shoes to keep my foot from slipping or moving and still staying comfortable.?
I agree with the others that your shoes are probably too large but there's no way to know without being there to see for myself. Using more than 1 insole is not the answer.
One thing I'd always do even with shoes that fit correctly is to lace up my shoes to the second to last eye and then not cross over on the last eye but go directly up to the eye above it. Leave some slack in your shoe lace and cross over each end to go inside the loop (not too much of a loop) you just created. Tie as you usually tie your shoe. When you tie you shoe this will pull the heal of the shoe into the heal of your foot and stop slippage in that area. This is difficult to explain in writing but if you try it you should quickly see what I'm talking about. Otherwise go to Sports Authority or some athletic shoe store and the sales staff should know what I've been trying to describe to you. I've done this for many years with my running and tennis shoes with very good results. It definitely helps keep your foot from sliding around.....that is provided they're properly fitted.
OK, you got them fitted and cannot get half sizes. Then I'd suggest to stay with the lacing system above and get some very thick socks. Maybe a thicker insert may be available as well. This should beef up you foot size and the lacing slow or stop you foot from sliding around.
Reply:throw those stinkers out and buy a pair that fit.or I guess you coud try a little spray glue
Reply:If your foot is moving inside then the shoes are too big for you. Really nothing you can do. You will probably get blisters. Invest in a properly fitted pair of running shoes.
Reply:As long as your WEARING SOCKS, then your shoes don't fit.
What can I do to my running shoes to keep my foot from slipping or moving and still staying comfortable.?
I agree with the others that your shoes are probably too large but there's no way to know without being there to see for myself. Using more than 1 insole is not the answer.
One thing I'd always do even with shoes that fit correctly is to lace up my shoes to the second to last eye and then not cross over on the last eye but go directly up to the eye above it. Leave some slack in your shoe lace and cross over each end to go inside the loop (not too much of a loop) you just created. Tie as you usually tie your shoe. When you tie you shoe this will pull the heal of the shoe into the heal of your foot and stop slippage in that area. This is difficult to explain in writing but if you try it you should quickly see what I'm talking about. Otherwise go to Sports Authority or some athletic shoe store and the sales staff should know what I've been trying to describe to you. I've done this for many years with my running and tennis shoes with very good results. It definitely helps keep your foot from sliding around.....that is provided they're properly fitted.
OK, you got them fitted and cannot get half sizes. Then I'd suggest to stay with the lacing system above and get some very thick socks. Maybe a thicker insert may be available as well. This should beef up you foot size and the lacing slow or stop you foot from sliding around.
Reply:throw those stinkers out and buy a pair that fit.or I guess you coud try a little spray glue
Reply:If your foot is moving inside then the shoes are too big for you. Really nothing you can do. You will probably get blisters. Invest in a properly fitted pair of running shoes.
Reply:As long as your WEARING SOCKS, then your shoes don't fit.
Do high arches in your feet cause pain while walking on a treadmill?
When I get on the treadmill and walk my feet start to cramp and hurt real bad to the point that I have to stop walking. Is there anything I can do for this? Is it caused by high arches? I tried insoles and they dont help, they just make it hard to wear my shoes. Is there something else that could be causing this?
Do high arches in your feet cause pain while walking on a treadmill?
Make sure you have the correct walking shoes for your feet. Get fitted at an athletic shoe shop.
Reply:Are you wearing good shoes? Since you do have high arches you do need a pair that will give you the support you need in the arches. Also maybe start slowly and allow yourself to work up to the workout. An aerobics teacher once told the class that people should change out their shoes more frequently.
Do high arches in your feet cause pain while walking on a treadmill?
Make sure you have the correct walking shoes for your feet. Get fitted at an athletic shoe shop.
Reply:Are you wearing good shoes? Since you do have high arches you do need a pair that will give you the support you need in the arches. Also maybe start slowly and allow yourself to work up to the workout. An aerobics teacher once told the class that people should change out their shoes more frequently.
Has anyone ever used Nikken products?
I'm thinking about buy a mattress pad, pillow, necklace and some insoles. How did they work for you?
Has anyone ever used Nikken products?
After spending all that money, it didn't seem to work much for me.
The Walk Fit do my feet much better.
The necklace didn't seem to do anything either.
The water filter thing gets all green slime.
Reply:Nikken products are sold by network marketing. That means the pyramid thing. they are overpriced, and most health experts very much doubt that there is much value in so-called magnetic therapy.
Some of their products are reviewed at You might check out what people are saying there.
Reply:We have had great success with our Nikken products. My husband was relieved of two allergy medications from using the Nikken sleep system and nutritional products. I was having severe back spasms and the Nikken magnetics relieved my pain. I don't know why the above poster had green slime in their water system, it sounds like it wasn't properly maintained. We have never had slime of any kind in our system.
Has anyone ever used Nikken products?
After spending all that money, it didn't seem to work much for me.
The Walk Fit do my feet much better.
The necklace didn't seem to do anything either.
The water filter thing gets all green slime.
Reply:Nikken products are sold by network marketing. That means the pyramid thing. they are overpriced, and most health experts very much doubt that there is much value in so-called magnetic therapy.
Some of their products are reviewed at You might check out what people are saying there.
Reply:We have had great success with our Nikken products. My husband was relieved of two allergy medications from using the Nikken sleep system and nutritional products. I was having severe back spasms and the Nikken magnetics relieved my pain. I don't know why the above poster had green slime in their water system, it sounds like it wasn't properly maintained. We have never had slime of any kind in our system.
I had extreme problems with my feet in my last 15k race?
They felt very tight, went to sleep and then were in extreme pain. On my left it was the outer foot and tearing feeling on the arch and on the right it was cramping on the arch. Last time I tried insoles they were too tight. I think my feet might be swelling while walking. is there some stretches or better shoes or strategies concerning this. I wore Avias. Yes, i am overweight, but it's not really the cardio aspect that is messing me up. It's my feet. Help! I have the Jessica Lunsford 8k coming up in a few months. I walk.
I had extreme problems with my feet in my last 15k race?
You should get someone to take a look at your walking and running form. When you go to the running store to buy new shoes, ask the salesperson helping you to watch you when you walk or take strides. Looking at your description, I'm pretty sure that your form isn't efficient.
Also, how long do you stretch? Try stretching for a longer period of time slowly.
Another possible problem is that your running shoes might be too old and the support is worn out.
Anyways, get your stride checked out by a running professional.
Reply:I have been running for 8 years now. Though I am biased towards Nike as a brand, I would recommend you to go to a running-specific store, like Fleet Feet in Carrboro, NC. They can help you find the right shoe because people buy shoes that aren't necessarily right for their feet, but more comfortable or fashionable. But after you get the correct shoes or even if you haven't, I would go to any major athletics store and ask the sales associates because they are getting paid to know the products they are selling. Good luck!!!
car audio
I had extreme problems with my feet in my last 15k race?
You should get someone to take a look at your walking and running form. When you go to the running store to buy new shoes, ask the salesperson helping you to watch you when you walk or take strides. Looking at your description, I'm pretty sure that your form isn't efficient.
Also, how long do you stretch? Try stretching for a longer period of time slowly.
Another possible problem is that your running shoes might be too old and the support is worn out.
Anyways, get your stride checked out by a running professional.
Reply:I have been running for 8 years now. Though I am biased towards Nike as a brand, I would recommend you to go to a running-specific store, like Fleet Feet in Carrboro, NC. They can help you find the right shoe because people buy shoes that aren't necessarily right for their feet, but more comfortable or fashionable. But after you get the correct shoes or even if you haven't, I would go to any major athletics store and ask the sales associates because they are getting paid to know the products they are selling. Good luck!!!
car audio
Shoes for orthotics?
i have to get shoes to put my prescription orthotic insoles in.i refuse to wear ugly shoes but the podiatrist told me i could get trainers , i think converse allstars will be ok but do i need to get a bigger size than i normally would ? please help ,
Shoes for orthotics?
I think you should be able to get normal sized shoes because insoles are shaped to your feet .Maybe you should buy the shoes after you have your insoles to see
Reply:you have to take the otthotic to the store with you . put them in the different shoes and try them out. becaue the othotic has the shape needed for your foot buying a shoe that has arch support in it is not a good idea instead but any kind of shoe that you like the look of that has inside it a flat bottom.
Reply:Don't get orthotics as they are a waste of money as I know from experience. Go to the shoe store and get those soles you can slip in your shoes. They are called SOF SOLE. They feel so good and I can walk without having a problem . I have a bad back with several popped and heriated discs and these SOF SOLES in my shoes really help and you can't tell you have a problem. So before spending the money try these first.
Shoes for orthotics?
I think you should be able to get normal sized shoes because insoles are shaped to your feet .Maybe you should buy the shoes after you have your insoles to see
Reply:you have to take the otthotic to the store with you . put them in the different shoes and try them out. becaue the othotic has the shape needed for your foot buying a shoe that has arch support in it is not a good idea instead but any kind of shoe that you like the look of that has inside it a flat bottom.
Reply:Don't get orthotics as they are a waste of money as I know from experience. Go to the shoe store and get those soles you can slip in your shoes. They are called SOF SOLE. They feel so good and I can walk without having a problem . I have a bad back with several popped and heriated discs and these SOF SOLES in my shoes really help and you can't tell you have a problem. So before spending the money try these first.
Since everything in the Bible is open to interpretation....? do you know that the talk of Jesus 'walking on water' doesn't simply mean that he had a pair of those Dr. Scholl's gel insoles?
Since everything in the Bible is open to interpretation....?
Technically that would be walking on gel.
If he walked on gel, could he turn gel into jello-shots?
Reply:Doesn't work; I tried it. Jesus wasn't gellin'.
Reply:thats just it, the bible is NOT open to inerpertation, it was interpreted when it was written, rememeber the church was here already teaching the truths of the bible, not the other way around.
Reply:or what if he was walking on a board that was painted to look invisible in water and he was walking on that?
I saw it done at Marine World. The guy said he could walk on water, but I saw the board. I was so disillusioned.
of course, I was only 5 at the time..... I was gently discouraged by my mother from pointing this out in a very loud and indignant voice to the crowd.
Reply:some people just don't grasp the concept of "winter"
Reply:if you aren't gellin'
you're going to hellin'
Reply:I always assumed he just knew where the rocks were.
Reply:because you are gellin like Magellan.
Jesus doesn't rhyme with gellin
Reply:Criss Angel walked on water. Perhaps Jesus was an illusionist?
Reply:because if you read the whole of the context you will see that peter got out of the boat and walked on the water also until he took his eyeas of jesus which is when he sank into the water
Reply:ha haa.....Zapped got Zapped!!!!!!
Reply:Everything in the Bible is not up to personal interpretation.
Reply:it is not open for interpretation it is only the liberal so-called "Christians" who claim this. the Bible is the inspired word of God and should be taken literally.
Since everything in the Bible is open to interpretation....?
Technically that would be walking on gel.
If he walked on gel, could he turn gel into jello-shots?
Reply:Doesn't work; I tried it. Jesus wasn't gellin'.
Reply:thats just it, the bible is NOT open to inerpertation, it was interpreted when it was written, rememeber the church was here already teaching the truths of the bible, not the other way around.
Reply:or what if he was walking on a board that was painted to look invisible in water and he was walking on that?
I saw it done at Marine World. The guy said he could walk on water, but I saw the board. I was so disillusioned.
of course, I was only 5 at the time..... I was gently discouraged by my mother from pointing this out in a very loud and indignant voice to the crowd.
Reply:some people just don't grasp the concept of "winter"
Reply:if you aren't gellin'
you're going to hellin'
Reply:I always assumed he just knew where the rocks were.
Reply:because you are gellin like Magellan.
Jesus doesn't rhyme with gellin
Reply:Criss Angel walked on water. Perhaps Jesus was an illusionist?
Reply:because if you read the whole of the context you will see that peter got out of the boat and walked on the water also until he took his eyeas of jesus which is when he sank into the water
Reply:ha haa.....Zapped got Zapped!!!!!!
Reply:Everything in the Bible is not up to personal interpretation.
Reply:it is not open for interpretation it is only the liberal so-called "Christians" who claim this. the Bible is the inspired word of God and should be taken literally.
Running, and flat feet...?
Hey there. How is it going? My feet are flat flat flat... they are glued to the floor. Ha not really. Question is though what insoles are great for flat, and wide feet? I heard Superfeet Black is good. Thanks.
Running, and flat feet...?
I have been running for 8 years now and would say that orthodics aren't necessarily the right way to go around things. Orthodics along with shoes CAN be a major part of the solution. I would use orthodics as a last resort. Though I am biased towards Nike as a brand, I would recommend you to go to a running-specific store, like Fleet Feet in Carrboro, NC. They can help you find the right shoe because people buy shoes that aren't necssarily right for their feet, but more comfortable or fashionable. But after you get the correct shoes or even if you haven't, I would go to any major athletics store and ask the sales associates. Good luck!!!
Reply:Sometimes, you may need custom orthotics. Go to a Pediatrist for help with this, he can get you insoles that are perfect for you. If you get the wrong ones, it may mess your feet and alignment. Feet are very important to running!
Reply:You might need a biochemics shoe just for flat feet (motion control shoes)
You probably need orthos too
Running, and flat feet...?
I have been running for 8 years now and would say that orthodics aren't necessarily the right way to go around things. Orthodics along with shoes CAN be a major part of the solution. I would use orthodics as a last resort. Though I am biased towards Nike as a brand, I would recommend you to go to a running-specific store, like Fleet Feet in Carrboro, NC. They can help you find the right shoe because people buy shoes that aren't necssarily right for their feet, but more comfortable or fashionable. But after you get the correct shoes or even if you haven't, I would go to any major athletics store and ask the sales associates. Good luck!!!
Reply:Sometimes, you may need custom orthotics. Go to a Pediatrist for help with this, he can get you insoles that are perfect for you. If you get the wrong ones, it may mess your feet and alignment. Feet are very important to running!
Reply:You might need a biochemics shoe just for flat feet (motion control shoes)
You probably need orthos too
My feet get soaked in my uggs??
ok so i have fuggs. thats right fuggs. from JCP not real uggs but similar lol. u know the tan suede-ish ones? well the inside of them gets soaked everytime i step outside in the snow or rain. i love in theres plenty of it!! my socks are soaked by the end of the day. its seemed to come in from the bottom... so we tried to put good insoles in but it didnt help at all!!
so my mom wants me to go shopping tonight and buy a better pair of boots. i have real ones..u know the brightly colored plastic ones! but i want a pair that looks like uggs... but that keep your feet dry all day!!
any suggestions? and only give what ur positive of..maybe u ahve a pair? find me these boots!
My feet get soaked in my uggs??
Can't you just get some real Uggs? I saw some beautiful beige suede one with white fluffy "fur" the other day.... those are cute if you wear beige, and if you do not live in a city ....or just choose another style or color
Insoles will only help cushion your feet, they will not waterproof your boots.
Reply:Get this stuff called Snow Seal. You can get it at the Tractor Supply stores. Just follow the directions. It will make them water proof. Or get a good silicon spray in the shoe department. That will work but not as well as Snow Seal.
so my mom wants me to go shopping tonight and buy a better pair of boots. i have real ones..u know the brightly colored plastic ones! but i want a pair that looks like uggs... but that keep your feet dry all day!!
any suggestions? and only give what ur positive of..maybe u ahve a pair? find me these boots!
My feet get soaked in my uggs??
Can't you just get some real Uggs? I saw some beautiful beige suede one with white fluffy "fur" the other day.... those are cute if you wear beige, and if you do not live in a city ....or just choose another style or color
Insoles will only help cushion your feet, they will not waterproof your boots.
Reply:Get this stuff called Snow Seal. You can get it at the Tractor Supply stores. Just follow the directions. It will make them water proof. Or get a good silicon spray in the shoe department. That will work but not as well as Snow Seal.
Nerve pain and plantar fascitis pain what can help?
I have burning almost electric pain in my feet. Wear insoles but it's so bad I can't even hardly walk. I'm not diabetic but I am overweight. Anyone out there have some solutions? I'm desperate for relief
Nerve pain and plantar fascitis pain what can help?
I too have suffered from plantar fasciitis for about one year. I am currently using night splints. The night splint keeps my foot from extending while asleep so I can walk immediately upon waking without the intense pain.
My podiatrist has also given me three kenalog injections over the past several months. They are VERY painful shots, but they have helped reduce the inflammation.
Stretching exercises seem to help, too. See: Also, is a great discussion board about PF.
Good Luck!
Reply:I have the same problem. My Foot doctor and the physical therapists at my work prompted me to freeze pop bottles full of water and roll your foot along it. I froze three so i could do it continually. Let me tell you it was like heaven. I also took the advice to buy good quality shoes. My foot doctor recommended New Balance shoes number 926. They are pricey at $105.00 with tax but as long as I wear them and no others, My foot feels great. I was also told to not walk barefoot any more and to wear my shoes all the time. So far the pain has subsided and I am pain free. It was sooo painful that I would dread getting up in the morning .Hope that helps.
Reply:all of the other answers are good ones - you may also want to find out if you have pinched nerve in your spine - because if that's the cause of your foot pain (which is a possibility) then all that other stuff won't help much! For true plantar fasciitis, lose weight, stretch, stretch some more - there are specific stretches. Shoes with arch supports are a must, also, rub the bottom of your foot stretching the skin and fascia. I don't like rolling a frozen coke bottle - I use a tennis ball and then put my foot on the ice pack. I think the night splint helps a lot - it often starts because the muscles in the leg are tight -
you may want to check this out be sure to scroll down the page and check out some of the different things there. Good luck - it's a nasty thing to have. but get your back checked too. I was seeing a physical therapist for the plantar fasciitis and he wrote a note to my Dr suggesting that they check out my back - good thing they did, I have 5 herniated discs!
Reply:well i have that lyrica helps with the burning and electric pain but if your overweight. it may be a problem as in weight gain there also is neurotin which i heard helps also. but i havent tryed it. the lyrica doesnt make me gain weight as it has others and normally i would be the first to gain weight. i hope this helps you..
Nerve pain and plantar fascitis pain what can help?
I too have suffered from plantar fasciitis for about one year. I am currently using night splints. The night splint keeps my foot from extending while asleep so I can walk immediately upon waking without the intense pain.
My podiatrist has also given me three kenalog injections over the past several months. They are VERY painful shots, but they have helped reduce the inflammation.
Stretching exercises seem to help, too. See: Also, is a great discussion board about PF.
Good Luck!
Reply:I have the same problem. My Foot doctor and the physical therapists at my work prompted me to freeze pop bottles full of water and roll your foot along it. I froze three so i could do it continually. Let me tell you it was like heaven. I also took the advice to buy good quality shoes. My foot doctor recommended New Balance shoes number 926. They are pricey at $105.00 with tax but as long as I wear them and no others, My foot feels great. I was also told to not walk barefoot any more and to wear my shoes all the time. So far the pain has subsided and I am pain free. It was sooo painful that I would dread getting up in the morning .Hope that helps.
Reply:all of the other answers are good ones - you may also want to find out if you have pinched nerve in your spine - because if that's the cause of your foot pain (which is a possibility) then all that other stuff won't help much! For true plantar fasciitis, lose weight, stretch, stretch some more - there are specific stretches. Shoes with arch supports are a must, also, rub the bottom of your foot stretching the skin and fascia. I don't like rolling a frozen coke bottle - I use a tennis ball and then put my foot on the ice pack. I think the night splint helps a lot - it often starts because the muscles in the leg are tight -
you may want to check this out be sure to scroll down the page and check out some of the different things there. Good luck - it's a nasty thing to have. but get your back checked too. I was seeing a physical therapist for the plantar fasciitis and he wrote a note to my Dr suggesting that they check out my back - good thing they did, I have 5 herniated discs!
Reply:well i have that lyrica helps with the burning and electric pain but if your overweight. it may be a problem as in weight gain there also is neurotin which i heard helps also. but i havent tryed it. the lyrica doesnt make me gain weight as it has others and normally i would be the first to gain weight. i hope this helps you..
How do i make my shoes fit?
i bought a pair of heels a while ago and at the store they fit fine but now they are a little bit loose and my foot keeps slipping out of it and is ripping the skin at the back of my foot off. Is there any way i can put something in side to make them fit. if so, than wat can i put inside? i tried wearing foot insoles but than they are way too tight. i need something at the front i guess to keep my foot form slippingo ut and geting hurt
How do i make my shoes fit?
Dr. Scholl's has a product called "Heel Liners" that keep your foot from slipping out of the shoe. There is also a product called Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Ball of Foot Cushions that fit in the front of your shoe from the toes to the ball of your foot (half of the shoe) so it won't be too tight because it doesn't cover the entire inside of your shoe.
Reply:You can buy your shoes a half size smaller. Shoe do stretch that depends on the style of shoe and where you buy your shoes. I like the high end stores myself. Most of those shoes are Italy. Also have your feet measure too to get your true shoe size.
Reply:if they are closed toed-put a tissue in it and it will tighen it up.
you can also get some doctor scholls "petals" and the are supposed to keep your foot from sliding in your shoes.
Reply:try some foam, the softer kind.
How do i make my shoes fit?
Dr. Scholl's has a product called "Heel Liners" that keep your foot from slipping out of the shoe. There is also a product called Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Ball of Foot Cushions that fit in the front of your shoe from the toes to the ball of your foot (half of the shoe) so it won't be too tight because it doesn't cover the entire inside of your shoe.
Reply:You can buy your shoes a half size smaller. Shoe do stretch that depends on the style of shoe and where you buy your shoes. I like the high end stores myself. Most of those shoes are Italy. Also have your feet measure too to get your true shoe size.
Reply:if they are closed toed-put a tissue in it and it will tighen it up.
you can also get some doctor scholls "petals" and the are supposed to keep your foot from sliding in your shoes.
Reply:try some foam, the softer kind.
Why do the bottom of my feet feel bruised and hurt?
The bottoms of my feet hurt and feel bruised. I have not changed shoes. when they started hurting I did go out and buy some real nice insoles thinking it would help but they still feel bruised.
Why do the bottom of my feet feel bruised and hurt?
you might have heal spurs u need to get checked on that
Reply:Every time we move to a new house my feet hurt real bad after the first day, from being on them all day. By the second day I can barely walk. So it's either what they said (heel spurs) or what I say. Report It
Reply:You must be spending too much time on your feet. You can get plantar fascitis or fallen arches.
Reply:Are you overweight? Have you been walking on extra hard flooring (like concrete) Are you walking heavier than usual without realizing it? have you been on your feet more than usual? Any of these things can make your feet hurt.
Reply:don't hurt to have them checked
Reply:you're wearing the same pair of shoes?
Reply:heal spurs!! defineylty, go to a foot doctor, you may need to get orthopedic inserts to help support your feet
Reply:You might have tendinitis on the bottoms of your feet. I've had it before and had to take anti-inflammatory meds to relieve the pain.
Reply:you may have heel spurs
Reply:Did you by any chance buy gel insoles? They don't work. What you need are good arch supports (the ones that do not collapse when you stand on them). If you can, call a couple of podiatrists offices, ask them if they have Powersteps. Also, make an appointment while you're at it. Nothing beats a good exam and a diagnosis.
Reply:The inside of your shoe sole is worn or your shoes are not the proper size.
Reply:u might should add dr scholls foot pads because u might not be used to the inside of ur shoes
Reply:Rest your feet and get good shoes, not good insoles.
Reply:you are walkin too much! happens to me at worries!
maintenance repairs
Why do the bottom of my feet feel bruised and hurt?
you might have heal spurs u need to get checked on that
Reply:Every time we move to a new house my feet hurt real bad after the first day, from being on them all day. By the second day I can barely walk. So it's either what they said (heel spurs) or what I say. Report It
Reply:You must be spending too much time on your feet. You can get plantar fascitis or fallen arches.
Reply:Are you overweight? Have you been walking on extra hard flooring (like concrete) Are you walking heavier than usual without realizing it? have you been on your feet more than usual? Any of these things can make your feet hurt.
Reply:don't hurt to have them checked
Reply:you're wearing the same pair of shoes?
Reply:heal spurs!! defineylty, go to a foot doctor, you may need to get orthopedic inserts to help support your feet
Reply:You might have tendinitis on the bottoms of your feet. I've had it before and had to take anti-inflammatory meds to relieve the pain.
Reply:you may have heel spurs
Reply:Did you by any chance buy gel insoles? They don't work. What you need are good arch supports (the ones that do not collapse when you stand on them). If you can, call a couple of podiatrists offices, ask them if they have Powersteps. Also, make an appointment while you're at it. Nothing beats a good exam and a diagnosis.
Reply:The inside of your shoe sole is worn or your shoes are not the proper size.
Reply:u might should add dr scholls foot pads because u might not be used to the inside of ur shoes
Reply:Rest your feet and get good shoes, not good insoles.
Reply:you are walkin too much! happens to me at worries!
maintenance repairs
What could this leg pain be? - When walking?
Lately, I've noticed that when I walk home from school (a 20 or so minute walk and walk it relatively fast), I get pain in my leg about halfway between my ankle and my knee (on the front of my leg, not the back). The pain feels like it's on the bone, not in any muscle or anything. For awhile it was in both legs, but now it's just in my right leg. It hurts at that halfway point and then my foot gets kinda's hard to describe. Walking on grass makes the pain a little less. There's no bruising or deformity at all...I've never injured my leg, although, as a kid, I had to go to a foot doctor for some of those insoles for my shoes.
What could this be and HOW can I make it stop?
What could this leg pain be? - When walking?
It sounds like you are experiencing shinsplints. This is a very painful injury caused by inflammmation of the tibial and toe extensor muscles as a result of repeated minimal traumas, such as running on a hard surface. You would first want to check with your health care professional for a diagnosis.
A combination of stretching and strengthening exercises may help to control your symptoms. Icing your shins for approximately ten minutes on a daily basis may help to control the pain as well. This particular topic has been covered by the Athletic Training expert panel under shinsplints. The experts have outlined a basic stretching and strengthening routine which may help you. I hope this information will be helpful to you.
Stress fractures are far less common than shin splints, stress fractures mandate complete cessation of running or even brisk walking. Sometimes shin splints do too, but you can walk less, modify your footware, take anti-inflammatory medication, ice and stretch, and get through a bad case of shin splints. Stress fractures are a different story. It is virtually impossible to heal an established stress fracture without avoiding high impact activity.
So, the difference makes a difference. How can you distinguish the two? Establishing the precise location of pain and tenderness may provide clues. Stress fractures usually cause more localized pain and tenderness, often transverse (a line parallel to the ground when standing), whereas shin splints often produce more longitudinal pain and tenderness, i.e.- up and down the leg, perpendicular to the ground when standing. Shin splints are more often bilateral, while bilateral stress fractures are rare. But (there is always a "but" in medicine) there are always exceptions to these generalizations.
Get it checked out. X-rays are unreliable for early detection of stress fractures, as they are often normal, even when a fracture is truly present. This is because the "crack" may be so small that it cannot be seen on the x-ray picture. Most often, the first x-ray sign of a stress fracture seen on x-ray is the new bone of healing, "callus", a late finding. Therefore, more sensitive and more expensive tests may be necessary to distinguish the two, such as a bone scan or MRI.
Try alternating between two pairs of shoes to allow time for the cushioning to recover. Try stretching before walking everyday but get to a Doctor asap if it keeps on.
What could this be and HOW can I make it stop?
What could this leg pain be? - When walking?
It sounds like you are experiencing shinsplints. This is a very painful injury caused by inflammmation of the tibial and toe extensor muscles as a result of repeated minimal traumas, such as running on a hard surface. You would first want to check with your health care professional for a diagnosis.
A combination of stretching and strengthening exercises may help to control your symptoms. Icing your shins for approximately ten minutes on a daily basis may help to control the pain as well. This particular topic has been covered by the Athletic Training expert panel under shinsplints. The experts have outlined a basic stretching and strengthening routine which may help you. I hope this information will be helpful to you.
Stress fractures are far less common than shin splints, stress fractures mandate complete cessation of running or even brisk walking. Sometimes shin splints do too, but you can walk less, modify your footware, take anti-inflammatory medication, ice and stretch, and get through a bad case of shin splints. Stress fractures are a different story. It is virtually impossible to heal an established stress fracture without avoiding high impact activity.
So, the difference makes a difference. How can you distinguish the two? Establishing the precise location of pain and tenderness may provide clues. Stress fractures usually cause more localized pain and tenderness, often transverse (a line parallel to the ground when standing), whereas shin splints often produce more longitudinal pain and tenderness, i.e.- up and down the leg, perpendicular to the ground when standing. Shin splints are more often bilateral, while bilateral stress fractures are rare. But (there is always a "but" in medicine) there are always exceptions to these generalizations.
Get it checked out. X-rays are unreliable for early detection of stress fractures, as they are often normal, even when a fracture is truly present. This is because the "crack" may be so small that it cannot be seen on the x-ray picture. Most often, the first x-ray sign of a stress fracture seen on x-ray is the new bone of healing, "callus", a late finding. Therefore, more sensitive and more expensive tests may be necessary to distinguish the two, such as a bone scan or MRI.
Try alternating between two pairs of shoes to allow time for the cushioning to recover. Try stretching before walking everyday but get to a Doctor asap if it keeps on.
Wide, flat feet?
i have very flat wide feet, and i was wondering whar kind of shoes or insoles come with great support for flat feet
Wide, flat feet?
I don't agree with the above post. Running shoes tend to very narrow which is NOT the best fit for your foot. Runners tend to naturally have high arches which is why those shoes are best for them.
I have the flattest feet you've ever seen and have been through numerous brands/types of shoes and inserts in my time.
The best shoes I've ever owned that have lasted and have provided the greatest comfort are New Balance 991 or 992's. They have solid construction and are even available in several different widths.
Reply:well, if your willing to sacrifice aesthetic of shoes, you should consider buying running shoes. Cross country shoes to be more specific. Go to a specialized running store and they will mesure the width of your feet and if it is flat or not, and bring out their recommendations. I have wide and flat feet also, and now i am wearing the most comfortable shoes of my life, with the help of a running store.
Wide, flat feet?
I don't agree with the above post. Running shoes tend to very narrow which is NOT the best fit for your foot. Runners tend to naturally have high arches which is why those shoes are best for them.
I have the flattest feet you've ever seen and have been through numerous brands/types of shoes and inserts in my time.
The best shoes I've ever owned that have lasted and have provided the greatest comfort are New Balance 991 or 992's. They have solid construction and are even available in several different widths.
Reply:well, if your willing to sacrifice aesthetic of shoes, you should consider buying running shoes. Cross country shoes to be more specific. Go to a specialized running store and they will mesure the width of your feet and if it is flat or not, and bring out their recommendations. I have wide and flat feet also, and now i am wearing the most comfortable shoes of my life, with the help of a running store.
Can you join the Australian Army with Flat Feet?
I have asked around and get yes and no answers. I am only 15 at the moment and finding all i can out about the army but there is no point if my flat feet are an instant disqualifier. I do have insoles but never wear them and don't get pain with my feet.
Can you join the Australian Army with Flat Feet?
I served for 9 years in the USMC with flat feet. Those forced marches were rough but I survived. When I took my first physical to join, I was asked if they bothered me. I said no and that was that.
Reply:It really depends on the job you are enlisting to. My husband has flat feet and has to wear special shoes, he is not in an infantry role though. The rules may be different if you are applying for a combat role. Check out this website Http:// for more info from current serving families or give defence recruiting a ring.
Reply:if want to be killed ... yes
Reply:Im sure you can =] They need people, im sure, so it will be that hard for them to deny entry into the Army...
Its only it its servere stuff, that will hold them back
Good Luck
military loans
Can you join the Australian Army with Flat Feet?
I served for 9 years in the USMC with flat feet. Those forced marches were rough but I survived. When I took my first physical to join, I was asked if they bothered me. I said no and that was that.
Reply:It really depends on the job you are enlisting to. My husband has flat feet and has to wear special shoes, he is not in an infantry role though. The rules may be different if you are applying for a combat role. Check out this website Http:// for more info from current serving families or give defence recruiting a ring.
Reply:if want to be killed ... yes
Reply:Im sure you can =] They need people, im sure, so it will be that hard for them to deny entry into the Army...
Its only it its servere stuff, that will hold them back
Good Luck
military loans
A question for you girls, mums, daughters, grannies, aunties....?
I run my own business online and want to bring in new and exciting new products, at the moment i'm selling gorgeous accessories including jewellery shoe clips, boot jewellery, luxury insoles (for your killer heels!, they feel like you're walking on silk) and handbag accessories. Hence my phrase 'The Chic treat for feet %26amp; more!. The shoe clips and boot jewellery are going down a storm and i will bring in new styles soon, but WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LADIES LIKE TO SEE? whether you are buying for yourself, your friends, mums, aunties, daughters...presents for birthdays, christmas, mothers day. Take a look and tell me what you think!
A question for you girls, mums, daughters, grannies, aunties....?
My friends are raving about some fold up slipper type shoes that you fold up and put them in your handbag on a night out so later on when you take your shoes off after dancing all night you have something to protect your feet.
Reply:sexy panties and lingerie
i hope sourpuss sue g online doesn't report you
Reply:fashionable\sexy sports wear
Reply:great website..
I had a problem with getting shoes to match bridesmaids dress because a lot of the dresses have a shimmery look to them..
plus i always find a gorgeous pair of shoes but not in the colour I want..
how about shoe dye..
toe rings..
toenail varnish...
Reply:maybe some makeup or clothes or some jewlery like necklaces,rings,earrings
hope this helps i no it aint much! :)
Reply:We want Socks!....and more socks! ...and pink socks also!
Reply:how about doing a pedicure course?
you could then do them little toe gems that go on your nails, there ace!
oh oh oh and iv just thought, i got some slipper things. they are full of beads and you pop them in the micro wave to warm up when your toes are chilly, there pretty ace too!!
duh sorry iv just seen your online, sorry!
Reply:newsletters about up to date garments.
Reply:Head gear. Hats, scarves, clips, headbands, wigs and warm fashionable things for your head for a bad hair day.
Reply:uhm . belt , scarf
Reply:hm...belts, scarves, maybe a little bit of clothing, maybe perfumes, lotions, earrings, customized jewelry, etc. hope that helps! :D
Reply:Don't listen to that person. Ignorant fool. It's not ebay, but it's question and answer site, so of course you can ask.
Anyways. . .gosh. Cute site. Love it.Everything is really affordable too.
Hmm. I think I would like to see arm jewelry. I've been trying to get some, but they hardly sell them anymore or the ones in the malls are just plain crappy. lol.
God Bless. :)
Reply:i loved it the foot jewelry, and especially the heart stoppers. i have almost gone for a tumble or two. do you ship to Canada and i need prices in Canadian $. shawls and scarfs would be nice. toe rings also.
Reply:maybe underwear and hair stuff?
Reply:this is not ebay, and should not be allowed
Reply:Since this world is nothing but technology, and since girls are always competing over who/what looks best. I'm always changing my face on my cell phone. It's a razor phone so theres tons of face plates out there. I just think it's a big seller, especially if you can get really funky and creative designs.
Reply:Well i think its really good :)
Maybe Just a few necklaces %26amp; bracelets %26amp; earings and hey presto thats a good site :)
Oh Phone charms will be good aswell! (:
Good Luck on it :)
You Should Change The Background colour a bit brighter like yellow or orange (;
Reply:A comfortable/affordable bra.
Reply:I'd love to see a red plaid handbag, I've been looking everywhere for one...
Striped scarves would also be nice.
Reply:Boot jewellery?
Do you do spurs???
visual arts uk
A question for you girls, mums, daughters, grannies, aunties....?
My friends are raving about some fold up slipper type shoes that you fold up and put them in your handbag on a night out so later on when you take your shoes off after dancing all night you have something to protect your feet.
Reply:sexy panties and lingerie
i hope sourpuss sue g online doesn't report you
Reply:fashionable\sexy sports wear
Reply:great website..
I had a problem with getting shoes to match bridesmaids dress because a lot of the dresses have a shimmery look to them..
plus i always find a gorgeous pair of shoes but not in the colour I want..
how about shoe dye..
toe rings..
toenail varnish...
Reply:maybe some makeup or clothes or some jewlery like necklaces,rings,earrings
hope this helps i no it aint much! :)
Reply:We want Socks!....and more socks! ...and pink socks also!
Reply:how about doing a pedicure course?
you could then do them little toe gems that go on your nails, there ace!
oh oh oh and iv just thought, i got some slipper things. they are full of beads and you pop them in the micro wave to warm up when your toes are chilly, there pretty ace too!!
duh sorry iv just seen your online, sorry!
Reply:newsletters about up to date garments.
Reply:Head gear. Hats, scarves, clips, headbands, wigs and warm fashionable things for your head for a bad hair day.
Reply:uhm . belt , scarf
Reply:hm...belts, scarves, maybe a little bit of clothing, maybe perfumes, lotions, earrings, customized jewelry, etc. hope that helps! :D
Reply:Don't listen to that person. Ignorant fool. It's not ebay, but it's question and answer site, so of course you can ask.
Anyways. . .gosh. Cute site. Love it.Everything is really affordable too.
Hmm. I think I would like to see arm jewelry. I've been trying to get some, but they hardly sell them anymore or the ones in the malls are just plain crappy. lol.
God Bless. :)
Reply:i loved it the foot jewelry, and especially the heart stoppers. i have almost gone for a tumble or two. do you ship to Canada and i need prices in Canadian $. shawls and scarfs would be nice. toe rings also.
Reply:maybe underwear and hair stuff?
Reply:this is not ebay, and should not be allowed
Reply:Since this world is nothing but technology, and since girls are always competing over who/what looks best. I'm always changing my face on my cell phone. It's a razor phone so theres tons of face plates out there. I just think it's a big seller, especially if you can get really funky and creative designs.
Reply:Well i think its really good :)
Maybe Just a few necklaces %26amp; bracelets %26amp; earings and hey presto thats a good site :)
Oh Phone charms will be good aswell! (:
Good Luck on it :)
You Should Change The Background colour a bit brighter like yellow or orange (;
Reply:A comfortable/affordable bra.
Reply:I'd love to see a red plaid handbag, I've been looking everywhere for one...
Striped scarves would also be nice.
Reply:Boot jewellery?
Do you do spurs???
visual arts uk
Flat feet question?
hi, i think i have flat feet and because my feet go inwards, especailly my left foot, it ruins my shoes really quickly, the heels wear out.
Im on my 3rd pair since september!
What do you suggest i do to help this?
Would going to the doctors help?
Should i just buy special insoles or something?
Thanks ♥
Flat feet question?
You might be. Take a piece of paper, step in water, then step on the paper. It should leave a footprint. If the print is even from toes to heels, with no instep, then you're probably flat footed. Once your shoes are worn out, put them on a table. If the wear isn't even, mostly around the heel, then its also very likely. The only risk is if you have pain in your feet. I would suggest getting an appointment with an orthopedic doctor or a podiatrist to have a look! He/she can suggest something!
Reply:I got flexible flat feet,but not as bad as other ppl got it.When i walk it like my ankle bone goes inward a few inches.You can get surgery or insoles to put in your shoe to help this problem.
Reply:you need to get insoles that help your feet walk naturally and are really comfy
Reply:there are special insoles for flat fleet also shoes. to get the best comfort see a doctor.
Reply:I have fallen arches, you need to either see a chiropodist or just ur normal doctors. GET TO A DOCTOR ASAP! My dad had it (i think its genetic) and there was no such thing as chiropodists 'in his day'. It has caused his toes to go at a different angle to normal, and other pains all over him. I get pains on the balls of my feet and the joints between my toes and my feet, my ankles, my knees, and my lower back in particular. You may find your knees go inwards and your posture isnt good. This is noticable when youre getting ladders in your tights on the inside of youre knees. Dont let it ruin your life. Good Luck!
Reply:It doesn't sound like flat feet but rather bad posture. Have you tried consciously to straighten your feet as you walk? If you really do have flat feet see a podiatrist. There are specially made insoles available which are vastly expensive but are so strong that they may well allow your arches to reform.
Reply:try getting arch insoles... they might help.
Reply:you can get a foot brace, and overtime your foot will become flexible and you will be able to wear normal shoes. Also, if you wear skate shoes, they are really flexible with sizes and shapes.
Reply:sometimes you can get special insoles but sometimes they want to get you special shoes. I dont think your issue is flat feet but what is commonly refered to as pigeon toed. when you feet go in. My friend in school had that issue and wore special braces on her ancles for a while. I think she eventually had it surgically corrected by a podiatrist.
Im on my 3rd pair since september!
What do you suggest i do to help this?
Would going to the doctors help?
Should i just buy special insoles or something?
Thanks ♥
Flat feet question?
You might be. Take a piece of paper, step in water, then step on the paper. It should leave a footprint. If the print is even from toes to heels, with no instep, then you're probably flat footed. Once your shoes are worn out, put them on a table. If the wear isn't even, mostly around the heel, then its also very likely. The only risk is if you have pain in your feet. I would suggest getting an appointment with an orthopedic doctor or a podiatrist to have a look! He/she can suggest something!
Reply:I got flexible flat feet,but not as bad as other ppl got it.When i walk it like my ankle bone goes inward a few inches.You can get surgery or insoles to put in your shoe to help this problem.
Reply:you need to get insoles that help your feet walk naturally and are really comfy
Reply:there are special insoles for flat fleet also shoes. to get the best comfort see a doctor.
Reply:I have fallen arches, you need to either see a chiropodist or just ur normal doctors. GET TO A DOCTOR ASAP! My dad had it (i think its genetic) and there was no such thing as chiropodists 'in his day'. It has caused his toes to go at a different angle to normal, and other pains all over him. I get pains on the balls of my feet and the joints between my toes and my feet, my ankles, my knees, and my lower back in particular. You may find your knees go inwards and your posture isnt good. This is noticable when youre getting ladders in your tights on the inside of youre knees. Dont let it ruin your life. Good Luck!
Reply:It doesn't sound like flat feet but rather bad posture. Have you tried consciously to straighten your feet as you walk? If you really do have flat feet see a podiatrist. There are specially made insoles available which are vastly expensive but are so strong that they may well allow your arches to reform.
Reply:try getting arch insoles... they might help.
Reply:you can get a foot brace, and overtime your foot will become flexible and you will be able to wear normal shoes. Also, if you wear skate shoes, they are really flexible with sizes and shapes.
Reply:sometimes you can get special insoles but sometimes they want to get you special shoes. I dont think your issue is flat feet but what is commonly refered to as pigeon toed. when you feet go in. My friend in school had that issue and wore special braces on her ancles for a while. I think she eventually had it surgically corrected by a podiatrist.
What is the best way to heal achy tired feet?
For work, I am constantly on my feet and, like today for example, I was on my feet working for 13 hours non-stop. My feet are incredibly sore now. Does anyone have any quick remedies to help and possibly prevent further aches, besides gel insoles or similar things?
What is the best way to heal achy tired feet?
I work in a hospital and am on my feet CONSTANTLY. Here are some quick helpers:
1. For immediate relief, get a can of cold soda, beer, etc. from the 'fridge and put it on the floor. Put your foot on it and roll back and forth...the massage of the can combined with the cold can do wonders.
2. Keep them elevated if you can
3. Invest in some Epsom Salts...they're fabulously cheap, and you can find them at any drug/grocery store. Make up a solution with about 1/4 cup Epsom salts and water as warm as you can stand it, and soak. FYI - Epsom salts are most popularly used as a laxative, but if you read the box, it will say that it helps relieve muscle pain as well. Just didn't want you to think I was completely insane. :)
4. Just for a nice, cooling effect, get a bottle of Peppermint Lotion (I'm a fan of The Body Shop variety, but any kind will do), and keep it in the refrigerator. Slathering some of that on and then putting on some warm socks feels AMAZING!!
And even though you mentioned it, insoles and PROPER SHOES are an absolute must. If you are on your feet all the time, check out some of the specialty stores that can custom-make insoles for you. I did that, and haven't had foot pain since. They aren't cheap, but they are worth the hardships (pain, stress fractures, fallen arches, etc.) that can be caused later on.
Best of luck!
Reply:quickly a foot soak with epsom salt or if you have other things like lavender or vanilla scented stuff, this will help you to relax. For long term relief the only thing I know of would be to wear good shoes, insoles for support and soaking often.
Reply:First - for fast 'pain' relief . . . hot water soak, with rub/massage after drying
Make certain your shoes fit correctly . . .
New Balance brand shoes have been the best for me.
Make regular sit breaks a part of your routine day -
even a 60 second respite will make a big difference, if practiced three times an hour. . .
Reply:soak them in warm water with epsom salt. I forget exactly what the epsom salt does, but it really helped me out. I also found one of those foot bath massager tubs are just a *dream*. But when they ache really bad, just take a warm bath, get the leg muscles too. Don't deny them the nice relaxing warmth! One of my favorite tricks, is to get the bath at a warm temperature, then go to the back of the bathtub and pull my legs up, and turn the water on high (not so high to burn myself). Let it fill the remainder of the way with the hotter water, and turn it off when it reaches my knees. then plunge my sore legs into the heat, it's like a big hand just wrapped around my legs and started slowly massaging them! It's *w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l* try it out but remember, don't go so hot you'll burn yourself.
My husband works long hours like that, I really suggest also getting a comfortable insole for your shoe and make sure the shoes are comfortable for long hours like that. If they start to wear down, get new ones.
Sometimes I use a lotion and just the massaging feels great, but I have Raynaud's so I can't use cold temperatures, only heat for achy feet - so I apologize I have no cold remedies. I find that they make muscles contract quickly and it sounds like you want them to let go. I find using heat or massaging the area until the muscle lets go really helps, but I understand how hard this can be on the feet. You might try on your days off, accupuncture (I love this - it's a great way to learn how to relax, because you can't move with the needles in, trust me the needles also help release certain endorphines and you get a nice natural high during the treatment - some may hurt initially but if they do, they're meant to, let the person doing the job know if something hurts, they'll let you know if it's supposed to or not, any initial pain will disappear). You might also try purchasing a TENs unit to use on your legs if those muscles are refusing to let go, a ten's unit can send electric pulses to the muscles there tightening them up until they are forced to let go (this is something I have to do on muscles at time that won't let go). Also do any stretches you can during the day. Get some shoes that are easy to take on and off if you can, and I think someone gave some suggestions for stretches above, do those on your breaks.
Hope that helps!
Reply:You can soak them in epison salt. Or have someone give you a foot massage!
Reply:Get one of those foot soakers and add a bit of Epsom salt to it. Go to a spa and get a pedicure or just have them rub your feet. Take an aspirin and elevate them a little on a pillow.
Reply:A nice warm bubbly foot spa followed by a soft foot massage with soothing foot cream, with mint or cucumber, sounds good doesn't it.
Reply:find you a good pair of work shoes, that have an arch if you have a high arch. Don't worry about them looking stylish if your feet hurt you hurt all over. Ive lived with my feet hurting all my life. A good pair of shoes will help, but you have to change shoes soon as they feel as if they are wearing out or your feet began to hurt again. Try wearing different shoes during the day, say 6 hours in one pair and the next 6 in another pair. Good luck in finding a solution.
Reply:You don't say what kind of work you do, that would make a difference in the type of shoes your wearing. Nurses, waitresses and other jobs require you to wear a shoe that it made to support your feet for long periods. There are some things you can do to help. If you don't wear the necessary type shoes, take a different pair, different style, pair of shoes and change them a couple times during your shift. There are several different kinds of soaks you can buy to add to really warm water to soak your feet which will help relax the muscles in your feet. Be sure to dry them well after the soak, and be sure you keep your nails trimmed properly. If you notice hard places starting on your toes, or along the side of your foot by the big toe or little it means your shoes do not fit right. If you have a special person in your life a gentle massage is great after your all clean and dry.
What is the best way to heal achy tired feet?
I work in a hospital and am on my feet CONSTANTLY. Here are some quick helpers:
1. For immediate relief, get a can of cold soda, beer, etc. from the 'fridge and put it on the floor. Put your foot on it and roll back and forth...the massage of the can combined with the cold can do wonders.
2. Keep them elevated if you can
3. Invest in some Epsom Salts...they're fabulously cheap, and you can find them at any drug/grocery store. Make up a solution with about 1/4 cup Epsom salts and water as warm as you can stand it, and soak. FYI - Epsom salts are most popularly used as a laxative, but if you read the box, it will say that it helps relieve muscle pain as well. Just didn't want you to think I was completely insane. :)
4. Just for a nice, cooling effect, get a bottle of Peppermint Lotion (I'm a fan of The Body Shop variety, but any kind will do), and keep it in the refrigerator. Slathering some of that on and then putting on some warm socks feels AMAZING!!
And even though you mentioned it, insoles and PROPER SHOES are an absolute must. If you are on your feet all the time, check out some of the specialty stores that can custom-make insoles for you. I did that, and haven't had foot pain since. They aren't cheap, but they are worth the hardships (pain, stress fractures, fallen arches, etc.) that can be caused later on.
Best of luck!
Reply:quickly a foot soak with epsom salt or if you have other things like lavender or vanilla scented stuff, this will help you to relax. For long term relief the only thing I know of would be to wear good shoes, insoles for support and soaking often.
Reply:First - for fast 'pain' relief . . . hot water soak, with rub/massage after drying
Make certain your shoes fit correctly . . .
New Balance brand shoes have been the best for me.
Make regular sit breaks a part of your routine day -
even a 60 second respite will make a big difference, if practiced three times an hour. . .
Reply:soak them in warm water with epsom salt. I forget exactly what the epsom salt does, but it really helped me out. I also found one of those foot bath massager tubs are just a *dream*. But when they ache really bad, just take a warm bath, get the leg muscles too. Don't deny them the nice relaxing warmth! One of my favorite tricks, is to get the bath at a warm temperature, then go to the back of the bathtub and pull my legs up, and turn the water on high (not so high to burn myself). Let it fill the remainder of the way with the hotter water, and turn it off when it reaches my knees. then plunge my sore legs into the heat, it's like a big hand just wrapped around my legs and started slowly massaging them! It's *w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l* try it out but remember, don't go so hot you'll burn yourself.
My husband works long hours like that, I really suggest also getting a comfortable insole for your shoe and make sure the shoes are comfortable for long hours like that. If they start to wear down, get new ones.
Sometimes I use a lotion and just the massaging feels great, but I have Raynaud's so I can't use cold temperatures, only heat for achy feet - so I apologize I have no cold remedies. I find that they make muscles contract quickly and it sounds like you want them to let go. I find using heat or massaging the area until the muscle lets go really helps, but I understand how hard this can be on the feet. You might try on your days off, accupuncture (I love this - it's a great way to learn how to relax, because you can't move with the needles in, trust me the needles also help release certain endorphines and you get a nice natural high during the treatment - some may hurt initially but if they do, they're meant to, let the person doing the job know if something hurts, they'll let you know if it's supposed to or not, any initial pain will disappear). You might also try purchasing a TENs unit to use on your legs if those muscles are refusing to let go, a ten's unit can send electric pulses to the muscles there tightening them up until they are forced to let go (this is something I have to do on muscles at time that won't let go). Also do any stretches you can during the day. Get some shoes that are easy to take on and off if you can, and I think someone gave some suggestions for stretches above, do those on your breaks.
Hope that helps!
Reply:You can soak them in epison salt. Or have someone give you a foot massage!
Reply:Get one of those foot soakers and add a bit of Epsom salt to it. Go to a spa and get a pedicure or just have them rub your feet. Take an aspirin and elevate them a little on a pillow.
Reply:A nice warm bubbly foot spa followed by a soft foot massage with soothing foot cream, with mint or cucumber, sounds good doesn't it.
Reply:find you a good pair of work shoes, that have an arch if you have a high arch. Don't worry about them looking stylish if your feet hurt you hurt all over. Ive lived with my feet hurting all my life. A good pair of shoes will help, but you have to change shoes soon as they feel as if they are wearing out or your feet began to hurt again. Try wearing different shoes during the day, say 6 hours in one pair and the next 6 in another pair. Good luck in finding a solution.
Reply:You don't say what kind of work you do, that would make a difference in the type of shoes your wearing. Nurses, waitresses and other jobs require you to wear a shoe that it made to support your feet for long periods. There are some things you can do to help. If you don't wear the necessary type shoes, take a different pair, different style, pair of shoes and change them a couple times during your shift. There are several different kinds of soaks you can buy to add to really warm water to soak your feet which will help relax the muscles in your feet. Be sure to dry them well after the soak, and be sure you keep your nails trimmed properly. If you notice hard places starting on your toes, or along the side of your foot by the big toe or little it means your shoes do not fit right. If you have a special person in your life a gentle massage is great after your all clean and dry.
Where's a good place to get orthotics fitted in North London?
I've had recurring pain in the soles of my feet for a while now, which is always exacerbated by running. I've laid off the running for a while now - and the pain has eased. However, looking into the causes, it seems that it would be a good idea for me to get orthotic insoles fitted before I start up again.
Can anyone recommend a good place in Islington/North London to get these fitted?
Where's a good place to get orthotics fitted in North London?
Ummmmm..... do you have a phone book handy?? Maybe if you looked under "Orthotics" or "Podiatry" you could get some answers....... grow them pretty smart in England, don't they?
leather handbag
Can anyone recommend a good place in Islington/North London to get these fitted?
Where's a good place to get orthotics fitted in North London?
Ummmmm..... do you have a phone book handy?? Maybe if you looked under "Orthotics" or "Podiatry" you could get some answers....... grow them pretty smart in England, don't they?
leather handbag
Achilles tendonitis?
i was diagnosed with the above 6 months ago and the only treatment that i received was being told not to wear heels, which annoys me no end cause i'm tiny and look even tinier in flat shoes, and being told to wear some special insoles in shoes.
in my opinion it is getting worse and having a injury to my foot at the moment isn't helping. does anyone else suffer with it, and what helps you?
Achilles tendonitis?
Tendonitis that is not responding to rest may require oral meds, injections of steroids,blocks or other meds and could even need a brace or surgery. You may be shorter than you would prefer but this is your feet we are talking about and without the use of them you are in trouble. See a podiatrist or a orthopedist. I have had this and am also an RN. Good luck.
office chair
in my opinion it is getting worse and having a injury to my foot at the moment isn't helping. does anyone else suffer with it, and what helps you?
Achilles tendonitis?
Tendonitis that is not responding to rest may require oral meds, injections of steroids,blocks or other meds and could even need a brace or surgery. You may be shorter than you would prefer but this is your feet we are talking about and without the use of them you are in trouble. See a podiatrist or a orthopedist. I have had this and am also an RN. Good luck.
office chair
Running after smoking?
I'm a junior in high school. My freshman year I really got into running during the track, my sophomore year I ran cross country %26amp; loved it. My PR was 19:40, but after the season I started suffering from knee pain %26amp; I thought I wouldn't be able to run anymore. After that I started smoking tobacco %26amp; weed for about 10 months. I've quit now and recently went to the chiropractor who said that my knee pain was probably a result over-pronating so I now have insoles to fix the problem. I have now rejoined the cross country team %26amp; I want to get back into my previous shape and beat my old PR. But I've really had problems with the condition of my lungs, it seems like I can push my legs okay but my lungs are holding me back. I don't know if it's just that I'm really out of shape or if the smoking has done me in. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether 10 months of heavy smoking is going to have an effect on my running or if I'm just really out of shape and tips for lung conditioning.
Running after smoking?
after like 2 days of not smoking you get back like 50% of what you lost.
after about 2 weeks about 90%
after 6 months like 99%.
Reply:Yes it will, but keep doing it. Your lung capacity will return, and breathing hard from exercise is great for your lungs! You'll get there. Keep it up! Congratulations on getting back into it. Oh and make sure you get new running shoes every 300-400 miles to avoid injury!
Running after smoking?
after like 2 days of not smoking you get back like 50% of what you lost.
after about 2 weeks about 90%
after 6 months like 99%.
Reply:Yes it will, but keep doing it. Your lung capacity will return, and breathing hard from exercise is great for your lungs! You'll get there. Keep it up! Congratulations on getting back into it. Oh and make sure you get new running shoes every 300-400 miles to avoid injury!
Knee pain for a teenage girl. Any suggestions?
For the last year, i have had daily knee pain. I have gone to several different doctors and physical therapists, and they all pretty much say something different.
1. My arches are falling, causing my knees to go inward, which is making a bone rub against the cartiglidge more than it should, causing the pain.
2. I have runners knee.
Either way, I have to wear superfeet shoe insoles, which don't get rid of the pain entirley. After I run or play soccer, my knees swell up a little bit and I have to ice them.
Over the course of the year, the pain has increased, and now i am taking asprin pretty much every day.
Any suggestions on what I can do keep them from getting worse?
Knee pain for a teenage girl. Any suggestions?
University of Nebraska at Omaha has a biomechanics program that will assess your running, and then recommend the best shoes for your specific anatomy/biomechanics. You might check that out if you happen to live in that area, or see if there is a similar program closer to where you live. If it is problems with the arches, the shoe could make a big difference.
If all else fails, you might join the swim team instead of soccer!
Reply:I am 44 years old now. I used to run 7 to 15 miles a day for about 15 years. I started getting shooting pain down my shins at 24, about 6 years after I began running. My cartilage was super messed up and I got it cleaned out last year. I now have bone on bone and will need a knee replacement. My suggestion to you is to go to yet another orthopedist who will give you an MRI and you should really not be playing your sports for awhile. Every time you torque your knee left and right you damage it further. You don't want to waddle when you walk when you are 30 it's not attractive. I should have taken better care of my knees. I don't know where you live, but I lived in a small town in Wisconsin and had a terrible Dr. He said there was nothing wrong with my knee even though it was as large as a football. Physical therapy can hurt you if that's not what you need. Find a new Dr. I hope this helps some.
Reply:This could be because of muscle fatigue or dehydration. Try exercising all parts of your body. It also sometimes is due to disuse atrophy. Try out some home remedies. You can also look for information in the web that give you home remedies. I found this website very useful.
Reply:I have several suggestions. I have coached runners for years and have had my own injuries too. If you have arch problems, it is often that you land very flat footed and have low arches to start. I have found wide shoes almost entirely elminate this problem. I wear a W or a 3-4E depending on the brand. With this, you also may be tying your shoes tightly to start and once you run, your feet naturally swell. I find curling the toes up while tying them creates a situation where you can only tighten them so much and the looseness after you relax the foot is perfect.
As for the knees, often, again, is related to the comfort of the feet and automatic, unconscious adjustment to foot discomfort. Continue running but on soft surfaces only for some time, ice for 10 mins before and after a workout. It is probably tendonitis (overuse) or water under the knee (from poor running adjustments).
I recommend never getting knee surgery....90% never get fully rehabbed. Try leg extensions on a nautilus machine and strengthen the knee instead.
Reply:have you considered undergoing surgery?
Reply:I'd wear a kneebrace during sports.
1. My arches are falling, causing my knees to go inward, which is making a bone rub against the cartiglidge more than it should, causing the pain.
2. I have runners knee.
Either way, I have to wear superfeet shoe insoles, which don't get rid of the pain entirley. After I run or play soccer, my knees swell up a little bit and I have to ice them.
Over the course of the year, the pain has increased, and now i am taking asprin pretty much every day.
Any suggestions on what I can do keep them from getting worse?
Knee pain for a teenage girl. Any suggestions?
University of Nebraska at Omaha has a biomechanics program that will assess your running, and then recommend the best shoes for your specific anatomy/biomechanics. You might check that out if you happen to live in that area, or see if there is a similar program closer to where you live. If it is problems with the arches, the shoe could make a big difference.
If all else fails, you might join the swim team instead of soccer!
Reply:I am 44 years old now. I used to run 7 to 15 miles a day for about 15 years. I started getting shooting pain down my shins at 24, about 6 years after I began running. My cartilage was super messed up and I got it cleaned out last year. I now have bone on bone and will need a knee replacement. My suggestion to you is to go to yet another orthopedist who will give you an MRI and you should really not be playing your sports for awhile. Every time you torque your knee left and right you damage it further. You don't want to waddle when you walk when you are 30 it's not attractive. I should have taken better care of my knees. I don't know where you live, but I lived in a small town in Wisconsin and had a terrible Dr. He said there was nothing wrong with my knee even though it was as large as a football. Physical therapy can hurt you if that's not what you need. Find a new Dr. I hope this helps some.
Reply:This could be because of muscle fatigue or dehydration. Try exercising all parts of your body. It also sometimes is due to disuse atrophy. Try out some home remedies. You can also look for information in the web that give you home remedies. I found this website very useful.
Reply:I have several suggestions. I have coached runners for years and have had my own injuries too. If you have arch problems, it is often that you land very flat footed and have low arches to start. I have found wide shoes almost entirely elminate this problem. I wear a W or a 3-4E depending on the brand. With this, you also may be tying your shoes tightly to start and once you run, your feet naturally swell. I find curling the toes up while tying them creates a situation where you can only tighten them so much and the looseness after you relax the foot is perfect.
As for the knees, often, again, is related to the comfort of the feet and automatic, unconscious adjustment to foot discomfort. Continue running but on soft surfaces only for some time, ice for 10 mins before and after a workout. It is probably tendonitis (overuse) or water under the knee (from poor running adjustments).
I recommend never getting knee surgery....90% never get fully rehabbed. Try leg extensions on a nautilus machine and strengthen the knee instead.
Reply:have you considered undergoing surgery?
Reply:I'd wear a kneebrace during sports.
What can I do to help my feet withstand the walking at work?
I am working for the first time in retail and having to stand or walk for 7-12 hrs at work really kills my feet. I have tried insoles and even buying half-size bigger flat loafer shoes and it has not helped. The uncomfortable pain is so much that they even hurt as I drive home and even when I'm laying down in bed. They feel as though my heels are going to explode. What should I try next?
What can I do to help my feet withstand the walking at work?
Try compression stockings. They are good for circulation in your leg and do help.
Also PediFix makes good foot products (not stockings)
If you're looking for just an insole try
And last if you are in the market (ever) for new shoes try Soft they are so cute and so comfortable (I have a pair of heels, didn't give me trouble walked in them 8 hours)... just stick to flats
Reply:I'm not an expert in this area, but with my experience as a store clerk, all i can tell u is to relax. it is very hard to stand or walk for half a day, i always stretch my muscle every 1 or 2 hours to keep them relax, try to do some light exercise to draw the attention to somewhere else like tapping the ground with your toes, shake the leg, etc. try not to keep the same position for a long period of time and your body will get used to it after about a week on the line of work. hope my answer helps
Reply:I SO remember that! Retailing is the hardest on the feet, I wanted to cry when I got home. Somehow you grow stronger. Forget "cute" and wear really good shoes. Flats with lots of support in the foot bed. Try soaking your feet at the end of the day in a bucket of warm water and Epsom salts (about $2 for a milk carton full). Foot massage is good too.
Reply:go barefoot
Reply:Sounds like your feet have already suffered some damage so they need to be treated, else the insoles and what not won't work. Soak your feet in warm water for an hour after work. Then spend another hour, if you can, gently massaging your feet.
If you can, wear sneakers to work. They are some more dressy type of sneakers that can work well.
Reply:it happens to all of us when we first start working on our feet... make sure you buy some good tennis shoes (nikes, or other running shoe) but don't go cheap.
and you just need to get used to it, i used to work 12 hour shifts at my good job
Reply:Buy a good brand walking shoe with a good arch support.
Reply:well you could try going to a foot doctor who can give you some help.. and maybe get special shoes that are made to fit your feet or...
keep doing what you are doing.. try diff insoles.. diff shoes...can you wear walking shoes? try reebok.. they have some comfy ones or.....
when you get home... give yourself a foot soak
i use a plastic "dish pan" they are rectangular boxes kind of... they are used for people that have the one basin sinks.. anyhow you can get themin the section with dish drainers and sink ware at walmart for about 3 dollars.... then go to the foot care sction and get: foot bath/ foot soak.. it slike a liquid soap...... some foot salts and foot lotion
soak your feet in very warm water with the soap and salts... rub your feet on the salts till they disolve and then dry them and put sum soothing lotion on.. do this every night for about 15 min and it wont take the pain all away but it really is soothing and helps with your feet aching quite a bit
Reply:Get rid of the flat loafers. What you need is a good support shoe. I wear New Balance and find them very comfortable and am on my feet long hours too. They may cost you more but you will get paid back in comfort. Try getting them at a good shoe store so they can be fitted properly in width as well as length. These shoes do come in all widths so there is one there to fit you.
Reply:Time is the only true cure for it. You will get used to standing for long periods of time.
Make sure to move your feet around alot, wiggle your toes and take your shoes off to stretch them out a little when you get the chance- even if it's only 30 seconds at a time, I always find this makes my feet feel better.
When you get home soaking your feet or rolling them over cylindracle things (a bunch of fat markers will do) also helps.
you'll get used to it soon.
What can I do to help my feet withstand the walking at work?
Try compression stockings. They are good for circulation in your leg and do help.
Also PediFix makes good foot products (not stockings)
If you're looking for just an insole try
And last if you are in the market (ever) for new shoes try Soft they are so cute and so comfortable (I have a pair of heels, didn't give me trouble walked in them 8 hours)... just stick to flats
Reply:I'm not an expert in this area, but with my experience as a store clerk, all i can tell u is to relax. it is very hard to stand or walk for half a day, i always stretch my muscle every 1 or 2 hours to keep them relax, try to do some light exercise to draw the attention to somewhere else like tapping the ground with your toes, shake the leg, etc. try not to keep the same position for a long period of time and your body will get used to it after about a week on the line of work. hope my answer helps
Reply:I SO remember that! Retailing is the hardest on the feet, I wanted to cry when I got home. Somehow you grow stronger. Forget "cute" and wear really good shoes. Flats with lots of support in the foot bed. Try soaking your feet at the end of the day in a bucket of warm water and Epsom salts (about $2 for a milk carton full). Foot massage is good too.
Reply:go barefoot
Reply:Sounds like your feet have already suffered some damage so they need to be treated, else the insoles and what not won't work. Soak your feet in warm water for an hour after work. Then spend another hour, if you can, gently massaging your feet.
If you can, wear sneakers to work. They are some more dressy type of sneakers that can work well.
Reply:it happens to all of us when we first start working on our feet... make sure you buy some good tennis shoes (nikes, or other running shoe) but don't go cheap.
and you just need to get used to it, i used to work 12 hour shifts at my good job
Reply:Buy a good brand walking shoe with a good arch support.
Reply:well you could try going to a foot doctor who can give you some help.. and maybe get special shoes that are made to fit your feet or...
keep doing what you are doing.. try diff insoles.. diff shoes...can you wear walking shoes? try reebok.. they have some comfy ones or.....
when you get home... give yourself a foot soak
i use a plastic "dish pan" they are rectangular boxes kind of... they are used for people that have the one basin sinks.. anyhow you can get themin the section with dish drainers and sink ware at walmart for about 3 dollars.... then go to the foot care sction and get: foot bath/ foot soak.. it slike a liquid soap...... some foot salts and foot lotion
soak your feet in very warm water with the soap and salts... rub your feet on the salts till they disolve and then dry them and put sum soothing lotion on.. do this every night for about 15 min and it wont take the pain all away but it really is soothing and helps with your feet aching quite a bit
Reply:Get rid of the flat loafers. What you need is a good support shoe. I wear New Balance and find them very comfortable and am on my feet long hours too. They may cost you more but you will get paid back in comfort. Try getting them at a good shoe store so they can be fitted properly in width as well as length. These shoes do come in all widths so there is one there to fit you.
Reply:Time is the only true cure for it. You will get used to standing for long periods of time.
Make sure to move your feet around alot, wiggle your toes and take your shoes off to stretch them out a little when you get the chance- even if it's only 30 seconds at a time, I always find this makes my feet feel better.
When you get home soaking your feet or rolling them over cylindracle things (a bunch of fat markers will do) also helps.
you'll get used to it soon.
Has anyone had any success with increasing their height?
please give the specific way. Also has anyone tried kimi insoles with positive results?
Has anyone had any success with increasing their height?
Wow, I hate it when people answer questions with "I don't know" or "I've never tried" when your asking if anyone has tried something... kind of pointless right? Well my mom has had success with growing taller, she started stretching twice a day, and doing yoga. It took quite some time, but she grew over an inch (and she is in her 40's).
It's healthy and not crazy! So even if your a teen and still growing, it won't have any negative affects on you :)
Good luck, Toni Lynne =)
I've never heard of the kimi insoles-sorry
Reply:i read about a girl who had her legs lengthened but it's terribly painful and you have to do physical therapy to learn to walk again... it involved screws in the legs and breaking the leg bones to lengthen them... I'm short and I'll stay that won't work for me.
Reply:Hmm...i've never tried to increase my height, but if you want to..try drinking alot of milk and take vitamins. But if you are of 18 or 19 chances are that you have stopped growing and you'll not grow any taller.
Has anyone had any success with increasing their height?
Wow, I hate it when people answer questions with "I don't know" or "I've never tried" when your asking if anyone has tried something... kind of pointless right? Well my mom has had success with growing taller, she started stretching twice a day, and doing yoga. It took quite some time, but she grew over an inch (and she is in her 40's).
It's healthy and not crazy! So even if your a teen and still growing, it won't have any negative affects on you :)
Good luck, Toni Lynne =)
I've never heard of the kimi insoles-sorry
Reply:i read about a girl who had her legs lengthened but it's terribly painful and you have to do physical therapy to learn to walk again... it involved screws in the legs and breaking the leg bones to lengthen them... I'm short and I'll stay that won't work for me.
Reply:Hmm...i've never tried to increase my height, but if you want to..try drinking alot of milk and take vitamins. But if you are of 18 or 19 chances are that you have stopped growing and you'll not grow any taller.
Feet and shoe problem with half sizes?
For three days ow i have been searching for back to school shoes. I have just grown out of a 6 but i am too small for a 7.
Dolly shoes aren't made in half sizes so i was wondering if you knew any (British) places that do dolly shoes in half sizes or?
How i could make it so i fit into a 7 because insoles tend to just push me up not along and i can't spend that much money or my Mum will kill me!
Thanks in advance!
Feet and shoe problem with half sizes?
I don't live in the UK but I was searching and I found a Dolly store, now I don't know the prices but if you are interested go look at this address or call this bellow:
59 Old Church Road
E4 6SJ
Tel: 020 8524 9404
Reply:i have the same problem!
I think you are just going to have to wait until you grow into a seven,
surely some place must have the shoes you want in half sizes
Reply:Angel gal- try size 6 1/2 in other shoes.
An online store for shoes is
They have every size, shape and width as well.
From AA (extremely skinny/ narrow feet) to EEEE ( huge wide).
The normal foot is B/C and a average wide is D.
For three days ow i have been searching for back to school shoes. I have just grown out of a 6 but i am too small for a 7.
Dolly shoes aren't made in half sizes so i was wondering if you knew any (British) places that do dolly shoes in half sizes or?
How i could make it so i fit into a 7 because insoles tend to just push me up not along and i can't spend that much money or my Mum will kill me!
Thanks in advance!
Feet and shoe problem with half sizes?
I don't live in the UK but I was searching and I found a Dolly store, now I don't know the prices but if you are interested go look at this address or call this bellow:
59 Old Church Road
E4 6SJ
Tel: 020 8524 9404
Reply:i have the same problem!
I think you are just going to have to wait until you grow into a seven,
surely some place must have the shoes you want in half sizes
Reply:Angel gal- try size 6 1/2 in other shoes.
An online store for shoes is
They have every size, shape and width as well.
From AA (extremely skinny/ narrow feet) to EEEE ( huge wide).
The normal foot is B/C and a average wide is D.
Stinky feet...HELP!!?
My feet sweat A LOT...I've tried different things sprays,powder, anti-persperant(sp) nothing works. My feet still sweat and than my shoes stink!!! Even when I wear sandles. Its soooo embarrising, what can I do? I was thinking of replacing the insoles of my sneakers but will that ruin them? Has anyone else had this problem?
Stinky feet...HELP!!? kill foot odor -causing bacteria,soak feet in solution of one part vinegar(any type) and four parts hot water night;y for 15 minutes for one week. The feet should be immersed up to the ankles. Rinse with cold water at the end of the soak...Repeat this routine as needed....i got this info from a book....try it
it won't ruin them
add an absorptive powder to closed shoes
wash open shoes
Reply:I have never been able to stop the sweating, but put a little bit of baking soda in your socks or in the sole of your shoe or sandal. It will get rid of the stink, helps a bit with the sweating. Only thing I found that works.
Reply:Stinky Feet Cure Recipe
The tannins present in tea, are a drying agent and will help control odor. Do this twice a day until the odor goes away.
4 regular tea bags
1 quart water
30 minutes 15 mins prep
Bring the water to boil.
Drop in the tea bags and allow to cool off.
Dunk your feet in and allow to soak for 10-15 minutes.
Do this two times a day until the problem goes away!
Reply:Yes, I do. My poor, poor boots. : (
Reply:Do you put any creams on your foot? If you do that can cause your ffet to sweat. Just keep your toe nails cut short and wash your feet everytime you shower. That should help a little. Also when going to bed maybe you can sprinkle some baby powder on your feet.
skin rashes
Stinky feet...HELP!!? kill foot odor -causing bacteria,soak feet in solution of one part vinegar(any type) and four parts hot water night;y for 15 minutes for one week. The feet should be immersed up to the ankles. Rinse with cold water at the end of the soak...Repeat this routine as needed....i got this info from a book....try it
it won't ruin them
add an absorptive powder to closed shoes
wash open shoes
Reply:I have never been able to stop the sweating, but put a little bit of baking soda in your socks or in the sole of your shoe or sandal. It will get rid of the stink, helps a bit with the sweating. Only thing I found that works.
Reply:Stinky Feet Cure Recipe
The tannins present in tea, are a drying agent and will help control odor. Do this twice a day until the odor goes away.
4 regular tea bags
1 quart water
30 minutes 15 mins prep
Bring the water to boil.
Drop in the tea bags and allow to cool off.
Dunk your feet in and allow to soak for 10-15 minutes.
Do this two times a day until the problem goes away!
Reply:Yes, I do. My poor, poor boots. : (
Reply:Do you put any creams on your foot? If you do that can cause your ffet to sweat. Just keep your toe nails cut short and wash your feet everytime you shower. That should help a little. Also when going to bed maybe you can sprinkle some baby powder on your feet.
skin rashes
How can I prevent Blisters on my feet when training for a half marathon?
I started training 2 wks ago with new shoes and socks. This week I am getting blisters. I bought some shoe insoles, what elese can I do? They are at the bottom/sides of my instep. Thank you!
How can I prevent Blisters on my feet when training for a half marathon?
The blisters are caused by rubbing, but also moisture. Cotton absorbs moisture NEVER run in cotton.
First make sure your shoes fit properly. Second, invest in a pair of Thorlo running socks. They are the best and will help wick moisture away.
Next, by a product called "body glide." Running stores sell it, and it looks like deodorant but is a lubricant to help prevent the rubbing. Rub that on your feet where you get the blisters before you run.
Follow this guide and your blisters will be a thing of the past.
Reply:lol wear the shoes in before you run in them!
or other wise put up with the pain!
try little cushion things cant rememembe what they are called bu thtey are clear and just like a plaster only better as they cushion the area
they come in a green box most shoe shops or sports shops will have them
Reply:blisters are caused by the rubbing of feet with the shoe you wear, so the best way to prevent them is to wear thick Cotton socks, secondly, use talcum powder on your feet so that they don't get wet with sweat. you could also try changing your joggers.
Reply:While the answerer above me is right about being caused by the rubbing don't go wearing cotton anything!
Do your feet move inside your shoes when you're running? If so, can you arrange the laces differently when you tie them up so that your shoes fit more snug? On the training side, when you bought the new shoes, how far did you run in them right out of the box? It will take a bit for you to break them in. Many people end up with blisters when they haven't broken in new shoes correctly. If none of this helps I suggest you take yourself to a running store and have them evaluate your running style to the shoes that you bought.
Reply:I found that blisters were a "phase" for me. I can't remember how long but for a while I suffered with blisters.
What I did was turn my cotton socks inside out so that the smooth side was against my skin. Second, I used vaseline before each run.
After the "phase" passed, no more blisters.....
Good Luck
Reply:get new shoes will help prevent blisters
Reply:i know nolan ryan used to use pickle juice to prevent blisters on his fingers. he soaked his index and middle fingers in a jar of pickle juice frequently. i dont know if that would have the same effect, but i would give it a try.
Reply:Shoes and socks are important. Are you sure your shoes aren't too tight? Are you sure you have the 'proper' pair of shoes? I stress "proper" because so many people just go to a FootLocker and buy what's available - mostly Nike. And just because Nike's are expensive, that doesn't mean it's the best pair for you. Again, I stress - "FOR YOU".
Go to a running specific shoe store where they see how your gait or stride is. You may need stability shoes or motion control. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! :)
Next - a good DRY pair of running socks is essential. Sweaty feet could lead to blisters. I highly suggest a company called BALAGA SPORTS. I've tried several pairs of socks and these are the most comfortable socks on the market. And they have socks for different people - thin, low cut to mid cut thick socks, to trail socks, etc. I love em. Pricey, but your feet deserve it - trust me.
Another thing is - you've only been training for two weeks. You have to really have a base of miles for your feet to get used to the shoes.
car makes
How can I prevent Blisters on my feet when training for a half marathon?
The blisters are caused by rubbing, but also moisture. Cotton absorbs moisture NEVER run in cotton.
First make sure your shoes fit properly. Second, invest in a pair of Thorlo running socks. They are the best and will help wick moisture away.
Next, by a product called "body glide." Running stores sell it, and it looks like deodorant but is a lubricant to help prevent the rubbing. Rub that on your feet where you get the blisters before you run.
Follow this guide and your blisters will be a thing of the past.
Reply:lol wear the shoes in before you run in them!
or other wise put up with the pain!
try little cushion things cant rememembe what they are called bu thtey are clear and just like a plaster only better as they cushion the area
they come in a green box most shoe shops or sports shops will have them
Reply:blisters are caused by the rubbing of feet with the shoe you wear, so the best way to prevent them is to wear thick Cotton socks, secondly, use talcum powder on your feet so that they don't get wet with sweat. you could also try changing your joggers.
Reply:While the answerer above me is right about being caused by the rubbing don't go wearing cotton anything!
Do your feet move inside your shoes when you're running? If so, can you arrange the laces differently when you tie them up so that your shoes fit more snug? On the training side, when you bought the new shoes, how far did you run in them right out of the box? It will take a bit for you to break them in. Many people end up with blisters when they haven't broken in new shoes correctly. If none of this helps I suggest you take yourself to a running store and have them evaluate your running style to the shoes that you bought.
Reply:I found that blisters were a "phase" for me. I can't remember how long but for a while I suffered with blisters.
What I did was turn my cotton socks inside out so that the smooth side was against my skin. Second, I used vaseline before each run.
After the "phase" passed, no more blisters.....
Good Luck
Reply:get new shoes will help prevent blisters
Reply:i know nolan ryan used to use pickle juice to prevent blisters on his fingers. he soaked his index and middle fingers in a jar of pickle juice frequently. i dont know if that would have the same effect, but i would give it a try.
Reply:Shoes and socks are important. Are you sure your shoes aren't too tight? Are you sure you have the 'proper' pair of shoes? I stress "proper" because so many people just go to a FootLocker and buy what's available - mostly Nike. And just because Nike's are expensive, that doesn't mean it's the best pair for you. Again, I stress - "FOR YOU".
Go to a running specific shoe store where they see how your gait or stride is. You may need stability shoes or motion control. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! :)
Next - a good DRY pair of running socks is essential. Sweaty feet could lead to blisters. I highly suggest a company called BALAGA SPORTS. I've tried several pairs of socks and these are the most comfortable socks on the market. And they have socks for different people - thin, low cut to mid cut thick socks, to trail socks, etc. I love em. Pricey, but your feet deserve it - trust me.
Another thing is - you've only been training for two weeks. You have to really have a base of miles for your feet to get used to the shoes.
car makes
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