Im a 17 year old girl, who runs high school xc and I have had knee problems before in xc and track, but once
I ice them and take ibprohen(Cant spell) to help the swelling.I feel better in a week. but this time its been like 3 weeks, I have been iceing them and taking ibprophen and got insole things for my shoes, but now when I sit in a chair and lift both legs up at the same time I can only lift my left leg(the leg with the knee problem) up only like 2 or 3 inches with out my knee hurting. it hurts to jump up and down, it swells and hurts when I run but when I run and it hurts I slow down or walk a whats wrong with my knee? if it keeps up for another week im going to the doctor..
Knee problems?
Well knees are always easy to injure, tear, and is the most complex amount of muscles and bones! Since you sound like quite the runner it could be many things. I hope there no popping or locking, stiffness because that could result in more serious things. But for you it could sound like a ACL knee injury or tear, just from running so much and exercising like crazy. It may be septic arthritis, i know quite a few kids who have that who are also runners. It may be a knee strain or a knee meniscus tear. Well it could be a lot of things, but if you're pain is keeping up i suggest going to a doctor, knee specialist or a physiotherapist!
Keep it up, and use RICE, Good luck!
Reply:used to be in track too.....umm there is a bone right behind the knee cap called the miniscus (men-nis-cus) running and sprinting and you can blow it. you mght have also chipped your knee cap. my bf did that when he was hauling furniture. go to a orthopedic doctor. until you find out what it is, stay off the track. you might do even more damage. also talk to your coach.
Reply:If you cant straighten the leg at all then it is most likly a meniscus tear witch is the cartilage that separates your femor and tibia I had a tear there it sounds very similar get it checked out by an ortho ASAP you dont want to keep letting it get worse i did and lost half of the cartilage in my knee its not pleasant if you get it early enough they can scope the tear and it should be minor...if it is a meniscus tear which sounds most likely
But thats assuming its a meniscus tear it could be a minor ligament tear, though doubtful since its been happening for a while now...or it could be a stress fracture. Odds are its a meniscus tear though
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