My feet are as flat as...heck, I don't know...something really really flat.
Anyway, I'm also a runner and after a mile or so my feet start hurting which causes me to stop and rest my feet. It hurts my "arch" or lack thereof...the area along the inside of my foot between my forefoot (big toe side/sesamoid bone) and just before my heel.
Is there an insole for my shoe that I can buy to prevent this? Any other suggestions?
At the moment I'm running with Asics GT2120 and also some old pair of Asics I have a sentimental bond with, lol. I stopped running on hard concrete and now I stick to treadmills and trails.
I'm 23 and I love running. I have done it constantly as a healthy release. If I wasn't able to run I'd be doomed to couch-potatodom. I'll never be able to reach the level I'm seeking with this problem...and I'd rather not have to resort to visiting a sports-health clinic.
Any help you can provide is welcomed!
Tips for flat-footed runner.?
The problem is that there can be a lot more to it than how flat (or not flat) your foot is. The first thing to do is to get properly fitted for a running shoe. Any good running store will video tape you running on a treadmill and put you in a shoe with good mechanics for your body. It's important to have good motion control if you are over or under-pronating (see link below). Try this and see if they can film you running in your shoes. If your gait is nice and neutral, then you can try an over the counter insole or arch support.
Just be careful not to over do it while you're trying something new. If you're not addressing the right problem you can seriously injure yourself.
I tend to under pronate, and when I run in shoes without motion control my arches start to kill me after a quarter-mile. At first I thought it was my arches and tried a Dr. Scholl's arch support insole and only made things worse.
Good luck!
Reply:Try running on your toes.It makes you go faster,too.But I must warn you you calves will be aching for at least two weeks when you run on your toes for the first time.
Hotel reviews
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Where can i get Bunion Regulator in Singapore?
I've tried a few pharmacies but they don't seem to have bunion is not very serious but i know it is developing...i went to an orthopedic to get a custom made they work for bunion?and does the bunion regulator really work?as in make the bunion disappear? thanks~
Where can i get Bunion Regulator in Singapore?
Get it treated a.s.a.p Bunions tend to get worse. Bunion regulators do not work but it helps the pain and comfort. Their isnt a way to remove bunions without surgery. Thats because of the bone deformity.
cat skin problem
Where can i get Bunion Regulator in Singapore?
Get it treated a.s.a.p Bunions tend to get worse. Bunion regulators do not work but it helps the pain and comfort. Their isnt a way to remove bunions without surgery. Thats because of the bone deformity.
cat skin problem
Tired of people syaing men are happier!?
6%1462 answers
Member Since: 09 Jun 2007
Total Points: 4397 (Level 4)
Points earned this week: 361 Why WOMEN ARE Happier!
You get two last names, burn credit with one use the other!
The Closet is all yours, his clothes fit on the Gavinet under the sink
You can blame hours of shopping on wedding plans and a 60 pound weight gain on pregnancy, and people believe you!
you CAN get pregnant, and feel life growing inside of you, men only feel gas
If you flirt correctly service people do stuff for free or cheap.
Our bathrooms have chatting (Men think we are actually there to pee).
You make believe you need another bathroom less icky, but you actually want to get closer to the mall and bully your man into shopping all day, claims of lack of higiene are our TOOL!
You can make your man do anything if you wear the right thong and say the right phrase.
You can fake a female problem and stay home a few days a month from work, supervisor don't wanna know the details
You can wear contact lenses, have plastic surgery, even increase your boobs! If a man does it he is called "gay"
With the right pair of boobs you can own the world! We can stare at every man in the room and our husband won't notice.
Your heels can make you appear taller, men need insole lifts!
You may be moody but when you want sex you have a 99.9% of getting it, even if you just go out on the street and announce it, chances are someone will obligue! No need to beg, pay, cry.
You always have female friends willing to examine everything you man did lately, both of you can get to the bottom of the most difficult to explain cases for free and without a profesional.
You know stuff about color matching and we come prepared every were we go, while men to buy tiny bottle of shampoos at the corner store or brush their teeth with soap cause they forgot!
You can get men to open jars, do the heavy lifting just by faking weakness.
If it's the middle of the night most people will open the door to a woman than a man, we are non menancing!
Your underwear comes in exquisit colors and fabrics (not to mention styles), plus playboy pays you to show your assets.
You know how to fix, arrainge, clean and organize anything! You can fit a whole closet in a shoe bag.
The divorce judge always goes in our favor, specially if we cry.
We can blow our husbands entire paycheck and blame it on the hairstylist.
We only have to shave our legs and underarms, and only once a week! The rest is OPTIONAL!
You are asked by your husband to play with "his toys" all your life, you can be 90 and he still will want you!, Thank testosterone for that!
You can be slim without being called punny, men can't!
You get a diamond ring when you get married and never are suspected of being serial killers.
WE can wear pants yet men can't wear skirts!!!!
Tired of people syaing men are happier!?
I agree, you're all also witches...
Reply:You know i just farted....
I even saw a cow in wal mart yesterday.
Reply:Bottom line is women are happier, smarter, stronger and more independent than a man... That is why "the man" cannot live without "A WOMAN" by his side!!!!
Reply:"Me thinks you doth protest too much" Relax, men are happier!
Reply:You can do this blah blah blah blah blah all night/day. Get over it. We (both men and women) have our flaws. You cant argue, its like saying I wish men were never born. Well same goes for women. Must have one for the other to function. Get off your high horse. Your not evan almighty.
Some of those remarks are just plain ignorant..but I can tell you have a hard time finding a man.
Reply:Too bad during puberty estrogen (an alchohol-based hormone) does so much damage to your brain that the dominant portion that is left is the medula oblongata which is why you suffer from uncontrolled mood swings for the majority of the rest of your life.
Reply:Are you really a woman? There are plenty of downsides these days. A woman pretty much has to keep house, raise children AND work. I have to get up all night to breast feed, and never get to sleep in while my husband does every weekend. Childbirth pretty much wrecks our bodies, at least for a while. You must still be in high school to still be so idealistic about womanhood!
Reply:I've always thought being a woman was much better. We have options men don't, they are so tied to "bringing home the bacon".
Reply:wow that is really long.
But I know one thing Men are usually more happier and pleasant than men.
Thats why some women like to have friendship with men rather than with women.
Reply:If men are so happy, then why are they shooting up and killing people who are strangers to them every chance they get? Women are not doing this kind of violence. Think about it.
develop skin cancer
Member Since: 09 Jun 2007
Total Points: 4397 (Level 4)
Points earned this week: 361 Why WOMEN ARE Happier!
You get two last names, burn credit with one use the other!
The Closet is all yours, his clothes fit on the Gavinet under the sink
You can blame hours of shopping on wedding plans and a 60 pound weight gain on pregnancy, and people believe you!
you CAN get pregnant, and feel life growing inside of you, men only feel gas
If you flirt correctly service people do stuff for free or cheap.
Our bathrooms have chatting (Men think we are actually there to pee).
You make believe you need another bathroom less icky, but you actually want to get closer to the mall and bully your man into shopping all day, claims of lack of higiene are our TOOL!
You can make your man do anything if you wear the right thong and say the right phrase.
You can fake a female problem and stay home a few days a month from work, supervisor don't wanna know the details
You can wear contact lenses, have plastic surgery, even increase your boobs! If a man does it he is called "gay"
With the right pair of boobs you can own the world! We can stare at every man in the room and our husband won't notice.
Your heels can make you appear taller, men need insole lifts!
You may be moody but when you want sex you have a 99.9% of getting it, even if you just go out on the street and announce it, chances are someone will obligue! No need to beg, pay, cry.
You always have female friends willing to examine everything you man did lately, both of you can get to the bottom of the most difficult to explain cases for free and without a profesional.
You know stuff about color matching and we come prepared every were we go, while men to buy tiny bottle of shampoos at the corner store or brush their teeth with soap cause they forgot!
You can get men to open jars, do the heavy lifting just by faking weakness.
If it's the middle of the night most people will open the door to a woman than a man, we are non menancing!
Your underwear comes in exquisit colors and fabrics (not to mention styles), plus playboy pays you to show your assets.
You know how to fix, arrainge, clean and organize anything! You can fit a whole closet in a shoe bag.
The divorce judge always goes in our favor, specially if we cry.
We can blow our husbands entire paycheck and blame it on the hairstylist.
We only have to shave our legs and underarms, and only once a week! The rest is OPTIONAL!
You are asked by your husband to play with "his toys" all your life, you can be 90 and he still will want you!, Thank testosterone for that!
You can be slim without being called punny, men can't!
You get a diamond ring when you get married and never are suspected of being serial killers.
WE can wear pants yet men can't wear skirts!!!!
Tired of people syaing men are happier!?
I agree, you're all also witches...
Reply:You know i just farted....
I even saw a cow in wal mart yesterday.
Reply:Bottom line is women are happier, smarter, stronger and more independent than a man... That is why "the man" cannot live without "A WOMAN" by his side!!!!
Reply:"Me thinks you doth protest too much" Relax, men are happier!
Reply:You can do this blah blah blah blah blah all night/day. Get over it. We (both men and women) have our flaws. You cant argue, its like saying I wish men were never born. Well same goes for women. Must have one for the other to function. Get off your high horse. Your not evan almighty.
Some of those remarks are just plain ignorant..but I can tell you have a hard time finding a man.
Reply:Too bad during puberty estrogen (an alchohol-based hormone) does so much damage to your brain that the dominant portion that is left is the medula oblongata which is why you suffer from uncontrolled mood swings for the majority of the rest of your life.
Reply:Are you really a woman? There are plenty of downsides these days. A woman pretty much has to keep house, raise children AND work. I have to get up all night to breast feed, and never get to sleep in while my husband does every weekend. Childbirth pretty much wrecks our bodies, at least for a while. You must still be in high school to still be so idealistic about womanhood!
Reply:I've always thought being a woman was much better. We have options men don't, they are so tied to "bringing home the bacon".
Reply:wow that is really long.
But I know one thing Men are usually more happier and pleasant than men.
Thats why some women like to have friendship with men rather than with women.
Reply:If men are so happy, then why are they shooting up and killing people who are strangers to them every chance they get? Women are not doing this kind of violence. Think about it.
develop skin cancer
What do women think when they see a good looking guy with small feet?
So here's my problem: I'm six feet tall, have broad chest and shoulders and look overall muscular and fit. However, given my large frame, my size 10.5 feet look disporportionate to the rest of my body. This really bugs me because a.) I'd like my feet to be in proportion with the rest of my body and b.) I am aware that people think having small feet means having a small... (not true in my case.) I know I can always buy size 11 shoes and just add an insole but this becomes really uncomfortable after a while so I've stopped doing it. So ladies, if you saw a tall and good looking guy who dresses nice, looks good but has small feet, what would you think about him?
What do women think when they see a good looking guy with small feet?
10.5 is 1.5 sizes above average for men. Therefore, you don't have small feet.
Besides, you know what women say. A guy with big feet....needs big shoes.
Reply:did you know: your foot (heel to toe) should fit exactly between your wrist and the crook of your elbow if you hold it up to there? that means your proportianate (wow, i just butchered that word...)
honestly, we dont really concentrate on foot size, or atleast, i dont...
Reply:I probably wouldnt be paying any attention to his feet. I think most girls know by now that the foot thing is a myth and doesnt really mean anything. I would just think well hes a cute guy, most women dont look at feet. Trust me you need to quit worrying about it.
Reply:I don't think your feet seem small. I never really care to notice either. Eh you'll be fine.
Reply:ya i realize the feet being an issue in a guys point of view. In reality, It's what's on the inside. who you are, good looking, even better, tall, awesome! I think it's cute. No worries!
Reply:Believe it or not, girls don't go around looking at guys' feet.
Chill out and get some confidence in yourself. The size of your feet isn't going to matter to anyone who really cares about you.
Reply:dude believe me
unless your trying on her shoes
women could care less
how big your feet are.
Reply:thats not that small dude...
im the same height as you and wear an 11.5...and i have heard how i have big feet..
one size diff...woopty do...
Reply:i would think wow he must be a really nice guy.
i hate feet so i generally wouldnt look at your haha
but if a gril is really just shopping for shoe size then she is lame.
hope this helps!!!
Reply:they have big D
Reply:I never seen you young lady you need to learn to lover your self it hard to find true love with small feel are big feet if someone love you are care about you who care what other people think about you beautiful woman come is all shape and size.. if this young man like you talk to him you have only one person to please and that your self
Reply:You know, some girls notice feet, others don't... In my case it's always my friends who notice my date's feet first... Just forget about it! You're obsessing... and yeah girls know the size of feet is just the size of feet...
Reply:I would think, "he has small feet," and then get over it. That's not something I care about if the rest of you looks good and you're a good person.
Reply:If I saw a guy with small feet, I would think WOW...less to rub!
My husband wears a size 13, how would you like to be stuck with those big 'ol things?
Mature people could care less about what size anything is. If your looking for a serious relationship but find that your feet are inhibiting you from doing this than you should build your intellect, that's what women really want. could have the doctor shave a few inches of your legs and have him readjust your feet...Good luck
Reply:how about waiting till you are more mature before worrying about the ladies, obviously if you are worried about this issue you are too immature and insecure anyway
Reply:I know its an on-going joke what small feet mean, but that's all it is. If i'm into a guy, I don't care the size of his feet. There are SOOOO many other qualities i'm looking for... Funny, sweet, makes me laugh, smells good, nice smile/teeth. Why worry about feet?
Besides, the most important thing is the kiss, that connection is unbeatable.
Reply:i think that its about who you are not your feet
Reply:hes an a normal guy, this small feet, has a small u know that's bull. my husband has small feet, but nice u know
microsoft excel
What do women think when they see a good looking guy with small feet?
10.5 is 1.5 sizes above average for men. Therefore, you don't have small feet.
Besides, you know what women say. A guy with big feet....needs big shoes.
Reply:did you know: your foot (heel to toe) should fit exactly between your wrist and the crook of your elbow if you hold it up to there? that means your proportianate (wow, i just butchered that word...)
honestly, we dont really concentrate on foot size, or atleast, i dont...
Reply:I probably wouldnt be paying any attention to his feet. I think most girls know by now that the foot thing is a myth and doesnt really mean anything. I would just think well hes a cute guy, most women dont look at feet. Trust me you need to quit worrying about it.
Reply:I don't think your feet seem small. I never really care to notice either. Eh you'll be fine.
Reply:ya i realize the feet being an issue in a guys point of view. In reality, It's what's on the inside. who you are, good looking, even better, tall, awesome! I think it's cute. No worries!
Reply:Believe it or not, girls don't go around looking at guys' feet.
Chill out and get some confidence in yourself. The size of your feet isn't going to matter to anyone who really cares about you.
Reply:dude believe me
unless your trying on her shoes
women could care less
how big your feet are.
Reply:thats not that small dude...
im the same height as you and wear an 11.5...and i have heard how i have big feet..
one size diff...woopty do...
Reply:i would think wow he must be a really nice guy.
i hate feet so i generally wouldnt look at your haha
but if a gril is really just shopping for shoe size then she is lame.
hope this helps!!!
Reply:they have big D
Reply:I never seen you young lady you need to learn to lover your self it hard to find true love with small feel are big feet if someone love you are care about you who care what other people think about you beautiful woman come is all shape and size.. if this young man like you talk to him you have only one person to please and that your self
Reply:You know, some girls notice feet, others don't... In my case it's always my friends who notice my date's feet first... Just forget about it! You're obsessing... and yeah girls know the size of feet is just the size of feet...
Reply:I would think, "he has small feet," and then get over it. That's not something I care about if the rest of you looks good and you're a good person.
Reply:If I saw a guy with small feet, I would think WOW...less to rub!
My husband wears a size 13, how would you like to be stuck with those big 'ol things?
Mature people could care less about what size anything is. If your looking for a serious relationship but find that your feet are inhibiting you from doing this than you should build your intellect, that's what women really want. could have the doctor shave a few inches of your legs and have him readjust your feet...Good luck
Reply:how about waiting till you are more mature before worrying about the ladies, obviously if you are worried about this issue you are too immature and insecure anyway
Reply:I know its an on-going joke what small feet mean, but that's all it is. If i'm into a guy, I don't care the size of his feet. There are SOOOO many other qualities i'm looking for... Funny, sweet, makes me laugh, smells good, nice smile/teeth. Why worry about feet?
Besides, the most important thing is the kiss, that connection is unbeatable.
Reply:i think that its about who you are not your feet
Reply:hes an a normal guy, this small feet, has a small u know that's bull. my husband has small feet, but nice u know
microsoft excel
Can paxil turn one into a thief? shoplifter? I've been on paxil for 4 months and I've shoplifted?
a bottle of water, and an insole. I would have never dreamed of doing such idiotic things before the paroxetine. So my question is, has my paxil turned me into a thief?
Can paxil turn one into a thief? shoplifter? I've been on paxil for 4 months and I've shoplifted?
It is unlikely, but...
One of the concerns with an unopposed antidepressant (assuming you are on no other meds) is that if you do have a bipolar illness rather than a unipolar depression, the paxil may be causing you to be "hypomanic". Symptoms of hypomania include elevated mood, not needing as much sleep as usual (staying up late), higher level of irritability, and increased impulsivity. This impulsivity usually comes across as increased gambling, increased shopping when you cant afford it, increased sexual activity... all stuff that you wouldn't "normally" do, but your mind's "brake" isnt there to stop you. I suppose that shoplifting could be a manifestation of that. Talk to your prescriber. That being said, the likelihood that an unopposed SSRI like paxil causing it would be pretty low. Also, missing some doses of paxil or taking it too late might cause some confusion and anxiety which could lead you to do things that you wouldn't normally.
These medications are not benign chemicals and COULD cause problems like these, even though most of the time they do not.
So, the bottom line would be to talk to your doctor and see what she or he thinks.
Reply:Is you energy level a little too high? Are you thoughts going a little too fast? Do you need a little less sleep than normal? Those all are signs of mild hypomania (subthreshhold mania) which can be induced by antidepressants. If that's the case, see your doctor asap. It's also a potential indicator of bipolar disorder (you need more so don't leap).
Other than the above, nope, can't think of a reason. So stop that!
Reply:No. It may cause you to gain weight, but it cannot turn you into a thief. I use to take it a few years ago and it helped with my anxiety and I had gained some weight from it, but that's about it.
Reply:no. paxil didn't make you into a thief...don't blame medication for you being a criminal.
Reply:no, shoplifting is a learned behavior. Your looking for an excuse to explain your bad behavior. Please stop.
Reply:Paxil is not the cause of you acting impulsive and shoplifting. It may just be part of your illness. My advice would be to discuss this with your therapist.
Can paxil turn one into a thief? shoplifter? I've been on paxil for 4 months and I've shoplifted?
It is unlikely, but...
One of the concerns with an unopposed antidepressant (assuming you are on no other meds) is that if you do have a bipolar illness rather than a unipolar depression, the paxil may be causing you to be "hypomanic". Symptoms of hypomania include elevated mood, not needing as much sleep as usual (staying up late), higher level of irritability, and increased impulsivity. This impulsivity usually comes across as increased gambling, increased shopping when you cant afford it, increased sexual activity... all stuff that you wouldn't "normally" do, but your mind's "brake" isnt there to stop you. I suppose that shoplifting could be a manifestation of that. Talk to your prescriber. That being said, the likelihood that an unopposed SSRI like paxil causing it would be pretty low. Also, missing some doses of paxil or taking it too late might cause some confusion and anxiety which could lead you to do things that you wouldn't normally.
These medications are not benign chemicals and COULD cause problems like these, even though most of the time they do not.
So, the bottom line would be to talk to your doctor and see what she or he thinks.
Reply:Is you energy level a little too high? Are you thoughts going a little too fast? Do you need a little less sleep than normal? Those all are signs of mild hypomania (subthreshhold mania) which can be induced by antidepressants. If that's the case, see your doctor asap. It's also a potential indicator of bipolar disorder (you need more so don't leap).
Other than the above, nope, can't think of a reason. So stop that!
Reply:No. It may cause you to gain weight, but it cannot turn you into a thief. I use to take it a few years ago and it helped with my anxiety and I had gained some weight from it, but that's about it.
Reply:no. paxil didn't make you into a thief...don't blame medication for you being a criminal.
Reply:no, shoplifting is a learned behavior. Your looking for an excuse to explain your bad behavior. Please stop.
Reply:Paxil is not the cause of you acting impulsive and shoplifting. It may just be part of your illness. My advice would be to discuss this with your therapist.
Could working out on the treadmill be causing my toes to swell and get blisters on them?
This is very weird but I have been working out for a little over three weeks, and I now have a blister forming on the bottom of my toe (the toe right next to the big toe). It is a little sore too. My other toes seems to be a little swollen underneath as well. I wear Nike Shocks to work-out in. I have alternated with socks (and they are kind of thicken anklet socks) and I tried tights yesterday (I wore them under my work-out pants).
Could it be that the insole in my shoes are worn out? I believe it's from friction, but what can I do to alleviate that? I usually stay on the treadmill for 60 minutes, but I alternate the speed between 3.5 and 4.1. I never run though. Could I be walking too hard?
Could working out on the treadmill be causing my toes to swell and get blisters on them?
You're right its the friction between your feet and shoes. The type of socks can help with this.
try soft cotton socks, the kind that soft towels are made of not the rayon or polyester type (like tights)
check your shoes, It should be a comfortable not too tight and not too loose.
Also, check with the gym instructors there if you are landing your feet correctly when you run, it is possible that you put a lot of weight on your toes instead of the balls of your feet.
Reply:Socks are supposed to absorb the humidity from your feet, maybe you are using a fabric softener on your socks. Fabric softeners don't let the socks absorb the humidity from your feet when you sweat. Fabric softners will make your feet itch. The crispier the socks the better they are for your feet. What you have could be athleth foot. Use a medicated powder in your shoes, don't use fabric softener, and wear confortable shoes. It helps if the shoes have some ventilation, like material that lets the air through, or shoes that have a couple of little round holes on the inerside of the shoe.
Reply:Sometimes new shoes will do that. Even though you purchase the same size that you always wear, the custom fit and model of the shoe varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If the timing of the exercises and swelling coincide then it could be directly related. Try alternating your shoes or socks or consider buying a new pair of shoes.also consider wearing two pairs of socks. If the problem persists consult a physician. Also keep in mind the weather's temperature has a direct correlation with the "shoe life" of your shoes, if worn outside frequently.
Reply:get some swimming shoes and walk in them, not in something you tie on.
Reply:Yes is the simple answer to your question.
Give the exercise a break until they've cleared up.
I'll tell you what I do. I still play football (5 - a- side) and when I need to buy new trainers, if they cause blisters, the next time I play in them I put loads of vaseline in them. I mean loads. About a tablespoon per trainer directly on the area causing the blistering. You will only need to do this once or twice after which time your feet and shoes will have got used to each other.
Reply:that should not happen. what i would do is call nike directly and talk to an agent about it. you have one of 2 options, send the shoes in and set up a claim ( there could be too much material in them) or you can set up a risk management where they might pay for any doc. visits or anything that could have happened to you. It is really your option. i have worked for nike so i know personallty that i have had a few of these calls before. They are willing to help you and take care of you :) the number is 1-800-344-6453 opt. 5. hope this helps you :)
windows media player 11
Could it be that the insole in my shoes are worn out? I believe it's from friction, but what can I do to alleviate that? I usually stay on the treadmill for 60 minutes, but I alternate the speed between 3.5 and 4.1. I never run though. Could I be walking too hard?
Could working out on the treadmill be causing my toes to swell and get blisters on them?
You're right its the friction between your feet and shoes. The type of socks can help with this.
try soft cotton socks, the kind that soft towels are made of not the rayon or polyester type (like tights)
check your shoes, It should be a comfortable not too tight and not too loose.
Also, check with the gym instructors there if you are landing your feet correctly when you run, it is possible that you put a lot of weight on your toes instead of the balls of your feet.
Reply:Socks are supposed to absorb the humidity from your feet, maybe you are using a fabric softener on your socks. Fabric softeners don't let the socks absorb the humidity from your feet when you sweat. Fabric softners will make your feet itch. The crispier the socks the better they are for your feet. What you have could be athleth foot. Use a medicated powder in your shoes, don't use fabric softener, and wear confortable shoes. It helps if the shoes have some ventilation, like material that lets the air through, or shoes that have a couple of little round holes on the inerside of the shoe.
Reply:Sometimes new shoes will do that. Even though you purchase the same size that you always wear, the custom fit and model of the shoe varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. If the timing of the exercises and swelling coincide then it could be directly related. Try alternating your shoes or socks or consider buying a new pair of shoes.also consider wearing two pairs of socks. If the problem persists consult a physician. Also keep in mind the weather's temperature has a direct correlation with the "shoe life" of your shoes, if worn outside frequently.
Reply:get some swimming shoes and walk in them, not in something you tie on.
Reply:Yes is the simple answer to your question.
Give the exercise a break until they've cleared up.
I'll tell you what I do. I still play football (5 - a- side) and when I need to buy new trainers, if they cause blisters, the next time I play in them I put loads of vaseline in them. I mean loads. About a tablespoon per trainer directly on the area causing the blistering. You will only need to do this once or twice after which time your feet and shoes will have got used to each other.
Reply:that should not happen. what i would do is call nike directly and talk to an agent about it. you have one of 2 options, send the shoes in and set up a claim ( there could be too much material in them) or you can set up a risk management where they might pay for any doc. visits or anything that could have happened to you. It is really your option. i have worked for nike so i know personallty that i have had a few of these calls before. They are willing to help you and take care of you :) the number is 1-800-344-6453 opt. 5. hope this helps you :)
windows media player 11
What is causing the intense pain in my right foot?
I have a intense cramping pain in my right foot. It starts after I take a few steps and is centered around my insole and eventually moves to my heel also. What is this and what do I do to fix it?
What is causing the intense pain in my right foot?
may be tendinitous.
Reply:I would recommend that you see a doctor.
What is causing the intense pain in my right foot?
may be tendinitous.
Reply:I would recommend that you see a doctor.
Gucci shoes made in Brazil. Real or fake?
I just picked up a pair of Men's horsebit loafers with rubber soles that have the horsebit pattern impressed in the rubber. They say Gucci Italy on the insole but on the tongue it says Made in Brazil. I didn't know if Gucci ever outsourced any of their manufacturing or if these are Brazillian knock offs. They are well constructed and are really very nice. But for resale purposes I am not sure if I can say they are authentic. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Gucci shoes made in Brazil. Real or fake?
They are true. Brazil is one of the biggest exporter of shoes, and also of meat (since they come together at the beginning of the process).
Most famous brands are established in Brazil.
Brazil has many German and Italian descendants and they bring the technology to prepare the leather and produce shoes.
Before China become this big export country Brazil was also a big tennis shoes exporter.
Reply:i say fake
Reply:totally fake!
Reply:they are FAKE!!!!
Reply:i think fake
Reply:bottom much did u pay? cheap? not gucci expensive- real gucci
Reply:what dose it matter if you like them
Gucci shoes made in Brazil. Real or fake?
They are true. Brazil is one of the biggest exporter of shoes, and also of meat (since they come together at the beginning of the process).
Most famous brands are established in Brazil.
Brazil has many German and Italian descendants and they bring the technology to prepare the leather and produce shoes.
Before China become this big export country Brazil was also a big tennis shoes exporter.
Reply:i say fake
Reply:totally fake!
Reply:they are FAKE!!!!
Reply:i think fake
Reply:bottom much did u pay? cheap? not gucci expensive- real gucci
Reply:what dose it matter if you like them
Are these heels fashionable?
They have a 4 1/2" clear heel and 3/4" platform. Black patent insole and straps.
What to wear with them?
Are these heels fashionable?
Very fashionable wear them w/ a cute dress from or!
Reply:mhh.. not really
The heel is out
Reply:yes but not for everyday wear. maybe with the little black dress everyone has...
Reply:i love them, and you can wear them with anything
Reply:sry clear heels are out. I think amazing peep toe pumps are way cuter than strappy sandles.
Reply:No they look like barely toned down hooker heels. Try an ankle boot or chunky earth toned heels. Or even some high heeled oxfords.
Reply:yes, would look good with a black dress and hoop earrings
Reply:Little black dress! Accessorize in red!
Reply:They are very much in fashion. Why not try them with a funky black shift dress, perhaps one of the sequined ones. =]
Reply:those are so absolutely cute!! wear them with your little black dress or a red dress.. whatever u like
Reply:the clear heel makes them stripperish, not fashionable AT ALL
Reply:Yes they still are. Where them with some fancy pants, skirt, or dress.
Reply:i think theyre very cute, the clear heel is nice and classy, not stripperish, wear them with fancy clothes or even jeans and a dressy shirt
C++ Function
What to wear with them?
Are these heels fashionable?
Very fashionable wear them w/ a cute dress from or!
Reply:mhh.. not really
The heel is out
Reply:yes but not for everyday wear. maybe with the little black dress everyone has...
Reply:i love them, and you can wear them with anything
Reply:sry clear heels are out. I think amazing peep toe pumps are way cuter than strappy sandles.
Reply:No they look like barely toned down hooker heels. Try an ankle boot or chunky earth toned heels. Or even some high heeled oxfords.
Reply:yes, would look good with a black dress and hoop earrings
Reply:Little black dress! Accessorize in red!
Reply:They are very much in fashion. Why not try them with a funky black shift dress, perhaps one of the sequined ones. =]
Reply:those are so absolutely cute!! wear them with your little black dress or a red dress.. whatever u like
Reply:the clear heel makes them stripperish, not fashionable AT ALL
Reply:Yes they still are. Where them with some fancy pants, skirt, or dress.
Reply:i think theyre very cute, the clear heel is nice and classy, not stripperish, wear them with fancy clothes or even jeans and a dressy shirt
C++ Function
Question about my Shoes..?
What is the best "insole" to use when I have holes in the bottom of my shoes? Remember, I can't afford Dr. Scholl's! My "donation can" has been quite empty lately.
Question about my Shoes..?
line em with newspapers...
Reply:read the obit's,i,m sure you could con shoes from some families loved one they just lost. your can is empty alright.
Reply:News Paper.
Reply:Uncle Buk? Is that you? Hey, just go down I80 a bit, saw a new pair of tennies on the side of the road there you can pick up for free.
Reply:Sausage remnant
Reply:Bum a pad from a girl. That will give cushion and should stay put, lol. You can even cut it to the desired size.
Reply:hi buk!...may i suggest a concoction of syrup, leaves, topped with a nice hollandaise sauce~
Question about my Shoes..?
line em with newspapers...
Reply:read the obit's,i,m sure you could con shoes from some families loved one they just lost. your can is empty alright.
Reply:News Paper.
Reply:Uncle Buk? Is that you? Hey, just go down I80 a bit, saw a new pair of tennies on the side of the road there you can pick up for free.
Reply:Sausage remnant
Reply:Bum a pad from a girl. That will give cushion and should stay put, lol. You can even cut it to the desired size.
Reply:hi buk!...may i suggest a concoction of syrup, leaves, topped with a nice hollandaise sauce~
I just received my first pair of ballet pointe shoes but have some fitting problems...?
It's a Freed Studio 7E (US 9.5) with standard insole. However the heel does tend to come off - seems a little loose, so I guess I should have gone with 6.5 instead. But the biggest problem is that the second I start walking with them on my big toe joints hurt and the big toes themselves don't seem to have enough room, they hurt on the side. Does that mean I should get an even wider shoe, or is it something else? Would a toe pad fix all my problems by shortening the shoe and cushioning my toes? Thank you!
I just received my first pair of ballet pointe shoes but have some fitting problems...?
well pointe shoes are supposed to hurt and i have the same problems but the teacher told me to tie it tighter and it helped and i think everyone's big toes will hurt wearing them and make sure u get the gel or cotton pads before u wear them and warm up your feet before u go on full ponte
I just received my first pair of ballet pointe shoes but have some fitting problems...?
well pointe shoes are supposed to hurt and i have the same problems but the teacher told me to tie it tighter and it helped and i think everyone's big toes will hurt wearing them and make sure u get the gel or cotton pads before u wear them and warm up your feet before u go on full ponte
What inserts are best for a high heel?
i wore 4 in wedge high heels to a club by the end of the night my feet wore on fire. i could barely walk to the car. but my outfit was so cute.i looked really cute sittig down. what is the best insole insert to buy from the store. i heard about insoila or something
What inserts are best for a high heel?
best insert for high heels? womens feet~!
Reply:These are some of the best I have found on the market.
Also I use The Silver Lining inserts and they are very nice as well.
Reply:then you're old or heels aren't for you. get over it.
What inserts are best for a high heel?
best insert for high heels? womens feet~!
Reply:These are some of the best I have found on the market.
Also I use The Silver Lining inserts and they are very nice as well.
Reply:then you're old or heels aren't for you. get over it.
What is the best orthotic for soccer shoes?
I have flat feet...need insole/orthotics for my soccer shoes?.any suggestions?
What is the best orthotic for soccer shoes?
I find Dr. Scholl's to be the best...Not only are they comfortable but they'll give you that boost you need.
Reply:I haven't tried the brand you talk about, but they will hold up better than the Dr. Scholl orhtotics that the others have talked about. The Dr. scholl orthotics are good for 3-6 months and yu have to get another pair. Spending a bit more wll get you something that will last a while! Superfeet is a brand here that is pretty much the same. They are pretty good and last.
Reply:I heard Dr. Schols is the best
Reply:Yes, go to a store like Walmart and look near the pharmacy for Dr. Sholls foot inserts. They have a pair for heavy-duty use, the bottom of them are brown. Cost about $20. I work outside in construction, wonderful on the bottom of the feet. And a great arch support.
What is the best orthotic for soccer shoes?
I find Dr. Scholl's to be the best...Not only are they comfortable but they'll give you that boost you need.
Reply:I haven't tried the brand you talk about, but they will hold up better than the Dr. Scholl orhtotics that the others have talked about. The Dr. scholl orthotics are good for 3-6 months and yu have to get another pair. Spending a bit more wll get you something that will last a while! Superfeet is a brand here that is pretty much the same. They are pretty good and last.
Reply:I heard Dr. Schols is the best
Reply:Yes, go to a store like Walmart and look near the pharmacy for Dr. Sholls foot inserts. They have a pair for heavy-duty use, the bottom of them are brown. Cost about $20. I work outside in construction, wonderful on the bottom of the feet. And a great arch support.
There is something wrong with the arch of my foot and i don't know what to do.. can anyone help?
a little over a month ago i started working out to get myself in better shape and to lose some un-wanted weight... so i bought an elliptical machine. well ever since about two weeks after i got it i have this pain in the arch of my right foot, i have good shoes, new balance as a matter of fact, so i don't think that is it, i even bought an arch support gel insole from dr. scholl's and that doesn't seem to help either. it almost feels like it is being stretched when i walk, like it is really tight and when i press my foot down it feels like the muscle is being pulled. it is making me walk on the outer side of my foot because it hurts. do any of you know what this might be because of or how to stretch it out r maybe what i can do to help it or SOMETHING!
There is something wrong with the arch of my foot and i don't know what to do.. can anyone help?
Okay so i had theat problem too for a while and in fact it just started to come back the problem is that u probably have flat feet you should go to the pedietrist and get special insoles made juist for you feet and where them in all aof your shoes all the time. i was fine until i stopped wearing them over the summer but really they work, but they are a little pricy.
Reply:What it sounds like is a condition called plantar fasciitis. In addition to the orthotics for your shoes, you need to stretch out your calves as well as the base of your foot. Try rolling a tennis ball around underneath the arch of your foot for a few minutes a couple times a day. Report It
There is something wrong with the arch of my foot and i don't know what to do.. can anyone help?
Okay so i had theat problem too for a while and in fact it just started to come back the problem is that u probably have flat feet you should go to the pedietrist and get special insoles made juist for you feet and where them in all aof your shoes all the time. i was fine until i stopped wearing them over the summer but really they work, but they are a little pricy.
Reply:What it sounds like is a condition called plantar fasciitis. In addition to the orthotics for your shoes, you need to stretch out your calves as well as the base of your foot. Try rolling a tennis ball around underneath the arch of your foot for a few minutes a couple times a day. Report It
Heel Spurs (Morning heal pain)?
For the last couple of weeks I am suffering from Heal Spurs/ Plantar Fasciitis (Morning Heel pain). It is really severe in the morning when I get up but usually subsidise within couple of minute but I get the sensation through out the days.
My Doctor has already given one injection in one of my heal and given medicine as well, nothing worked out. Then I have purchased one Insole and inserted it under my shoes for extra cushion but seem nothing is working.
I am really annoyed with this, because I am loosing confidence, I can’t run or jump or go for long walk.
It stared when I played basketball after many years; I suspect this is the main reason behind my pain. anyway, i stopped plyaing immediately
Please suggest me if anyone has any idea about the same ho can I get rid of the same.
Heel Spurs (Morning heal pain)?
There are lots of things you can do for heel spurs and plantar fasciitis.
First off, don't just use inserts, you need to invest in a good pair of shoes. Depending on what kind of shoes you currently use, you could see improvement immediately.
Don't go to the doctor for heel spurs! They can't do anything for you and surgery will often hurt your feet more. Try massage therapy or a physical therapist first. It isn't the easy way out, but it's a way to get your foot to heal and be functional again without shots and knives.
Stretch the area and rub the area. Get into a routine to get that inflamed area relaxed.
Don't worry too much if you are still growing. I use to get heel spurs when I was going through a growth spurt.
Reply:Ask about the boot, you wear it at night to keep the tendon stretched, may offer you some relief. I went through the whole list of options, 3 injections, inserts, icing, and eventually surgery. That solved the morning pain and offered relief but caused some new problems down the road. the arch in the foot that was operated on was much lower after the surgery and I have to wear orthodics for the rest of my life.
Reply:i /had /heel spurs /the ONLY thing /that took away / is what they call /shock wave therapy / i swear by that method 100%
Reply:Start by putting arch supports, not inner soles, in ALL you shoes. Forget about wearing flip flops you will never get better. Losing weight will also help relieve this pain.
car audio
My Doctor has already given one injection in one of my heal and given medicine as well, nothing worked out. Then I have purchased one Insole and inserted it under my shoes for extra cushion but seem nothing is working.
I am really annoyed with this, because I am loosing confidence, I can’t run or jump or go for long walk.
It stared when I played basketball after many years; I suspect this is the main reason behind my pain. anyway, i stopped plyaing immediately
Please suggest me if anyone has any idea about the same ho can I get rid of the same.
Heel Spurs (Morning heal pain)?
There are lots of things you can do for heel spurs and plantar fasciitis.
First off, don't just use inserts, you need to invest in a good pair of shoes. Depending on what kind of shoes you currently use, you could see improvement immediately.
Don't go to the doctor for heel spurs! They can't do anything for you and surgery will often hurt your feet more. Try massage therapy or a physical therapist first. It isn't the easy way out, but it's a way to get your foot to heal and be functional again without shots and knives.
Stretch the area and rub the area. Get into a routine to get that inflamed area relaxed.
Don't worry too much if you are still growing. I use to get heel spurs when I was going through a growth spurt.
Reply:Ask about the boot, you wear it at night to keep the tendon stretched, may offer you some relief. I went through the whole list of options, 3 injections, inserts, icing, and eventually surgery. That solved the morning pain and offered relief but caused some new problems down the road. the arch in the foot that was operated on was much lower after the surgery and I have to wear orthodics for the rest of my life.
Reply:i /had /heel spurs /the ONLY thing /that took away / is what they call /shock wave therapy / i swear by that method 100%
Reply:Start by putting arch supports, not inner soles, in ALL you shoes. Forget about wearing flip flops you will never get better. Losing weight will also help relieve this pain.
car audio
How do you clean suede flip flops?
I have a pair of American Eagle flip flops, and the insole (I think that's what you call the part of the shoe the bottom of your foot touches) is a tan suede. This is getting disgustingly dirty, and it looks really bad, but how would you clean it?
How do you clean suede flip flops?
Go to a shoe store and ask for a suede brush. They help immensely!
Also, try to find some of this:
It's like a yellow bar of soap meant for stains on clothes. I believe it's under the brand "sunlight"
Basically what you do is on the stain, take a chisel and scrap some of the sunlight bar shavings on to the area. Wet the area with warm water and gently work the soap shavings into the stain. After, wash out the soap and brush with the suede brush I told you about. It works great for the suede on my UGGS
Reply:I would use a powdered laundry detergent and a good stiff bristled brush and warm water.
How do you clean suede flip flops?
Go to a shoe store and ask for a suede brush. They help immensely!
Also, try to find some of this:
It's like a yellow bar of soap meant for stains on clothes. I believe it's under the brand "sunlight"
Basically what you do is on the stain, take a chisel and scrap some of the sunlight bar shavings on to the area. Wet the area with warm water and gently work the soap shavings into the stain. After, wash out the soap and brush with the suede brush I told you about. It works great for the suede on my UGGS
Reply:I would use a powdered laundry detergent and a good stiff bristled brush and warm water.
DickButkus titaniumshoe or in sole?
I'm looking for the website Dick Butkus has on a titanium shoe insole for bad feet . Thank you Laura
DickButkus titaniumshoe or in sole?
link didn't work for me, though
DickButkus titaniumshoe or in sole?
link didn't work for me, though
Want to wear heels.?
Okay, I want to wear heels to work, but I work in retail, so I'm on my feet all day. Are there any really good comfort insole things that you know work? I also have really high arches.
Want to wear heels.?
heels are REALLY gonna hurt if you wear them all day. instead, try these shoes
i have a pair and they are so cute! they are one inch wedges that are super comfy and can be dressed up or down. they come in tons of colors, look cute, and feel great!
...a great investment
much bettter than heels
good luck!%26lt;3
Reply:Try a GoodFeet Store... they are expensive, but they have custom solutions for everything.
Reply:Good shoes are critical for wearing them for long time. But you do not necessarily need to buy expensive ones.
My most comfortable heels came from Walmart. They were about 2" tall and I could run around in them for hours.
My least comfortable came from JC Penney. They are OK but my feet do hurt after an hour or so on my feet.
Try several inexpensive ones. Keep the ones that your feet do not hurt.
Good Luck!
Reply:Get some good gel insoles...And make sure the shoes fit WITH the insoles in BEFORE you buy the shoes!!
If you get shoes that fit properly, then add the insoles, the balls of your feet will be happy but the rest of your feet will hate you!!! You'll crush your toes!!
If the shoes fit nicely WITH the insoles, your whole foot will be happy and you'll be able to wear them all day without problems!!
Also take into consideration how high the heels are, how much ankle support the shoes provide and the fact that feet swell as the day goes on. Buy the shoes in the late afternoon after you've been at work all day if possible. Also buy GOOD quality shoes...That makes a HUGE difference!!!
Best bet is start with a lower heel when you first start wearing them to work and then move higher as you adjust. Don't just jump into a pair of 4"+ heels and expect happy feet at the end of a long day standing and walking!!
Reply:First of all, make sure you get yourself a pair of very good heels, ones that are made very well and are very stable. That makes all the difference in the world. You might want to try some of the Dr. Scholl inner soles, they are pretty comfortable.
I have found that spending the extra money on heels really makes the difference between being able to walk on heels vs wobbling around. I'm not saying that you should spend what I do, I wear Manolo's, and I was never able to wear heels before, but look at Belle by Sigerson Morrison, they have small heels, and yes, they are expensive, but at least your feet won't kill you.
Reply:Please don't wear heels to work if you are on your feet all day. They may look nice but they will hurt like hell by the end of the day, and even if they dont then they aren't doing your feet any favors. Please save heels for when you go out after work.
Reply:Insoles from chains of Adidas are very comfortable and provide support and comfort.
Reply:Try Foot Locker. I bought some insoles from there once and they're pretty comfortable.
Want to wear heels.?
heels are REALLY gonna hurt if you wear them all day. instead, try these shoes
i have a pair and they are so cute! they are one inch wedges that are super comfy and can be dressed up or down. they come in tons of colors, look cute, and feel great!
...a great investment
much bettter than heels
good luck!%26lt;3
Reply:Try a GoodFeet Store... they are expensive, but they have custom solutions for everything.
Reply:Good shoes are critical for wearing them for long time. But you do not necessarily need to buy expensive ones.
My most comfortable heels came from Walmart. They were about 2" tall and I could run around in them for hours.
My least comfortable came from JC Penney. They are OK but my feet do hurt after an hour or so on my feet.
Try several inexpensive ones. Keep the ones that your feet do not hurt.
Good Luck!
Reply:Get some good gel insoles...And make sure the shoes fit WITH the insoles in BEFORE you buy the shoes!!
If you get shoes that fit properly, then add the insoles, the balls of your feet will be happy but the rest of your feet will hate you!!! You'll crush your toes!!
If the shoes fit nicely WITH the insoles, your whole foot will be happy and you'll be able to wear them all day without problems!!
Also take into consideration how high the heels are, how much ankle support the shoes provide and the fact that feet swell as the day goes on. Buy the shoes in the late afternoon after you've been at work all day if possible. Also buy GOOD quality shoes...That makes a HUGE difference!!!
Best bet is start with a lower heel when you first start wearing them to work and then move higher as you adjust. Don't just jump into a pair of 4"+ heels and expect happy feet at the end of a long day standing and walking!!
Reply:First of all, make sure you get yourself a pair of very good heels, ones that are made very well and are very stable. That makes all the difference in the world. You might want to try some of the Dr. Scholl inner soles, they are pretty comfortable.
I have found that spending the extra money on heels really makes the difference between being able to walk on heels vs wobbling around. I'm not saying that you should spend what I do, I wear Manolo's, and I was never able to wear heels before, but look at Belle by Sigerson Morrison, they have small heels, and yes, they are expensive, but at least your feet won't kill you.
Reply:Please don't wear heels to work if you are on your feet all day. They may look nice but they will hurt like hell by the end of the day, and even if they dont then they aren't doing your feet any favors. Please save heels for when you go out after work.
Reply:Insoles from chains of Adidas are very comfortable and provide support and comfort.
Reply:Try Foot Locker. I bought some insoles from there once and they're pretty comfortable.
Foot arches?
is it true that if you don't have the right insole for your foot arch that it can cause shin splints
Foot arches?
I'm not sure about shin splints, but I do know if you do not have a good shoe that supports your arch and fits you will develop problems
Foot arches?
I'm not sure about shin splints, but I do know if you do not have a good shoe that supports your arch and fits you will develop problems
Vivienne westwood elevated gille shoes, vintage. pretty good con. how much are they worth?
They have black patent leather uppers with the trademark triple lace-up 'lugs' of the traditional Scottish 'gillie' style. They have a peaked toe-cap which extends down over the platform sole at the front and sides. They are lined in natural leather and have sythetic soles.
They are in good worn condition, with just a small scuff on the right toe and another on the counter (heel cap) of the same shoe. Because they have been worn, half of the 'Vivienne Westwood London' stamp on the insole has worn away but you can still clearly see the imprint of the orb stamp.
Vivienne westwood elevated gille shoes, vintage. pretty good con. how much are they worth?
Try looking for similar items on ebay.
Reply:If you are interested in Vivienne Westwood goods,
you could visit
All brands are authentic, like Vivienne Westwood, Patrick Cox, YSL, Ferragamo...
And Antonio Aragon my favorite.
Worldwide trade, Wholesale and retail sale. Report It
Reply:Look at the website below. You can compare your shoes to the ones on here to figure out their value.
Reply:Id put them on e bay an let the bidding war begin you can put a set price so they will not go for peanuts its how much are they worth to you .
They are in good worn condition, with just a small scuff on the right toe and another on the counter (heel cap) of the same shoe. Because they have been worn, half of the 'Vivienne Westwood London' stamp on the insole has worn away but you can still clearly see the imprint of the orb stamp.
Vivienne westwood elevated gille shoes, vintage. pretty good con. how much are they worth?
Try looking for similar items on ebay.
Reply:If you are interested in Vivienne Westwood goods,
you could visit
All brands are authentic, like Vivienne Westwood, Patrick Cox, YSL, Ferragamo...
And Antonio Aragon my favorite.
Worldwide trade, Wholesale and retail sale. Report It
Reply:Look at the website below. You can compare your shoes to the ones on here to figure out their value.
Reply:Id put them on e bay an let the bidding war begin you can put a set price so they will not go for peanuts its how much are they worth to you .
Nordstrom Rack warranty?
I've bought things at the main store, and if any merchandise is defective I know that Nordstrom will take care of it. Do they have the same kind of warranty for their discount shores? I'm not really looking for a refund, I just want to get my money's worth!
(I bought a pair of Enzo Angiolini heels within the last two weeks, and EA usually makes good shoes. However, after only wearing this pair twice the insole got all torn up. The rest of shoe looks good, you would be able to tell I've barely worn them.)
Nordstrom Rack warranty?
if it is a discount store, maybe not. they may not do anything if merchandiseis defective. that is the price of the discount store.
(I bought a pair of Enzo Angiolini heels within the last two weeks, and EA usually makes good shoes. However, after only wearing this pair twice the insole got all torn up. The rest of shoe looks good, you would be able to tell I've barely worn them.)
Nordstrom Rack warranty?
if it is a discount store, maybe not. they may not do anything if merchandiseis defective. that is the price of the discount store.
SLIGHTLY bow - legged ?
okay so when i was young my legs were PERFECTLY straight . i mean everyone always complimented me on them , but once I was in the 4th-6th grade , they started getting kinda bowed . its not that bad and my thighs are straight but its just my calves that are kinda bowed ?
i want straight legs again !
im on the cheer team at my high school and our skirts are really short and i wanna show my legs off more than i already do (:
im pretty happy with my legs but i just want them straighter .
how can i get straight legs ?
any excerices ? foot insole things ? anything ?
SLIGHTLY bow - legged ?
I doubt there is much to do to fix them, but I will tell you that I knew alot of guys who LOVED bow-legged women!! For many, they think it brings a heightened sexual experience or something of the sort.
Anyhow, learn to embrace them and bare your legs proudly!! If you think they are sexy, so will others. Seriously.
maintenance repairs
i want straight legs again !
im on the cheer team at my high school and our skirts are really short and i wanna show my legs off more than i already do (:
im pretty happy with my legs but i just want them straighter .
how can i get straight legs ?
any excerices ? foot insole things ? anything ?
SLIGHTLY bow - legged ?
I doubt there is much to do to fix them, but I will tell you that I knew alot of guys who LOVED bow-legged women!! For many, they think it brings a heightened sexual experience or something of the sort.
Anyhow, learn to embrace them and bare your legs proudly!! If you think they are sexy, so will others. Seriously.
maintenance repairs
I am plagued with arch blisters during my runs! Help!?
I run in Asics 2130s, and LOVE them. They fit my 2A arch perfectly, except that I always develop blisters at the part of my arch closest to my 1st metatarsal head. I've tried absolutely everything... shaving down the insole in that spot, Body Glide, Body Glide WITH Blister Shield, Blister Shield alone, Spenco blister kits, EVERYTHING! I currently run in only Injinji toe socks, b/c I was getting toe blisters, and those have eliminated that issue, but now these arch blisters... anyone have any experience with Goretex?
I am plagued with arch blisters during my runs! Help!?
I hate to say it but it might be your shoe causing the blisters. Or another thing might be how your foot hits the ground as you run. Have you got these blisters before with other shoes? If so maybe you need a professional to get you a special insole.
good luck
Reply:You could try going to a runners specialty store and having your feet measured to find the best type of shoes for you.
I am plagued with arch blisters during my runs! Help!?
I hate to say it but it might be your shoe causing the blisters. Or another thing might be how your foot hits the ground as you run. Have you got these blisters before with other shoes? If so maybe you need a professional to get you a special insole.
good luck
Reply:You could try going to a runners specialty store and having your feet measured to find the best type of shoes for you.
I have a pair of eart shoe size 7 sandals but not sure if they are for male or female, how can I know for sure
The shoes are earth shoe leather sandals and type id woodstock 3. only says size 7 and i need to know if they are for male or female. the insole measures 9.75 in.
I have a pair of eart shoe size 7 sandals but not sure if they are for male or female, how can I know for sure
I'd say unisex. But it's all about comfort, and individuality. I wear men's trainers because they're more comfortable and I don't like pink!
Don't worry about what people think if that's your concern.
Reply:The man puts on its that him is naturally the gentleman, the woman puts on its that him is woman .
- -
Reply:it doesn't matter if they are men's or women's if you like them wear them!!!
Reply:I would go with how you feel wearing them. There are some women's clothes that I would not feel comfortable wearing because they appear too Manley, even though they are considered female.
I have a pair of eart shoe size 7 sandals but not sure if they are for male or female, how can I know for sure
I'd say unisex. But it's all about comfort, and individuality. I wear men's trainers because they're more comfortable and I don't like pink!
Don't worry about what people think if that's your concern.
Reply:The man puts on its that him is naturally the gentleman, the woman puts on its that him is woman .
- -
Reply:it doesn't matter if they are men's or women's if you like them wear them!!!
Reply:I would go with how you feel wearing them. There are some women's clothes that I would not feel comfortable wearing because they appear too Manley, even though they are considered female.
Need New Soccer Cleats?
Right now I have tunits 50.7's. I used them in the fall season with no problems, but now they are killing my feet to the point where I can't play more than 40 minutes in them without using my other, cheaper but more comfortable cleats. I was wondering what you guys would recommend for me. I have wide feet and I am flat footed, so a cleat that is wide and big enough to fit an insole in would be ideal for me.
Need New Soccer Cleats?
You dont need to have cleats it is just there if you want or need help running. If you cant find any cleats then stick with sneakkers. No one will make fun of you when you are out on field. It is your choice but remember you dont need cleats.
military loans
Need New Soccer Cleats?
You dont need to have cleats it is just there if you want or need help running. If you cant find any cleats then stick with sneakkers. No one will make fun of you when you are out on field. It is your choice but remember you dont need cleats.
military loans
Did u know about UGGS 30/80 rule?
U can wear UGGS in 30 below and 80 above
I luv UGGS Every 1 should own them!
i %26lt;3 UGGS
and i dont feel sorry 4 sheeps
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear.
Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out.
In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The thick, natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the unique shape of your foot creating a natural arch support.
Features and benefits of sheepskin
UGG® Australia uses only the best quality sheepskin exclusively. Twin-faced sheepskin is used in many of our core products. A piece of twin-faced sheepskin has been treated on both the fleece side, and the skin side.
The wool of genuine sheepskin is extremely dense (more-so than any synthetic), which provides for a more comfortable and durable material.
Fleece breathes, wicks moisture away, and allows air to circulate, keeping feet dry.
Sheepskin is naturally water resistant %26amp; therefore small amounts of moisture will not seep through or damage it.
UGG® Australia sheepskin is naturally thermostatic %26amp; therefore will keep bare feet warm in temperatures as low as -30°F and cool in temperatures as high as 80°F (Sheepskin will naturally insulate by keeping feet warm in the winter %26amp; cool in the summer.)
Did u know about UGGS 30/80 rule?
i can't really see the question but yea i knew this rule (i'm guessing thats the question) but they don't do that in hot weather your feet just get hot. and also why are adverstising them on here? do you work for ugg or something?
i still LOVE them for cold weather though. i have 3 pairs of the boots and a pair of slippers,
Reply:No i did not know that but that is cool!! I can use that information to get my mom to let me wear my Uggs in the spring and summer!! Haha that is really cool!! Mmkay. Where did you learn that?? Was it on Ugg Is that just for new Uggs?? Or is for older ones?? I got a pair for xmas. Will they still be the 30/80 rule?? Or is it a special type. Okay thanks!! Byee
I love UGGS too! and I have the sandy-ish color. I also love Hollister, Abercrombie, and Aeropostle... Oh and sometimes I like Victoria Secret. well PINK. HAVE U VER BEEN TO PINK????? anyway, YESHH I approve. UGGSS TOTALLY ROCK
Reply:You can wear them year-round, if you want to look stupid.
Reply:The plural of sheep is sheep, not sheeps you twat
Reply:OMG! i didn't know that! Thats really cool! I LUV UGGS! i have like six different pairs
thanks for sharing the info!
Reply:yeah i heard about that.... but i think it would look stupid wearing uggs in the summer time! : /
Reply:i luv uggs 2
Reply:how much do you want to bet she copied and pasted that?
I have info about UGGS too!
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear.
Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out.
In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The thick, natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the unique shape of your foot creating a natural arch support.
Features and benefits of sheepskin
UGG® Australia uses only the best quality sheepskin exclusively. Twin-faced sheepskin is used in many of our core products. A piece of twin-faced sheepskin has been treated on both the fleece side, and the skin side.
The wool of genuine sheepskin is extremely dense (more-so than any synthetic), which provides for a more comfortable and durable material.
Fleece breathes, wicks moisture away, and allows air to circulate, keeping feet dry.
Sheepskin is naturally water resistant %26amp; therefore small amounts of moisture will not seep through or damage it.
UGG® Australia sheepskin is naturally thermostatic %26amp; therefore will keep bare feet warm in temperatures as low as -30°F and cool in temperatures as high as 80°F (Sheepskin will naturally insulate by keeping feet warm in the winter %26amp; cool in the summer.)
I have soooo many! I even have 3 rugs and some pillows!
visual arts uk
I luv UGGS Every 1 should own them!
i %26lt;3 UGGS
and i dont feel sorry 4 sheeps
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear.
Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out.
In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The thick, natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the unique shape of your foot creating a natural arch support.
Features and benefits of sheepskin
UGG® Australia uses only the best quality sheepskin exclusively. Twin-faced sheepskin is used in many of our core products. A piece of twin-faced sheepskin has been treated on both the fleece side, and the skin side.
The wool of genuine sheepskin is extremely dense (more-so than any synthetic), which provides for a more comfortable and durable material.
Fleece breathes, wicks moisture away, and allows air to circulate, keeping feet dry.
Sheepskin is naturally water resistant %26amp; therefore small amounts of moisture will not seep through or damage it.
UGG® Australia sheepskin is naturally thermostatic %26amp; therefore will keep bare feet warm in temperatures as low as -30°F and cool in temperatures as high as 80°F (Sheepskin will naturally insulate by keeping feet warm in the winter %26amp; cool in the summer.)
Did u know about UGGS 30/80 rule?
i can't really see the question but yea i knew this rule (i'm guessing thats the question) but they don't do that in hot weather your feet just get hot. and also why are adverstising them on here? do you work for ugg or something?
i still LOVE them for cold weather though. i have 3 pairs of the boots and a pair of slippers,
Reply:No i did not know that but that is cool!! I can use that information to get my mom to let me wear my Uggs in the spring and summer!! Haha that is really cool!! Mmkay. Where did you learn that?? Was it on Ugg Is that just for new Uggs?? Or is for older ones?? I got a pair for xmas. Will they still be the 30/80 rule?? Or is it a special type. Okay thanks!! Byee
I love UGGS too! and I have the sandy-ish color. I also love Hollister, Abercrombie, and Aeropostle... Oh and sometimes I like Victoria Secret. well PINK. HAVE U VER BEEN TO PINK????? anyway, YESHH I approve. UGGSS TOTALLY ROCK
Reply:You can wear them year-round, if you want to look stupid.
Reply:The plural of sheep is sheep, not sheeps you twat
Reply:OMG! i didn't know that! Thats really cool! I LUV UGGS! i have like six different pairs
thanks for sharing the info!
Reply:yeah i heard about that.... but i think it would look stupid wearing uggs in the summer time! : /
Reply:i luv uggs 2
Reply:how much do you want to bet she copied and pasted that?
I have info about UGGS too!
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear.
Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out.
In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The thick, natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the unique shape of your foot creating a natural arch support.
Features and benefits of sheepskin
UGG® Australia uses only the best quality sheepskin exclusively. Twin-faced sheepskin is used in many of our core products. A piece of twin-faced sheepskin has been treated on both the fleece side, and the skin side.
The wool of genuine sheepskin is extremely dense (more-so than any synthetic), which provides for a more comfortable and durable material.
Fleece breathes, wicks moisture away, and allows air to circulate, keeping feet dry.
Sheepskin is naturally water resistant %26amp; therefore small amounts of moisture will not seep through or damage it.
UGG® Australia sheepskin is naturally thermostatic %26amp; therefore will keep bare feet warm in temperatures as low as -30°F and cool in temperatures as high as 80°F (Sheepskin will naturally insulate by keeping feet warm in the winter %26amp; cool in the summer.)
I have soooo many! I even have 3 rugs and some pillows!
visual arts uk
Knee problems?
Im a 17 year old girl, who runs high school xc and I have had knee problems before in xc and track, but once
I ice them and take ibprohen(Cant spell) to help the swelling.I feel better in a week. but this time its been like 3 weeks, I have been iceing them and taking ibprophen and got insole things for my shoes, but now when I sit in a chair and lift both legs up at the same time I can only lift my left leg(the leg with the knee problem) up only like 2 or 3 inches with out my knee hurting. it hurts to jump up and down, it swells and hurts when I run but when I run and it hurts I slow down or walk a whats wrong with my knee? if it keeps up for another week im going to the doctor..
Knee problems?
Well knees are always easy to injure, tear, and is the most complex amount of muscles and bones! Since you sound like quite the runner it could be many things. I hope there no popping or locking, stiffness because that could result in more serious things. But for you it could sound like a ACL knee injury or tear, just from running so much and exercising like crazy. It may be septic arthritis, i know quite a few kids who have that who are also runners. It may be a knee strain or a knee meniscus tear. Well it could be a lot of things, but if you're pain is keeping up i suggest going to a doctor, knee specialist or a physiotherapist!
Keep it up, and use RICE, Good luck!
Reply:used to be in track too.....umm there is a bone right behind the knee cap called the miniscus (men-nis-cus) running and sprinting and you can blow it. you mght have also chipped your knee cap. my bf did that when he was hauling furniture. go to a orthopedic doctor. until you find out what it is, stay off the track. you might do even more damage. also talk to your coach.
Reply:If you cant straighten the leg at all then it is most likly a meniscus tear witch is the cartilage that separates your femor and tibia I had a tear there it sounds very similar get it checked out by an ortho ASAP you dont want to keep letting it get worse i did and lost half of the cartilage in my knee its not pleasant if you get it early enough they can scope the tear and it should be minor...if it is a meniscus tear which sounds most likely
But thats assuming its a meniscus tear it could be a minor ligament tear, though doubtful since its been happening for a while now...or it could be a stress fracture. Odds are its a meniscus tear though
I ice them and take ibprohen(Cant spell) to help the swelling.I feel better in a week. but this time its been like 3 weeks, I have been iceing them and taking ibprophen and got insole things for my shoes, but now when I sit in a chair and lift both legs up at the same time I can only lift my left leg(the leg with the knee problem) up only like 2 or 3 inches with out my knee hurting. it hurts to jump up and down, it swells and hurts when I run but when I run and it hurts I slow down or walk a whats wrong with my knee? if it keeps up for another week im going to the doctor..
Knee problems?
Well knees are always easy to injure, tear, and is the most complex amount of muscles and bones! Since you sound like quite the runner it could be many things. I hope there no popping or locking, stiffness because that could result in more serious things. But for you it could sound like a ACL knee injury or tear, just from running so much and exercising like crazy. It may be septic arthritis, i know quite a few kids who have that who are also runners. It may be a knee strain or a knee meniscus tear. Well it could be a lot of things, but if you're pain is keeping up i suggest going to a doctor, knee specialist or a physiotherapist!
Keep it up, and use RICE, Good luck!
Reply:used to be in track too.....umm there is a bone right behind the knee cap called the miniscus (men-nis-cus) running and sprinting and you can blow it. you mght have also chipped your knee cap. my bf did that when he was hauling furniture. go to a orthopedic doctor. until you find out what it is, stay off the track. you might do even more damage. also talk to your coach.
Reply:If you cant straighten the leg at all then it is most likly a meniscus tear witch is the cartilage that separates your femor and tibia I had a tear there it sounds very similar get it checked out by an ortho ASAP you dont want to keep letting it get worse i did and lost half of the cartilage in my knee its not pleasant if you get it early enough they can scope the tear and it should be minor...if it is a meniscus tear which sounds most likely
But thats assuming its a meniscus tear it could be a minor ligament tear, though doubtful since its been happening for a while now...or it could be a stress fracture. Odds are its a meniscus tear though
Between which temperatures do you wear your closed type shoes without socks?
it's nearly 10 to 15 degrees out here in the day, mornings are 7 to 10 generally and i see a lot of girls wearing their sneaker type shoes without any socks, i see 4 girls are wearing their shoes without any socks in last two days, one of them was wearing her prada america's cup s without any socks i see it from very top and i could not see any socks, one of them was wearing her leather adidas with cloth insole without socks, also she was trying new shoes so i see her complete foot she was sockless! , and at school one of the girls were wearing her adidas leather shoes with leather interior without any socks, and the last girl was wearing her flat shoes sockless. and today i see another girl at school that wearing her gucci sneakers without any socks, i am sure none of these girls were wearing any no show things or other sort of thing like stockings. what is the temp out there girls and what did you wear today, with or w/o socks?
Between which temperatures do you wear your closed type shoes without socks?
Depends on the shoe and what I'm wearing.
Reply:I can wear my sneakers without any socks even if it is very cold outside. It is about 45'F now, and I am now wearing any socks in my sneakers. MY feet feel great in sneakers without socks.
Reply:I only wear socks over my stockings with boots in winter. Then usually knee high socks, to keep the boots from catching my stockings. In summer i wear nothing with casual clothes, maybe the little low cut cotton socks with sneakers when playing tennis, but I still wear stockings in summer to work, and out at night with heels.
I don't like pantyhose, so I always wear stockings usually with a garter belt. If that is not practical ,I will wear holdups. Pantyhose are hot and itchy, stockings are very comfortable, and better looking too.
Reply:I have been wearing "no-show" socks .. So it looks like as if you are wearing none .. but you are :D .. Anyway .. I don't wear shoes without socks because it gets itchy, uncomfortable, and stinky ^_^
Reply:I prefer with socks because it's comfortable. I don't like wearing shoes without socks because if you don't, you're feet starts to smell bad.
Between which temperatures do you wear your closed type shoes without socks?
Depends on the shoe and what I'm wearing.
Reply:I can wear my sneakers without any socks even if it is very cold outside. It is about 45'F now, and I am now wearing any socks in my sneakers. MY feet feel great in sneakers without socks.
Reply:I only wear socks over my stockings with boots in winter. Then usually knee high socks, to keep the boots from catching my stockings. In summer i wear nothing with casual clothes, maybe the little low cut cotton socks with sneakers when playing tennis, but I still wear stockings in summer to work, and out at night with heels.
I don't like pantyhose, so I always wear stockings usually with a garter belt. If that is not practical ,I will wear holdups. Pantyhose are hot and itchy, stockings are very comfortable, and better looking too.
Reply:I have been wearing "no-show" socks .. So it looks like as if you are wearing none .. but you are :D .. Anyway .. I don't wear shoes without socks because it gets itchy, uncomfortable, and stinky ^_^
Reply:I prefer with socks because it's comfortable. I don't like wearing shoes without socks because if you don't, you're feet starts to smell bad.
I have really bad back pain.?
I have really bad back pain. It is so bad sometimes that i have to lay down, and then when i lay down i cant even move my hips, i actually have to be moved by someone else. I have no idea what this is caused from. I do have a job where i have to stand up most of the time. But i do sit alot of that time too, so i am just lost. Is there Some kind of insole that really works well for you that i should try?
I have really bad back pain.?
You probably should be checked by a doctor. There are too many things it could be. It may be a pinched nerve or it could be muscular or it could be a problem with the cartilage in your spine or even with the vertebrae themselves.
Reply:Where in your back? Upper back or lower back in your lumbar area. The best thing I ever did for my constant back pain was go see a chiropractor. He really helped me. I have herniated discs at L4 %26amp; L5 adn it used to be really bad to the point where I couldn't even stand long enough to make my self a cup of tea. Now after seeing the chiropractor I can pretty much do everything I used to be able to do. It REALLY works!
Reply:After my second child was born I had a long bout of really bad back pain, went through lots of tests, physical therapy, etc with no relief. Finally in a doctor's office one day I read an article about a book called "Healing Back Pain" (sorry can't think of the author right now and I loaned it out!). It's about the mind/body connection, how emotional issues can actually make pain, especially back pain, worse. I would never have believed it if I hadn't gone through the medical ordeal first. Anyway, I have been virtually free of back pain for three years. Give it a try.
leather handbag
I have really bad back pain.?
You probably should be checked by a doctor. There are too many things it could be. It may be a pinched nerve or it could be muscular or it could be a problem with the cartilage in your spine or even with the vertebrae themselves.
Reply:Where in your back? Upper back or lower back in your lumbar area. The best thing I ever did for my constant back pain was go see a chiropractor. He really helped me. I have herniated discs at L4 %26amp; L5 adn it used to be really bad to the point where I couldn't even stand long enough to make my self a cup of tea. Now after seeing the chiropractor I can pretty much do everything I used to be able to do. It REALLY works!
Reply:After my second child was born I had a long bout of really bad back pain, went through lots of tests, physical therapy, etc with no relief. Finally in a doctor's office one day I read an article about a book called "Healing Back Pain" (sorry can't think of the author right now and I loaned it out!). It's about the mind/body connection, how emotional issues can actually make pain, especially back pain, worse. I would never have believed it if I hadn't gone through the medical ordeal first. Anyway, I have been virtually free of back pain for three years. Give it a try.
leather handbag
Are boots from Rocket Dog good quality? Will they last a long time?
We just got these extremely cute and stylish waterproof boots from Rocket Dog in at the store where we work. They are lined and coated, and would be ideal for cool wet wether, and I think with an extra felt insole they would be warm enough to wear all winter too, exept on the coldest days. If I buy them they will be my main all weather boots that I wear almost every day, because I think a hundred dollars is pretty bleeping expensive just for a fashion statement. I need to know if they're going to last and be worth the price.
Are boots from Rocket Dog good quality? Will they last a long time?
Rocket dogs in general seem to be good, long lasting shoes. I have a lot of their shoes and theyre all of great quality. I'd think Rocket dog "boots would be made for walking"
just buy them, specially if theyre cute cause youll wear them then lol
Reply:I'm not sure but I always kinda thought the company RocketDog was kinda cheap...I used to work at a TJ Maxx and we used to get their shoes in all the time and they'd always end up on clearance for like $10 cuz no one bought them. But I donno, I guess they could be cool...
Reply:Rocketdog is SUPER CUTE!!! Yeah i do think they are pretty high quality but you would need the extra lining for warmth on cold days, but they WOULD last allll winter.
office chair
Are boots from Rocket Dog good quality? Will they last a long time?
Rocket dogs in general seem to be good, long lasting shoes. I have a lot of their shoes and theyre all of great quality. I'd think Rocket dog "boots would be made for walking"
just buy them, specially if theyre cute cause youll wear them then lol
Reply:I'm not sure but I always kinda thought the company RocketDog was kinda cheap...I used to work at a TJ Maxx and we used to get their shoes in all the time and they'd always end up on clearance for like $10 cuz no one bought them. But I donno, I guess they could be cool...
Reply:Rocketdog is SUPER CUTE!!! Yeah i do think they are pretty high quality but you would need the extra lining for warmth on cold days, but they WOULD last allll winter.
office chair
Where can i buy tretorn shoes in manila, philippines?
i lyk the traditional, nylite material shoe version that usually comes in white with checkered design insole as well as checkered "swoosh" outside.
Where can i buy tretorn shoes in manila, philippines?
I have never heard of them.
Where can i buy tretorn shoes in manila, philippines?
I have never heard of them.
Nike shox?
I looked at and saw that the sensor you put in your shoe and the receiver that you plug into your ipod was only 30 dollars. But do you have to get the Nike shoes that go with it? If you don't have the shoes, and just put it under the insole in your shoe, is it uncomfortable? Is it worth it? Please give me your advice! Thanks in advance!
Nike shox?
It does work on the outside of shoes but you can't put them under the insole of any shoe. Nike plus shoes have a little slot for the sensor to go into.
This is a link to target where they sell a pouch for the sensor to go into which attaches under your shoelace.
I think it's only worth it if you are a serious runner. It is good that you can set it, for say 3 miles, and then run around the block, to a store,etc. and then it will tell you when the 3 miles are up. Unless I am running on the track I usually don't know how far I ran. Also it will tell you when you have 2 miles left, 1 mile left,etc. Remember that the receiver only works with the iPod nano or
allow you to see how far you ran for free. also hackers cannot track exactly where you are like with the Nike+
Nike shox?
It does work on the outside of shoes but you can't put them under the insole of any shoe. Nike plus shoes have a little slot for the sensor to go into.
This is a link to target where they sell a pouch for the sensor to go into which attaches under your shoelace.
I think it's only worth it if you are a serious runner. It is good that you can set it, for say 3 miles, and then run around the block, to a store,etc. and then it will tell you when the 3 miles are up. Unless I am running on the track I usually don't know how far I ran. Also it will tell you when you have 2 miles left, 1 mile left,etc. Remember that the receiver only works with the iPod nano or
allow you to see how far you ran for free. also hackers cannot track exactly where you are like with the Nike+
Has anyone tried the new NIKE Ipod sensor in a shoe other than NIKE?
This nifty little gadget tells your Ipod Nano, which tells you how many miles you've run, your pace, your time ect. I don't really want to switch running I'm thinking I can just make a little hole under the insole in my shoes.....any ideas?
Has anyone tried the new NIKE Ipod sensor in a shoe other than NIKE?
All you need to do is figure out how to attach it to your shoe... it doesn't have to be a nike brand shoe.
this may be of interest.
Has anyone tried the new NIKE Ipod sensor in a shoe other than NIKE?
All you need to do is figure out how to attach it to your shoe... it doesn't have to be a nike brand shoe.
this may be of interest.
No really, this is serious,can you help me?
im starting a new part time job tonight, where i will be dancing half naked on stage and at times around a pole, and my question is, what type of shoes do you think i'll be more comfortable in? timberlands or spiked heels with a soft insole?
No really, this is serious,can you help me?
You have to wear the heels. The timberlands are unacceptable. Ask the club manager. He'll tell you. If comfort is your thing, barefoot would be the best way to go. But you'll see that you practically have to wear heels for this job.
Reply:Does the shoes really matter? How about bare feet?
Wear the platform shoes'll get more tips
Reply:Spike heels
Reply:what about bare feet?
Reply:If your comfortable showing off your T A %26amp; V for money...what do you care about shoes? Try granny shoes. A pros' is a pros' is a pros' no matter what shoes she's wearing. Go grease the pole and stop whinning.
Reply:It doesnt matter. They should come off quickly anyway.
No really, this is serious,can you help me?
You have to wear the heels. The timberlands are unacceptable. Ask the club manager. He'll tell you. If comfort is your thing, barefoot would be the best way to go. But you'll see that you practically have to wear heels for this job.
Reply:Does the shoes really matter? How about bare feet?
Wear the platform shoes'll get more tips
Reply:Spike heels
Reply:what about bare feet?
Reply:If your comfortable showing off your T A %26amp; V for money...what do you care about shoes? Try granny shoes. A pros' is a pros' is a pros' no matter what shoes she's wearing. Go grease the pole and stop whinning.
Reply:It doesnt matter. They should come off quickly anyway.
Do you think sneakers mold to your feet better if you don't wear socks?
I mostly wear my sneakers without socks, because I hate wearing socks, and also my sneakers seem to mold to my feet better. Sometimes I look at the insole and I see my foot and toe prints inside the sneaker, and I think they mold to my feet better, and fit better on my feet. Do you think sneakers will mold to your feet better if you don't wear any socks in them? (Wear them without socks all the time, but the after about 10 wearings they start to mold to your feet)
Do you think sneakers mold to your feet better if you don't wear socks?
yeah but your feet will stink
Reply:i go tno idea!!
Reply:I agree with Loofa....STINKY!!!!
Reply:Yeah but your feet will stink.
Reply:I have no idea.
Reply:No, that just makes your sneakers and feet stink like s--t.
but i think they will grow mold if you don't wear socks .......... ;)
Reply:The mold would be the smelly funk that your feet and the sneaker enjoy together. Please keep your smelly feet away from me! Socks help to absorb most of the sweat from your feet, and if you change them daily, it prevents the funk from getting into your sneakers.
Reply:Whoa weirdo. Do you like getting your head kicked in? I can imagine that you are the type.
Do you think sneakers mold to your feet better if you don't wear socks?
yeah but your feet will stink
Reply:i go tno idea!!
Reply:I agree with Loofa....STINKY!!!!
Reply:Yeah but your feet will stink.
Reply:I have no idea.
Reply:No, that just makes your sneakers and feet stink like s--t.
but i think they will grow mold if you don't wear socks .......... ;)
Reply:The mold would be the smelly funk that your feet and the sneaker enjoy together. Please keep your smelly feet away from me! Socks help to absorb most of the sweat from your feet, and if you change them daily, it prevents the funk from getting into your sneakers.
Reply:Whoa weirdo. Do you like getting your head kicked in? I can imagine that you are the type.
Where do you get Arch Supports for High Heels?
OK, so I need supports for just the arches that I can wear with high heels. They're strappy, reptile skin texture (but they're fake) heels, and I need arch supports insole thingys. Anyone know where I can find them?
Where do you get Arch Supports for High Heels?
walmart or dr scholls has some good ones esp made for heels.
skin rashes
Where do you get Arch Supports for High Heels?
walmart or dr scholls has some good ones esp made for heels.
skin rashes
Does anyone know what the name of a pair af running shoes made by nike are?
i know they have a skeletal foot design on the insole and they were meant to make you feel like you were running barefoot.
Does anyone know what the name of a pair af running shoes made by nike are?
They are the Nike (Free). I have a pair and they feel really comfortable. The Free isn’t really used so much as a running shoe, but there are groups of marathoners who ware them and some others who have been able to adjust to the shoe. The reason I say people adjust to the shoe is because when you ware the shoe, it uses more muscles in your feet and legs than a normal running shoe would. You will probably get really sore if you don’t work your way into the shoe, like how people work into their orthotics. If you plan on getting the shoe post a question on how to work your way into using the Frees for running. I will respond to that post as well to give you the answer.
Reply:air max? shox? free?
Reply:They're called Nike Free. They're nice shoes IMO. really light, but not great for intense movement like playing football, baseball etc. almost sprain my ankle last time. Great running shoes.
Reply:Nike Free, and they feel gooood. Great for running, but not enough lateral support for much else just like the other Answerer said. Be careful. I wore my first pair to death and found them again in a Nike Outlet for $25! Cheaper than my first pair by far.
Reply:Another rip off?
Reply:They are called Nike Free . I have a pair I bought in New York
car makes
Does anyone know what the name of a pair af running shoes made by nike are?
They are the Nike (Free). I have a pair and they feel really comfortable. The Free isn’t really used so much as a running shoe, but there are groups of marathoners who ware them and some others who have been able to adjust to the shoe. The reason I say people adjust to the shoe is because when you ware the shoe, it uses more muscles in your feet and legs than a normal running shoe would. You will probably get really sore if you don’t work your way into the shoe, like how people work into their orthotics. If you plan on getting the shoe post a question on how to work your way into using the Frees for running. I will respond to that post as well to give you the answer.
Reply:air max? shox? free?
Reply:They're called Nike Free. They're nice shoes IMO. really light, but not great for intense movement like playing football, baseball etc. almost sprain my ankle last time. Great running shoes.
Reply:Nike Free, and they feel gooood. Great for running, but not enough lateral support for much else just like the other Answerer said. Be careful. I wore my first pair to death and found them again in a Nike Outlet for $25! Cheaper than my first pair by far.
Reply:Another rip off?
Reply:They are called Nike Free . I have a pair I bought in New York
car makes
Ankle surgery?
I had ankle surgery to repair 2 ligaments that were torn in half. They had to reconstruct them by placing 3 screws and some other stuff to my bone in my leg. I had surgery on January 23rd of this year. I've been doing phyical therapy for the past 2 months. I've noticed that my big toe is numb in some areas and my ankle and my whole foot in general swells up when I stand and walk on it for a few minutes. My Othopedic doctor says I'm putting too much pressure on the balls of my feet so I will need foot insole to relief the pain. I was wondering if anyone knows or has been through this situation if they know what is wrong with my ankle. This has been going on for a couple of months.
Ankle surgery?
Are there any signs of swelling around your knee? Do you exhibit any weakness in your feet? Have you had this since your surgery? It's possible that you may have a pinched nerve as a result of inflammation in or around the knee. I would guess that your inflammation in your foot is definitely contributing to the numbness of the toe. What I would do at this point is ice as much as I can to reduce the inflammation around your ankle and foot and consult another orthopedic surg. to examine you. Decreasing the inflammation is going to get rid of your numbness as well as the swelling.
Dr. Ali, DC
Reply:Hey I can relate to your situation, I have had 2 surgery of my left knee in the past 3 1/2 yrs and I have had my bad days while rehabbing. I would recommend that you go and get a 2nd opion or just keep telling your doctor about your pain and concerns. Also take a look at acuepuchure this may help you.
military loans
Ankle surgery?
Are there any signs of swelling around your knee? Do you exhibit any weakness in your feet? Have you had this since your surgery? It's possible that you may have a pinched nerve as a result of inflammation in or around the knee. I would guess that your inflammation in your foot is definitely contributing to the numbness of the toe. What I would do at this point is ice as much as I can to reduce the inflammation around your ankle and foot and consult another orthopedic surg. to examine you. Decreasing the inflammation is going to get rid of your numbness as well as the swelling.
Dr. Ali, DC
Reply:Hey I can relate to your situation, I have had 2 surgery of my left knee in the past 3 1/2 yrs and I have had my bad days while rehabbing. I would recommend that you go and get a 2nd opion or just keep telling your doctor about your pain and concerns. Also take a look at acuepuchure this may help you.
military loans
I am looking for a shoe insert of some sort that will help me fill my shoes. My shoes are too BIG!?
I bought a pair of heeled boots, but i got a size too big, these were a fab buy in the sale, so couldnt resist. I bought a full size insole, but this dosnt really work, any ideas? I have been told you can get some sort of pad for the toe end? I really need something that will push my foot back.
I am looking for a shoe insert of some sort that will help me fill my shoes. My shoes are too BIG!?
When I worked at the shoe store Charles David we had these pads in the back that were a little less then a 1/4 of an inch thick for the heel and the ball of your foot. We didnt sell them but if someone needed them when buying a shoe we gave it to them for free. So if you go into a shoe store and ask for a pair (if they have them) saying you bought a shoe from them and its a little too big if they have a shoe pad. They may make you pay for it but its worth having your shoes fit right? Good luck
Reply:socks will help, you know the kind that don't go up near the ankle.,
Wear your other shocking under the soft socks, if that doesn't help, donate them...or find a family member or friend you can make happy.
Reply:You can get half insoles for the toe end only. If you buy a full cushioned insole, these are really thick and you can cut them to the size you want. Scholl do a really good one.
I am looking for a shoe insert of some sort that will help me fill my shoes. My shoes are too BIG!?
When I worked at the shoe store Charles David we had these pads in the back that were a little less then a 1/4 of an inch thick for the heel and the ball of your foot. We didnt sell them but if someone needed them when buying a shoe we gave it to them for free. So if you go into a shoe store and ask for a pair (if they have them) saying you bought a shoe from them and its a little too big if they have a shoe pad. They may make you pay for it but its worth having your shoes fit right? Good luck
Reply:socks will help, you know the kind that don't go up near the ankle.,
Wear your other shocking under the soft socks, if that doesn't help, donate them...or find a family member or friend you can make happy.
Reply:You can get half insoles for the toe end only. If you buy a full cushioned insole, these are really thick and you can cut them to the size you want. Scholl do a really good one.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I've been bought an Xmas present, smellies from Boots?
Do you think it could be an insole?
I've been bought an Xmas present, smellies from Boots?
I did a smelly in Boots, but i apologised. As for the thumbs down, not me, I am more of a thumbs up guy
Reply:why not?
Reply:maybe it was on sale? and yes it could be an insole.
Reply:Actually, it's two insoles.
That way you won't be lop-sided when you walk around.
Reply:who knows it just might be. Happy Christmas
Reply:I have no idea...what does it look like?? It kinda sounds like the name of an insole...
Reply:If it's an insole and it smells take it back, it's been used !
Reply:No love. I think it's an arseole. Charcoal like the insole, but it's for those post hot madras days and fits in your knickers.
Reply:I think its a possibility
Reply:u r not supposed to open ur presents till xmas day! and yes it could be an insole
Reply:Shoe could be.
I've been bought an Xmas present, smellies from Boots?
I did a smelly in Boots, but i apologised. As for the thumbs down, not me, I am more of a thumbs up guy
Reply:why not?
Reply:maybe it was on sale? and yes it could be an insole.
Reply:Actually, it's two insoles.
That way you won't be lop-sided when you walk around.
Reply:who knows it just might be. Happy Christmas
Reply:I have no idea...what does it look like?? It kinda sounds like the name of an insole...
Reply:If it's an insole and it smells take it back, it's been used !
Reply:No love. I think it's an arseole. Charcoal like the insole, but it's for those post hot madras days and fits in your knickers.
Reply:I think its a possibility
Reply:u r not supposed to open ur presents till xmas day! and yes it could be an insole
Reply:Shoe could be.
Volleyball question?(height)?
well boys volleyball season is starting soon and i saw this item on ebay could this help me out in volleyball by getting me taller? is it worth buying ??
the link:
Volleyball question?(height)?
no it is not worth buying it might make you taller but its not going to help your verticle..i have these jumpstops that helped my verticle by 6 inches that is really really good and if i contunue working with them i should have an improvement of 8. I play volleyball and basketball so those jumpstops were very helpful you should check them out they really work just trust me. they come with a video of how to use them. doing leg excercises also helps jump everyday, "sit on the wall", got to the gym and ask about the leg excersice machines. Good luck in your season i hope you do awsome!!!
Reply:I play volley ball and am 5'11" it's not always better to be taller but what is important is finding the position(s) that you are best at. Work on your game, don't worry about finding outside objects to help you ... Practice practice practice!
Reply:No not really it's not how tall you are it's how high you can jump so work out your legs and you should save a little money not that its a big amount of money. email me at AOL at the screen-name of yashi5654 for exercise advice because I play club volleyball and we work out our legs all the time.
Reply:you might be slightly taller, but any gains in height would be negated by those inserts ruining your lateral mobility. i can't imagine that you'd maintain any quickness or agility with those between your feet and the floor.
Reply:Not everyone on a volleyball team needs to be tall.
Heck, I'm 5'8" and back when I played on a coed bar-league team I had a 24" vertical.
Generally I was the quickest person on the floor and most players would under-rate my jumping and blocking abilities... As well as my spiking abilities.
If you work on anything, work on quickness, setting, serving and playing each position on the floor the best you can, and of course, practice jumping and being flexible.
Reply:Something that makes you taller? No don't waste your money buying somthing because it won't work I can tell you that right now, and if you do then you've probably wasted your money.
Reply:NOOOO !! it's not about how tall you are.. it's about skill.. i've seen tons of CRAZY VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS and they're not tall ! just practice and you'll get better ! i'm one of the shortest, and i play middle ! trust me, don't waste your money ! just practice lots and you can outplay any GIANT !
Reply:If you plan on having a career in volleyball, yes. The University of Michigan volleyball team, which is second in the country, has the shortest person at a height of 5'10", for GIRLS.
Reply:u could be 6 feet talll and if u cant jump then u cant play volleyball. so dont buy it
Reply:hi, don't wanna sound mean, but no!! that is crazy, you could hurt yourself. please don't!
Reply:You don't have to be tall to play volleyball. If you are shorter and can pass well, then consider playing back row becasue you have a lower center of gravity and its easier to get down and get back up again for any digs. You could also work on your vertical jump if you like playing front row.
car audio
the link:
Volleyball question?(height)?
no it is not worth buying it might make you taller but its not going to help your verticle..i have these jumpstops that helped my verticle by 6 inches that is really really good and if i contunue working with them i should have an improvement of 8. I play volleyball and basketball so those jumpstops were very helpful you should check them out they really work just trust me. they come with a video of how to use them. doing leg excercises also helps jump everyday, "sit on the wall", got to the gym and ask about the leg excersice machines. Good luck in your season i hope you do awsome!!!
Reply:I play volley ball and am 5'11" it's not always better to be taller but what is important is finding the position(s) that you are best at. Work on your game, don't worry about finding outside objects to help you ... Practice practice practice!
Reply:No not really it's not how tall you are it's how high you can jump so work out your legs and you should save a little money not that its a big amount of money. email me at AOL at the screen-name of yashi5654 for exercise advice because I play club volleyball and we work out our legs all the time.
Reply:you might be slightly taller, but any gains in height would be negated by those inserts ruining your lateral mobility. i can't imagine that you'd maintain any quickness or agility with those between your feet and the floor.
Reply:Not everyone on a volleyball team needs to be tall.
Heck, I'm 5'8" and back when I played on a coed bar-league team I had a 24" vertical.
Generally I was the quickest person on the floor and most players would under-rate my jumping and blocking abilities... As well as my spiking abilities.
If you work on anything, work on quickness, setting, serving and playing each position on the floor the best you can, and of course, practice jumping and being flexible.
Reply:Something that makes you taller? No don't waste your money buying somthing because it won't work I can tell you that right now, and if you do then you've probably wasted your money.
Reply:NOOOO !! it's not about how tall you are.. it's about skill.. i've seen tons of CRAZY VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS and they're not tall ! just practice and you'll get better ! i'm one of the shortest, and i play middle ! trust me, don't waste your money ! just practice lots and you can outplay any GIANT !
Reply:If you plan on having a career in volleyball, yes. The University of Michigan volleyball team, which is second in the country, has the shortest person at a height of 5'10", for GIRLS.
Reply:u could be 6 feet talll and if u cant jump then u cant play volleyball. so dont buy it
Reply:hi, don't wanna sound mean, but no!! that is crazy, you could hurt yourself. please don't!
Reply:You don't have to be tall to play volleyball. If you are shorter and can pass well, then consider playing back row becasue you have a lower center of gravity and its easier to get down and get back up again for any digs. You could also work on your vertical jump if you like playing front row.
car audio
Heels too big?
I just bot a pair of high heels that are a tad too big. The half size smaller were to snug but I need to find an insole or something to make my heels fit. They're open toed sandals so I need something that won't show. I'm wearing these shoes to a wedding on saturday and I would really appreciate any tips!
Heels too big?
This may sound tacky, but I swear it works! I just tape a cotton ball to my heel (if they're a not a strappy shoe). It makes them fit better and keeps me from getting a blister at the same time!
Reply:OK. i had the same problem. it might sound crazy, and you have to wear pants or jeans with the shoes, so nobody sees what's going on. if you need extra padding, take a pair of socks and cut them in half (like hobo style) and put them on. this way, the peep toe shows and you have extra padding.
Reply:You could wear dress pants or a long dress. I doubt anyone will see them because it'll probably be dark during the reception!
mobility scooter
Heels too big?
This may sound tacky, but I swear it works! I just tape a cotton ball to my heel (if they're a not a strappy shoe). It makes them fit better and keeps me from getting a blister at the same time!
Reply:OK. i had the same problem. it might sound crazy, and you have to wear pants or jeans with the shoes, so nobody sees what's going on. if you need extra padding, take a pair of socks and cut them in half (like hobo style) and put them on. this way, the peep toe shows and you have extra padding.
Reply:You could wear dress pants or a long dress. I doubt anyone will see them because it'll probably be dark during the reception!
mobility scooter
What can you put in the classic tall Ugg boots to make u more taller?
Okk.I know this is a weird question.Butt I'm a tid short kinda.and I like wearing shoes that make me is there like a insole or something I can put inside the shoe to add Thanks.
What can you put in the classic tall Ugg boots to make u more taller?
If you wear the tall uggs they will make you look even shorter. I recommend the classic short, they give the illusion you are taller.
What can you put in the classic tall Ugg boots to make u more taller?
If you wear the tall uggs they will make you look even shorter. I recommend the classic short, they give the illusion you are taller.
I need to find slippers for my husband that don't smell after a few weeks....(sweaty feet). any suggestions?
he doesn't want to have to put an odor aborbing insole in it.
I need to find slippers for my husband that don't smell after a few weeks....(sweaty feet). any suggestions?
The smell is caused by bacteria on the outside of the feet. You can eliminate the bacteria on the feet by scrubbing them with regular bar soap in the shower every day. Make sure to get inbetween the toes and at the heal and ball of feet. Once the bacteria spreads to slippers it wont go away
Reply:Beach thongs are one option, since most of the foot will "breathe" and that kind of shoe doesn't prevent the evaporation of sweat. Also, all-leather (NO vinyl) slippers can reduce accumulation of sweat since the leather "breathes". Your husband can also use foot powder on his feet and inside his shoes. If this is a chronic problem, maybe he should see your family doctor and be checked for fungal or other infections which can cause foot odor. Of course, regular bathing with a good soap never hurts, and airing our or washing the slippers can also reduce their smell.
Reply:dc makes great flip flops... i have to wear them for swim season.. i have had them since the summer and they do not have any smell after seven months...they are really great flip flops...
Reply:1. Get slippers that have leather soles.
2. Wear wool or cotton socks.
Reply:Ones that can be washed in the washer..
Reply:you might want to look for a leather sole
accessories belts
I need to find slippers for my husband that don't smell after a few weeks....(sweaty feet). any suggestions?
The smell is caused by bacteria on the outside of the feet. You can eliminate the bacteria on the feet by scrubbing them with regular bar soap in the shower every day. Make sure to get inbetween the toes and at the heal and ball of feet. Once the bacteria spreads to slippers it wont go away
Reply:Beach thongs are one option, since most of the foot will "breathe" and that kind of shoe doesn't prevent the evaporation of sweat. Also, all-leather (NO vinyl) slippers can reduce accumulation of sweat since the leather "breathes". Your husband can also use foot powder on his feet and inside his shoes. If this is a chronic problem, maybe he should see your family doctor and be checked for fungal or other infections which can cause foot odor. Of course, regular bathing with a good soap never hurts, and airing our or washing the slippers can also reduce their smell.
Reply:dc makes great flip flops... i have to wear them for swim season.. i have had them since the summer and they do not have any smell after seven months...they are really great flip flops...
Reply:1. Get slippers that have leather soles.
2. Wear wool or cotton socks.
Reply:Ones that can be washed in the washer..
Reply:you might want to look for a leather sole
accessories belts
Do you consider these heels to be trashy?
They have a 4 1/2" heel, 3/4" platform, lucite body and black patent straps/insole
Would you wear them?
Do you consider these heels to be trashy?
A bit high but I like them. I would not say they are trashy.
But I probably would not wear them. Those thin straps would likely catch my little two and be uncomfortable.
Reply:yeah i'd wear em on a nite out, not to the shops tho! lol, x
Reply:I think they look great! But I'd have to be wearing the right outfit. I love them! The skinny post would be a little wierd to get used to for me tho.
Reply:they arent trashy. i would prolly wear them like out to eat or something
Reply:No, not if they're worn with the right outfit.
And I wouldnt wear them only because i dont like to wear heels.
Reply:nice heels, they are not trashy, would look good with and a mini skirt or with jeans
Reply:i donn't wear heels....but those are cute but a little high
accessories belts
Would you wear them?
Do you consider these heels to be trashy?
A bit high but I like them. I would not say they are trashy.
But I probably would not wear them. Those thin straps would likely catch my little two and be uncomfortable.
Reply:yeah i'd wear em on a nite out, not to the shops tho! lol, x
Reply:I think they look great! But I'd have to be wearing the right outfit. I love them! The skinny post would be a little wierd to get used to for me tho.
Reply:they arent trashy. i would prolly wear them like out to eat or something
Reply:No, not if they're worn with the right outfit.
And I wouldnt wear them only because i dont like to wear heels.
Reply:nice heels, they are not trashy, would look good with and a mini skirt or with jeans
Reply:i donn't wear heels....but those are cute but a little high
accessories belts
A place to get a shoe insert that is the mold of my foot.?
my back is hurting because I am flat footed, so I do not need a arch support in my shoe. So I want an insole for my boots that is molded from my foot.
A place to get a shoe insert that is the mold of my foot.?
Flat footedness is a very serious and painful condition. You really need to consult a podiatrist. They can take impressions of your feet and have orthotics made specifically for your feet. Brace yourself though, they cost about $300 and your insurance may or may not pay for them. Good Luck
Reply:You can by Mr.Scholls shoe gel, foot things (they have memory foam), or there shoes. Hope you're O.K.
Reply:Go to a foot doctor, called a podiatrists.
interest rate
A place to get a shoe insert that is the mold of my foot.?
Flat footedness is a very serious and painful condition. You really need to consult a podiatrist. They can take impressions of your feet and have orthotics made specifically for your feet. Brace yourself though, they cost about $300 and your insurance may or may not pay for them. Good Luck
Reply:You can by Mr.Scholls shoe gel, foot things (they have memory foam), or there shoes. Hope you're O.K.
Reply:Go to a foot doctor, called a podiatrists.
interest rate
Shoe recommendation wanted?
What's the best brand/ model of high top sneaker for a limit of $65?
Here's what it needs.
Lace up, not velcro
Mostly white, accented by dark colors
Size 11 (US) wide
Well chushioned insole
Able to accomodate arch supports without risk of the shoe being too tight afterward
Non skid
Good for walking and light jogging
Highly durable
Shoe recommendation wanted?
Vans :)
This type is about $60, the website says it's 35 because that's in the boys section/sizes. If this isn't the exact style you like, I'd look at the slip ons. All Vans shoes are comfy.
Reply:id suggest nike, as not only can you wear them during sporting activities, they wouldnt look out of place with some shorts and a top at the weekend (:
skin disease
Here's what it needs.
Lace up, not velcro
Mostly white, accented by dark colors
Size 11 (US) wide
Well chushioned insole
Able to accomodate arch supports without risk of the shoe being too tight afterward
Non skid
Good for walking and light jogging
Highly durable
Shoe recommendation wanted?
Vans :)
This type is about $60, the website says it's 35 because that's in the boys section/sizes. If this isn't the exact style you like, I'd look at the slip ons. All Vans shoes are comfy.
Reply:id suggest nike, as not only can you wear them during sporting activities, they wouldnt look out of place with some shorts and a top at the weekend (:
skin disease
Ankles hurt! please help?
I have recently started running about a week ago... i was running 2 miles a day... and i have felt that my ankles hurt alot when im running half a mile.. its very painful.. i thought they were my shoes but today i bought some very expensive comfortable running shoes and still feel the pain... ive noticed that my foot has no arch so i bought an insole so i they can help my feet to curve like an arch but they still hurt..... what should i do? please help
Ankles hurt! please help?
when you just start running you have a lot of pains in your joints. Keep running the joint pains usually go away in a few weeks. I had ankle pains during cross country, It was in the begining of the season and I noticed that it was because we were running on a lot of rough trails that twisted my ankles in odd directions. Good Luck! I hope the pains leave.
Reply:Welcome to running!
#1 - Slow down. If you're just starting to exercise, start out walking. Be able to walk 3-4 miles pain-free before attempting to run. When you start running, start with 1 mile, then increase to 1.5 when you're comfortable, and so on.
#2 - If you bought your shoes from a running shoe store, go back and tell them what you're experiencing. They should be more than willing to help. If you bought them from a retail chain, you probably bought the wrong shoe. If you have a flat foot, you most likely need a motion-control shoe. Examples: adidas Supernova Control 10, Brooks Beast, Nike Cesium, and there are many others.
#3 - If you have a flat foot, you do no not need extra arch support. This is a common misconception that one can "push their arch back up." Adding more support in the arch will only cause further pain. See a running specialty store and they will be able to set you up with the right shoe for your specific needs.
Reply:you probably need to see a podiatrist or chiropractor to adjust your feet. your ankle bones, specifically your talus, is likely out of place and needs adjustment.
ice is also good. roll a golf ball under your foot as well to help.
Reply:its probably a stress injury it will subside 3 days up to 6 months
anyway. the best thing to do is to put a brace on it and move it as little as you can
Reply:maybe try tying your shoes tighter. my friend had ankle problems because her running shoes weren't tight enough. just tie them really tightly, and hopefully that'll work.
Reply:ice it before you run tomorrow, if that doesnt work see a doctor or go to a special running store to get advice from professionals
dog skin problem
Ankles hurt! please help?
when you just start running you have a lot of pains in your joints. Keep running the joint pains usually go away in a few weeks. I had ankle pains during cross country, It was in the begining of the season and I noticed that it was because we were running on a lot of rough trails that twisted my ankles in odd directions. Good Luck! I hope the pains leave.
Reply:Welcome to running!
#1 - Slow down. If you're just starting to exercise, start out walking. Be able to walk 3-4 miles pain-free before attempting to run. When you start running, start with 1 mile, then increase to 1.5 when you're comfortable, and so on.
#2 - If you bought your shoes from a running shoe store, go back and tell them what you're experiencing. They should be more than willing to help. If you bought them from a retail chain, you probably bought the wrong shoe. If you have a flat foot, you most likely need a motion-control shoe. Examples: adidas Supernova Control 10, Brooks Beast, Nike Cesium, and there are many others.
#3 - If you have a flat foot, you do no not need extra arch support. This is a common misconception that one can "push their arch back up." Adding more support in the arch will only cause further pain. See a running specialty store and they will be able to set you up with the right shoe for your specific needs.
Reply:you probably need to see a podiatrist or chiropractor to adjust your feet. your ankle bones, specifically your talus, is likely out of place and needs adjustment.
ice is also good. roll a golf ball under your foot as well to help.
Reply:its probably a stress injury it will subside 3 days up to 6 months
anyway. the best thing to do is to put a brace on it and move it as little as you can
Reply:maybe try tying your shoes tighter. my friend had ankle problems because her running shoes weren't tight enough. just tie them really tightly, and hopefully that'll work.
Reply:ice it before you run tomorrow, if that doesnt work see a doctor or go to a special running store to get advice from professionals
dog skin problem
Nike dunk sb???????
ok so i was wondering if a pair of dunk sb's don't have the zoom air graphic on the insole then does that mean it doesn't have it? or does it just not have the graphic? like the 720's don't have a graphic while the tiffany's have one.
Nike dunk sb???????
it just doesnt hav the graphic
Reply:All new SB releases have a Zoom Air insole and so do most, if not all, the older SB's. Some have the graphic, some don't, it just depends on the release, colors, and what Nike decides will look best.
Reply:If the Zoom Air Graphic isnt on the shoe..then its not the Zoom Air Edition. Check out the Tiffs....
Hotel reviews
Nike dunk sb???????
it just doesnt hav the graphic
Reply:All new SB releases have a Zoom Air insole and so do most, if not all, the older SB's. Some have the graphic, some don't, it just depends on the release, colors, and what Nike decides will look best.
Reply:If the Zoom Air Graphic isnt on the shoe..then its not the Zoom Air Edition. Check out the Tiffs....
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I incurred a Tibial Plateau Fracture in Jan. 2008 -- how can I best learn to walk down stairs normally again?
My TPF was only 1mm depression fracture and the surgeon decided not to do anything to the tibial bone but only to shave the damaged articular cartilage. I've been off crutches now for about a month and can walk without a limp (I have an insole that I wear in the damaged leg to straighten the x formation). I am fairly athletic and train everyday by swimming or stationary bicycle or both. I cannot do stairs. Walking up the stairs without bending over is painful. Walking down the stairs I cannot do at all --- I can only handle down stairs by placing the bad foot on the step first followed by the good foot. I also can't do quad strengthening exercises on the machine or do squats since they're too painful on the knee.... so I use rubber bands instead for resistance or lift by lying down and putting the good leg on the bad leg and trying to lift only with the bad leg. If I try to take the down stairs normally my hip on the bad leg extends all the way out and I'm afraid of more damage.
I incurred a Tibial Plateau Fracture in Jan. 2008 -- how can I best learn to walk down stairs normally again?
Hi Rita
Try this website. It's a site for people with broken legs. There's lots of people with TPF's on there. Its a great support group, and someone can always answer any questions you might have.
cat skin problem
I incurred a Tibial Plateau Fracture in Jan. 2008 -- how can I best learn to walk down stairs normally again?
Hi Rita
Try this website. It's a site for people with broken legs. There's lots of people with TPF's on there. Its a great support group, and someone can always answer any questions you might have.
cat skin problem
Question about toddler shoes?
I have been in different stores looking for shoes for my 20 month old son. Some of them are really hard on the insole and other ones are medium-soft.
how should they be?? he is already walking and running everywhere!! :)
Question about toddler shoes?
Medium soft is meant more for children who are beginning to walk. This is because of the flexibility they offer. The harder shoes are meant for children who can walk on their own without assistance, without falling, and who are able to run around. I always go to stride rite at the beginning of the season to get my son measured, they let you know the best type of shoes for their feet, do a measurement, and in case you didn't know (and i didn't) when buying sandals you always buy then a half size bigger to avoid blistering. Anywho, as long as your son is running around you should be ok with the harder insole.
Reply:I havent specifically looked for special soles. Always bought my tods shoes from sears. They seem to fit him well. When he was outgrowin his shoes we brought juz as he started walking, he wouldnt let us wear them. I believe he would let you know if it is uncomfortable.
Reply:Whatever shoes he's most comfortable in that aren't too tight, are the best fit.
Reply:just whatever he seems comfortable in. put them on him and let him walk/run around the store to make sure they're not going to bother his feet. hope I helped! =)
Reply:If he is already walking and running, I would go based on fit. They say that flexible soles are good (like Stride Rite) but I have found that my daughter (23 mos) does well in Nike sneakers. Her feet just seem to fit in them best. However, going to a store like Stride Rite assures that they will measure your son's feet and get the appropriate size and width. For dress shoes, I just go cheap, like Target or Payless. Carters has nice sandals, as does Nike.
Reply:My son is 21 months and I have bought him all different kinds of tennis shoes, sandals and dress shoes. He had no problem with any of them. Your son is old enough now that any type of shoe that fits properly and doesn't hurt his feet are fine. He will let you know if they hurt!
Reply:my daughter is 21/2 and she can walk well on her own. if your son is walking well on his own then go with hard insole sneakers like nike at any foot locker. they will measure his feet for you so you have the right size. going with soft sole shoes isn't a good idea at his age you want him to be able to walk and wear hard insole shoes. good luck
develop skin cancer
how should they be?? he is already walking and running everywhere!! :)
Question about toddler shoes?
Medium soft is meant more for children who are beginning to walk. This is because of the flexibility they offer. The harder shoes are meant for children who can walk on their own without assistance, without falling, and who are able to run around. I always go to stride rite at the beginning of the season to get my son measured, they let you know the best type of shoes for their feet, do a measurement, and in case you didn't know (and i didn't) when buying sandals you always buy then a half size bigger to avoid blistering. Anywho, as long as your son is running around you should be ok with the harder insole.
Reply:I havent specifically looked for special soles. Always bought my tods shoes from sears. They seem to fit him well. When he was outgrowin his shoes we brought juz as he started walking, he wouldnt let us wear them. I believe he would let you know if it is uncomfortable.
Reply:Whatever shoes he's most comfortable in that aren't too tight, are the best fit.
Reply:just whatever he seems comfortable in. put them on him and let him walk/run around the store to make sure they're not going to bother his feet. hope I helped! =)
Reply:If he is already walking and running, I would go based on fit. They say that flexible soles are good (like Stride Rite) but I have found that my daughter (23 mos) does well in Nike sneakers. Her feet just seem to fit in them best. However, going to a store like Stride Rite assures that they will measure your son's feet and get the appropriate size and width. For dress shoes, I just go cheap, like Target or Payless. Carters has nice sandals, as does Nike.
Reply:My son is 21 months and I have bought him all different kinds of tennis shoes, sandals and dress shoes. He had no problem with any of them. Your son is old enough now that any type of shoe that fits properly and doesn't hurt his feet are fine. He will let you know if they hurt!
Reply:my daughter is 21/2 and she can walk well on her own. if your son is walking well on his own then go with hard insole sneakers like nike at any foot locker. they will measure his feet for you so you have the right size. going with soft sole shoes isn't a good idea at his age you want him to be able to walk and wear hard insole shoes. good luck
develop skin cancer
Why does my birkenstock get slippery when wet?
Yeah, my birkenstock/paillio insole gets really slippery and slimy when its wet i.e when i am caught in the rain. it makes it v hard to walk as my feel is sliding out of the sandal. why is this so? anyway to prevent/solve this prob?
Why does my birkenstock get slippery when wet?
Because the sandles are made by hippies and they spilled bong water on the insole.... um really.
Reply:IDK... all my birks are so old they are all like "slippers" literally. I slip and slide everywere in them. How do you like the inserts aside from the slipping thing?
I have orthotic (that cost and arm and a leg) so I am always interested in new products.
microsoft excel
Why does my birkenstock get slippery when wet?
Because the sandles are made by hippies and they spilled bong water on the insole.... um really.
Reply:IDK... all my birks are so old they are all like "slippers" literally. I slip and slide everywere in them. How do you like the inserts aside from the slipping thing?
I have orthotic (that cost and arm and a leg) so I am always interested in new products.
microsoft excel
Any boots that has the following qualities?
I'm looking for a football (soccer) boots that has the following qualities:
1) Soft leather
2) well cushion
3) good insole
4) wide fit
There's a lot of choice on the market now, but I can't seem to find the right one.
Any boots that has the following qualities?
ronaldo's vapours or the new pumas
1) Soft leather
2) well cushion
3) good insole
4) wide fit
There's a lot of choice on the market now, but I can't seem to find the right one.
Any boots that has the following qualities?
ronaldo's vapours or the new pumas
Rocket Dog shoes. I was at Macys today and was going to buy a?
pair of yellow and a pair of black and green rocket dogs. BUT, I noticed alot of stitching coming off and looking under the insole it was all cardboard. Also, I could see the glue all around the shoes base. Is this normal for this brand? I want my shoes to last at LEAST a year with 1x a week use.
Rocket Dog shoes. I was at Macys today and was going to buy a?
I get sucked in repeatedly by Rocket Dog's cute styles, but to be honest, they don't stand up all that well. You might try googling the style( or the colors and then searching for your shoes), if you can find them for cheaper, it may make their lack of sturdiness not sting so much.
Reply:I would have to actually see them to say for sure. However, it is very typical of Rocket Dogs to look worn. I have a pair that I've had for about a year and one of my friends remarked that they looked like they were falling apart. I said I had bought them like that and he was stunned.
Also, try going to Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse. It's a massive shoe store that I used to work at and we sold tons of shoes. We had LOTS of Rocket Dogs and they were so much cheaper than at department stores. Mine were $19.90 but at department stores they were $39.99 unless they were on clearance. Google the store name and you can find if there's a store close to you.
windows media player 11
Rocket Dog shoes. I was at Macys today and was going to buy a?
I get sucked in repeatedly by Rocket Dog's cute styles, but to be honest, they don't stand up all that well. You might try googling the style( or the colors and then searching for your shoes), if you can find them for cheaper, it may make their lack of sturdiness not sting so much.
Reply:I would have to actually see them to say for sure. However, it is very typical of Rocket Dogs to look worn. I have a pair that I've had for about a year and one of my friends remarked that they looked like they were falling apart. I said I had bought them like that and he was stunned.
Also, try going to Off Broadway Shoe Warehouse. It's a massive shoe store that I used to work at and we sold tons of shoes. We had LOTS of Rocket Dogs and they were so much cheaper than at department stores. Mine were $19.90 but at department stores they were $39.99 unless they were on clearance. Google the store name and you can find if there's a store close to you.
windows media player 11
What do you do to make ur shoes fit?
it keeps slipping off,its not true to size, but I love em what kind of insole u use for these.
What do you do to make ur shoes fit?
Reply:Wal-mart has Gel insoles that work perfect.
Motorcycle boots don't come in every size and sometimes people have to buy big and put in in soles. you don't know they are there and they make them more comfortable.
Reply:If it is too big, stuff paper towels or toilet paper in the front until your foot fits firmly.
Reply:you didn't say what kind of shoes you're talking about ("these")
Reply:buy those band aids that go on the back of your heels. that might help keep them on. The ones that have like a rubbery outside.
Reply:make sure the size of the shoe matches the size of my foot!!!!! genius i know
Reply:i buy ones that fit.
Reply:I buy shoes that fit !!!!!
Reply:trust me i have that problem sometimes.
i usually just stuff soft napkins in there.
don't stuff paper towels because it's not comfortable.
Reply:try them on before I buy them.
What do you do to make ur shoes fit?
Reply:Wal-mart has Gel insoles that work perfect.
Motorcycle boots don't come in every size and sometimes people have to buy big and put in in soles. you don't know they are there and they make them more comfortable.
Reply:If it is too big, stuff paper towels or toilet paper in the front until your foot fits firmly.
Reply:you didn't say what kind of shoes you're talking about ("these")
Reply:buy those band aids that go on the back of your heels. that might help keep them on. The ones that have like a rubbery outside.
Reply:make sure the size of the shoe matches the size of my foot!!!!! genius i know
Reply:i buy ones that fit.
Reply:I buy shoes that fit !!!!!
Reply:trust me i have that problem sometimes.
i usually just stuff soft napkins in there.
don't stuff paper towels because it's not comfortable.
Reply:try them on before I buy them.
UGGS, can be worn winter through summer.?
This is not a question...
This is what UGG sheepskin is all about so you people who said "IT WILL MAKE YOUR FEET SWEAT" think again, dont you think the manufacturers would know there own product? Heres what the company has to say about it...
"Sheepskin - Winter through Summer.
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear. Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out. In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the shape of your foot creating a natural arch support."
UGGS, can be worn winter through summer.?
Oh okay that's chill.
Thanks for the information.
Maybe I'll get it then.
But where would you suggest I get it?
This is what UGG sheepskin is all about so you people who said "IT WILL MAKE YOUR FEET SWEAT" think again, dont you think the manufacturers would know there own product? Heres what the company has to say about it...
"Sheepskin - Winter through Summer.
30° Below - the ins and outs of your UGG Australia footwear. Our fine woolen sheepskin breathes, wicking heat and moisture away to keep your feet dry and at body temperature indoors and out. In cold weather (even to -30F) the soft wool fibers act as a natural insulator, keeping your feet warm and comfortable.
In warm weather (even to 80F) the supple fibers act as a natural air conditioner, keeping your feet cool and comfortable. The natural fleece on the removable insole molds to the shape of your foot creating a natural arch support."
UGGS, can be worn winter through summer.?
Oh okay that's chill.
Thanks for the information.
Maybe I'll get it then.
But where would you suggest I get it?
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