My dogs, despite having expensive Kongs, pork twisties (at $10.00 a bag!!) and other toys, have chewed:
The insoles out of my slippers.
A cell phone charger.
Blankets on the bed.
Mind you, the lipstick, Chapstick and cell phone charger were all left on the bedroom floor of the resident slob here and were not my doing.
The youngest one is the worse culprit...I read they kind of grow out of this after three.
My friend's 2 y/o pit bull ate all of their solar lights, their driveway markers, chewed the siding on the house and chewed the stump where they cut the tree down, even though he has Kongs, etc.
I think this is the worse: this woman's dog ate her couch
What has your dog used as a chew toy that really made you upset?
My wedding shoes! Yes, about a month before my wedding, my dog somehow got into my closet, into the shoebox, into the bag that the shoes were in, and chewed them to bits. Luckily, they weren't hard to find another pair.
Oh, and our engagement photos. On Christmas day! Oh, the things that boy has chewed...
Reply:My diabetes supplies, blood tester, keytone strips, test strips, all on a Friday and the Pharmacie was closed that weekend. :(
Reply:My parents coffee table. At least 4 EXPENSIVE bras. My undies :( I know it's gross, but obviously it's because it smells like me.
Reply:all of My reticulation is now ripped up from my little ANGEL, he is a 9month old pure bred german shepherd ( not that i think breed matters) other things he has chewed up are rear passenger seatbelt in my car, shoes, solanoids in the garden, hose ( he pulled tthe hose reel right off the wall actually then attacked the hose), his beds .. and im sure ill find sumthing else when i get home tonight :-)
Reply:A remote remote control for my TV that cost me $75 to replace because I had to order it from Toshiba. The cheapo ones that you can buy for $10 wouldn't work on my TV.
Reply:The neighbors cat and her wading pool.
Reply:I have never had a problem with my any of my dogs chewing anything, but one of my Sibes used to be obsessed with my baby's things. She would eat his socks, blankets, diapers, etc. I never figured out why, but we quickly learned to keep everything where she couldn't get to it. We had other children in the house, but she was there before he was born. (I got her when I was pregnant with my son) She was very good with him, but maybe it was a bit of jealousy.
Reply:Dakota has chewed my shoes and a cord that went to my nintendo(I had to buy another one)
Duke has chewed my mom's shoes,the iron cord twice,the vaccum cord ,and tore up my mattress and chewed on it.
They have chewed my undies too!
Reply:My youngest dog is now 18months and he love to chew my hose (not cheap to replace) and pull my cloths of the line - i was lovin' that i had holes in all my cloths. If i don't watch them they chew up there dog beds (cushions), boxes of tissues, they empty the bin really quick so it's generally placed up high
Reply:first off..dogs chew like that out of frustration, seperation anxiety and lack of proper exercise. You need to walk your dog every day..especially a poweful breed like a pit. they need to be walked at least an hour every day..perferably twice a day. and play with them. its never the dogs fault or the breed, but always the human is not doing something right.
Reply:The faceplate to my $500 car stereo... the passenger side head rest, the rear armrest, numerous doors, floors, and walls.. c/o Chansey the pit bull
Wood work on the windowsill and banister in a 1700's apartment.. also part of the wall eaten away.. c/o Kairi the Great Dane
Pine cones and sticks.. c/o Zephyr, the pit bull.
Oh, and all 3 have been caught chewing on the bed frame, and Chansey has killed A LOT of stuffed animals, as well as several other stuffed items.
Reply:Many many expensive high heels! The most expensive were: a $200 dollar pair of heels and another $200 pair of boots. Obviously it is my fault for leaving them out or for naively believing that if I put them on top of a cupboard they won't be able to reach it.
It's funny that she only goes for nice and expensive heels coz I can leave thongs and sneakers around with absolutely no problems at all. I guess she has good taste :)
Though it is a bit annoying that she will only chew one of the pair but now if I can, I just paint over the chews bits and still wear them!! LOL!!
Reply:When my female lab was a puppy, she used our trestle dining room table as a teething ring of sorts. Ate right through it and a leg on one of the chairs before we realized it.
She will eat anything on the ground or left unattended if you let her. I saw a piece of yarn hanging out of her mouth once and started pulling...and pulling, and pulling...she had almost a quarter of a small ball of yarn swallowed. I still don't know from where. Crazy thing. Our male lab mix is only 6 months older than she is and we have never had to worry about him like this.
Reply:dogs chew because of anxiety and boredom. mine has chewed:
cell phone
almost 70.00 and had to tape all those pieces back together.
tv remotes (5 all together at 50.00 each)
queen size bed frame
tie out cable
pvc pipes
but if you want the best most inexpensive chew toy you could ever buy, it is.....................a 2 liter soda bottle. after i gave them that, they never chewed anything of value again. u would think the batteries would give them a little zap and they would never touch it again wouldn't you.
Reply:I was preparing dinner, I had made a plate for myself for dinner and then I turned my back just for a second and my sneaky dog climbed up on the chair and jumped on the table and started eating MY dinner that I prepared. I was gonna yell at her but i couldn't it was too funny!!
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