I work in a factory and here recently my legs swell and last night they hurt really bad the only way i could get them to stop is wrap them in a warm blanket then they stopped hurting for about 4 hours . i have beento the drs and they have given me water pils and vioix to take but it do not help and no i am not overweight yet , but when i do get up in the morning it is very hard for me to walk very painful .Can anyone suggest anything if i do go to the dr they just lok at me and say well ican give you pills i do not want to take pills all my life ,Has anyone had this happen to them ,i have even got new insoles for my shoes and it has not helped
What could it be?
Handing out pills seems to be the trend lately, plus, doctors have little knowledge if any, about pharmaceuticals. Are you aware that vioix is dangerous? So are diuretics unless you take a potassium supplement. I'd consider the possibility of PAD, except that you say walking is painful even after getting up mornings. I no longer rely on the concern of the doctors in my insurance group. I'm on a blood thinner from a pulmonary embolism, wanted to rule out PAD, (swelling, pain), %26amp; was referred to a vascular surgeon who KNEW I was on a blood thinner, %26amp; before the ultrasound or any tests, prescribed horse chestnut seed extract 3 times a day. I researched this, %26amp; he'd prescribed a blood thinner in addition to the one I was on--thus, had I taken it, it would probably have been fatal. I can't stress the importance of keeping informed all by yourself! If you're on the Internet, I'd like to suggest at least two very credible Websites:
medicinenet.com, %26amp; mayoclinic.com. If you follow their links, you'll find a wealth of information addressing your specific concerns. I get newsletters from them weekly, %26amp; choose only what I'm personally interested in. This may well have SAVED MY LIFE more than once. If you're not on the Internet, give your doctor a shove. There is a reason for the pain %26amp; swelling; he needs to find it, not hand out pills like candy. %26amp; you need to do this NOW, because it may be something that very much needs your attention. Your symtoms should be diagnosed, %26amp; treated properly. Please don't put this off. %26amp; good luck.
Reply:If you're standing up all day, that's probably why your legs are swollen. You may need to find a job where you sit more than stand. Good luck.
Reply:possible cause hi blood pressure too much time spent standing varicose veins,you do need to seek out an MD i am not an MD.
Reply:Try this webmd site
or this one
It could be an issue with your blood circulation. But it could be any number of things (see the first site).
Maybe you should rethink Vioxx
Reply:You might need to get special shoes. Try getting nurses shoes. Also, exercise regularily and make sure you walk around sometimes while you are working and keep yourself moving.
Reply:You might try using support stockings.
Has the swelling gone down when you wake up or is it still there?
Did your doctor check for a blood clot?
mobility scooter
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