ive had my uggs for a few months now and ive started noticing when i take them off at nite my feet stink!! is there anyway i can reverse this problem? they were not cheap so really dont wana have to chuck them! would insoles or ne sprays help?
any advice appreciated
Uggs-Smelling bad?
They have cleaning solutions from Uggs to wash the sheepskin inside. It's a special kind and you can't just use water. It's this: http://www.whatshebuys.com/ugg-9603.html
It's only like 10 dollars or something and I think its hte best for cleaning your uggs. You can't use it to wash the outside only the inside (sheepskin). And you have to be really careful. Hope that helps!
Reply:dont have the shoes, but you might try baking soda, that removes smells but not sure if it would hurt the inside
Reply:omg i have the same problem to
i wore my uggs without socks because thats what they tell you but now my feet smell really bad
my mom told me to wear socks and put baby powder in them and put something that smells good into the boot overnight.
Reply:idk mine stink like skunk.
idc tho b/c shoes are supposed to smell bad
Reply:its payback for the support you lent to have sheep maimed, beaten, and cut up while still alive, feeling every minute of it. I for one, don't think the punishement fits the crime.
Reply:Don't wear them with out socks.
Reply:use baby powder on your feet and the inside of the uggs.
Reply:Is it your feet or the suede in the boots which smell? If it's the first then try a deoderising product - there are lots out there - should sort you out because your feet will naturally smell in such cozy shoes. If it's the second then I know the feeling. I have suede boots which smell also because when the material gets wet it tends to whiff a little! A skoosh of deoderising spray should work on that too. Good luck :)
Reply:it happens when your feet sweat in them.. socks help alot even the really skinny socks that are like tights
Reply:Odor Eaters foot powder in the boot, on your feet, and wear socks!
Reply:i completely agree with the person above me
Reply:Try Dr. Scholl's odour destroyers deodorant powder, it kills foot odor!! I put it in my shoes all the time! and it works you can put it directly on your feet but i just put it in my shoes. Hope it helps try it, it works for me
Reply:Try putting on socks when you wear your uggs or put on of those little packets that smell really nice in your uggs
dog skin problem
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