Friday, November 6, 2009

New shoes are a half-size too big?

I got these gorgeous leather loafers at a thrift store today for $3 (!) but they're a 7.5 and I'm a 7. What kind of insoles do I need to make them fit better?

I also have a pair of heels that have the same issue (my mom gave them to me).

New shoes are a half-size too big?
I always use those sponges you find for make-up. Just slip a couple in and make sure it's comfortable and there you go. works for me.........................................
Reply:im not sure but you can wear thick socks or you can stuff a sock in your shoe before you put them on get me/ ok
Reply:you can go to CVS or rite aid or something and get these little gel things and put them in the heel of the shoe.
Reply:toilet paper
Reply:My feet are really wide so sometimes I have to get shoes that are a little bigger to accommodate but they are just a bit too long. I put in those thick gel insoles from Dr. Scholls (the gellin' ones) and they make the shoes fit just fine.
Reply:wear thick socks.
Reply:Dr shooles make one of foam or go to a shoe repair shop and get a leather pair of insoles
Reply:Put some cotton balls in the front of the shoe so your foot does not slide in to the tip while they are to big
Reply:my mom always told me to put a little tissue in the toe :)

works for me
Reply:try foot petals they may help. its the stick on things that you can put on the heel or sides(depending on which you buy) to help with fit. they sell them at target and at zappos. you can also type in foot petals into google and you'll get the site.
Reply:what i would do is stuff tissue in the front part of the shoe,for emergencies.
Reply:you may have to wait until you grow some more
Reply:Hate it when that happens: You thrift something amzing and it doesn't fit!

I would say some pads in the toes could keep your feet from sliding backwards, as well as in the back, or a bit of tissue or something so the back will hit your heel and your toe can't go further up. You can get the pads at Payless or something, and the tissue from...your bathroom. Hope this helps!
Reply:You could try doubling up on the regular (cheapy) Dr. Scholls... Just don't plan on being *too* active, you might lose tracking *inside* the shoe.
Reply:Leaves growing room. Don't worry about it.
Reply:Just put cotton balls at the bottom. It should do the trick.
Reply:the normal Dr. Scholl's insoles (or the generic version) will work well for the loafers and heels (just make sure you get the thin version, not a thick one).

Or cotton in the front is good too (either a cotton strip or some cotton balls).
Reply:sometimes you can double up on insoles, but that will just help in the arch area. If you have too much space in the toe, you can put some tissue in the sole to fill up the volume so your foot will not slip and cause blisters.


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