I bought some shoes that don't exactly fit like a glove. Is there anything I can do to fill in the space? Like insoles of some sort?
I have been using socks to stuff the toe but its becoming unbearable. Please help!
What do I do with shoes that are too big?
stuff tissue up the front
Reply:Take it back to the shop you bought the shoes to change it.
Reply:Go to a shoe shop and buy shoe paddings (here they sell the kind that are made to fit on the back of your feet or the front of your shoes, and they are sticky on one side so that they stick to the shoes without coming off). They're comfortable, too.
Reply:sell them on ebay and buy some new one's
Friday, November 6, 2009
Who invented Orthotics?
Does anyone know who invented orthotic insoles? I tried researching it on google, but I can't seem to find any info. The history of orthotics?
Who invented Orthotics?
It was probably Dr. Scholl. Yeah, he was a real guy. Dr. William Mathias Scholl, a podiatrist, was born in 1882. Scholl and company invented a number of foot care products, including foot pads, arch supports, and insoles which he marketed in 1906. Dr Scholl died in 1968, leaving the company in family hands. The Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine is located at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, Illinois.
accessories belts
Who invented Orthotics?
It was probably Dr. Scholl. Yeah, he was a real guy. Dr. William Mathias Scholl, a podiatrist, was born in 1882. Scholl and company invented a number of foot care products, including foot pads, arch supports, and insoles which he marketed in 1906. Dr Scholl died in 1968, leaving the company in family hands. The Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine is located at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, Illinois.
accessories belts
Gait Analysis, Ultramarathon question?
Im running my first ultramarathon in 2 weeks, I am noticing a very clight uneven wear on the heels of my trainers, slightly on the inside of each and its the same on both, its nothing excessive. Im thinking of getting gait analysis done, you know, threadmill and camera. My main question is what is the soloution, do they order special trainers or just use special insoles.
Gait Analysis, Ultramarathon question?
it is worth every penny.
Reply:I had gait analysis last year..
Worth every penny...
Ended up getting new running orthotics...
accessories belts
Gait Analysis, Ultramarathon question?
it is worth every penny.
Reply:I had gait analysis last year..
Worth every penny...
Ended up getting new running orthotics...
accessories belts
My feet ache from standing all day, help!?
I work at a warehouse where im standing and walking around all day on cement floor with steel toe shoes on. My feet ache by the end of the day which makes my whole body hurt. It seems the insoles ive tried only work for the first few days and then they feel just as flat as the shoe. Does anyone have any ideas on how to ease the pain while at work? Also how can i come home and exercise to lose weight when im exausted and my legs and feet ache? I just dont get it.
My feet ache from standing all day, help!?
Please do not take this as I am trying to be rude, I am just giving you and honest answer. If you are overweight, then you could walk on pillows at work and your feet would still ache. There is too much pressure on your feet and stress on your joints and bones. First, you need to lose weight. If it is too painful to exercise, look into a diet program that does not require exercise. After you lose 10lbs, you will feel significantly better...and your feet will hurt less. Do this until your weight comes down and you are able to exercise....and before you know it your feet will not hurt (as bad anyway) and your weight will be down! In the mean time, girl you work hard, go get a foot massage once a week as a treat, you deserve it. Good luck :)
Reply:My mom use to work at a store that has carpet covered concrete. You may want to consult a podiatrist. Be certain to take your breaks and you may trying to elevate them when you get the breaks. Be careful as far as exercising when you leave work, that may not be such a good idea.Soaking in a hot bath sounds more beneficial, Standing for so long cause bad varicose veins or even blood clots.
Reply:yes. it is natural. you are always rounding and standing without giving any rest to the feet. do one thing. before going to bed, put your feet in the hot water 15 to 20 minits sitting in a chair. (too hot not necessary) you feel relief. but, you should continue this for 10 to 15 days. you can get relief. it is my experience.
Reply:soak them in very warm water with 3 TBSP epsom salt dissolved in it...if you don't have any, use peppermint oil, if you have none of that, use just plain soapy water...but part of the key is get the water as warm as you can stand it and let them soak till the water is cooled down...
while at work, use GEL insoles, the thicker the better, and always soak them when you get home...
Reply:try soaking your feet and massaging them with peppermint lotion.see about a new job
Reply:I too have a job where I am on my feet much of the day. As a result, I developed plantar fasciitis. If you search that term you will find some websites with helpful tips. The things that helped the most are-
1 Orthotics- arched insoles that are made especially for the
shape of your feet. A bit pricey but worth it. You should wear them with shoes that are flat inside and that are designed to limit foot movement in the shoe.
2 Anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or naprosyn. Take with food and only take the recommended dose. I only use this when it gets bad, best to limit its use.
3 Ice- apply to your feet once a day for about 15 minutes. You can put some ice in a plastic bag or use those cold packs you can put in the freezer. I know it's uncomfortable, but it will make a difference. First it will feel cold, then hot, then numb. You want to get to the numb stage, since this will really help bring down the inflammation in the tissue. Once this is under control you won't need to ice them except for flare-ups.
4 Stretching exercises- basically the same stretches you do to loosen your hamstrings and your Achilles tendon at the back of your ankle. If you don't know what those are any Physical Therapist (or maybe a personal trainer) can teach you. If you get in the habit of doing them every morning, you will prevent future flare-ups. A good physical therapist can also use tools like ultrasound or massage to loosen the tissue.
5 Rest- yes it helps, but let's get real. Who has time for that?
I also tried acupuncture, which helped somewhat. However, I would have needed to get treatments at least 2 or 3 times a week to have lasting benefit and my insurance would not cover that. I am pretty much assuming you have plantar fasciitis or something similar, since that is the most common cause of foot pain related to standing and being on your feet all day. Of course, it could be something different in your case. Have a doctor evaluate it if it doesn't get better. Good Luck
interest rate
My feet ache from standing all day, help!?
Please do not take this as I am trying to be rude, I am just giving you and honest answer. If you are overweight, then you could walk on pillows at work and your feet would still ache. There is too much pressure on your feet and stress on your joints and bones. First, you need to lose weight. If it is too painful to exercise, look into a diet program that does not require exercise. After you lose 10lbs, you will feel significantly better...and your feet will hurt less. Do this until your weight comes down and you are able to exercise....and before you know it your feet will not hurt (as bad anyway) and your weight will be down! In the mean time, girl you work hard, go get a foot massage once a week as a treat, you deserve it. Good luck :)
Reply:My mom use to work at a store that has carpet covered concrete. You may want to consult a podiatrist. Be certain to take your breaks and you may trying to elevate them when you get the breaks. Be careful as far as exercising when you leave work, that may not be such a good idea.Soaking in a hot bath sounds more beneficial, Standing for so long cause bad varicose veins or even blood clots.
Reply:yes. it is natural. you are always rounding and standing without giving any rest to the feet. do one thing. before going to bed, put your feet in the hot water 15 to 20 minits sitting in a chair. (too hot not necessary) you feel relief. but, you should continue this for 10 to 15 days. you can get relief. it is my experience.
Reply:soak them in very warm water with 3 TBSP epsom salt dissolved in it...if you don't have any, use peppermint oil, if you have none of that, use just plain soapy water...but part of the key is get the water as warm as you can stand it and let them soak till the water is cooled down...
while at work, use GEL insoles, the thicker the better, and always soak them when you get home...
Reply:try soaking your feet and massaging them with peppermint lotion.see about a new job
Reply:I too have a job where I am on my feet much of the day. As a result, I developed plantar fasciitis. If you search that term you will find some websites with helpful tips. The things that helped the most are-
1 Orthotics- arched insoles that are made especially for the
shape of your feet. A bit pricey but worth it. You should wear them with shoes that are flat inside and that are designed to limit foot movement in the shoe.
2 Anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or naprosyn. Take with food and only take the recommended dose. I only use this when it gets bad, best to limit its use.
3 Ice- apply to your feet once a day for about 15 minutes. You can put some ice in a plastic bag or use those cold packs you can put in the freezer. I know it's uncomfortable, but it will make a difference. First it will feel cold, then hot, then numb. You want to get to the numb stage, since this will really help bring down the inflammation in the tissue. Once this is under control you won't need to ice them except for flare-ups.
4 Stretching exercises- basically the same stretches you do to loosen your hamstrings and your Achilles tendon at the back of your ankle. If you don't know what those are any Physical Therapist (or maybe a personal trainer) can teach you. If you get in the habit of doing them every morning, you will prevent future flare-ups. A good physical therapist can also use tools like ultrasound or massage to loosen the tissue.
5 Rest- yes it helps, but let's get real. Who has time for that?
I also tried acupuncture, which helped somewhat. However, I would have needed to get treatments at least 2 or 3 times a week to have lasting benefit and my insurance would not cover that. I am pretty much assuming you have plantar fasciitis or something similar, since that is the most common cause of foot pain related to standing and being on your feet all day. Of course, it could be something different in your case. Have a doctor evaluate it if it doesn't get better. Good Luck
interest rate
I'm a supervisor at a food restuarant and can't get my feet to stop hurting?
I do a lot of walking at work but it's only in a small area (5 steps here 5 steps back) and after a 9 hour shift the heel of my feet hurts incredibly. I have tried new shoes, different brands of insoles and I've reached the point that after about 6 hours I'm walking on my tip-toes. Does anyone have any ideas?
I'm a supervisor at a food restuarant and can't get my feet to stop hurting?
Reply:You may need to do exercises to strengthen your back. Your back might actually be the problem.
Good Luck!
Reply:Hi I also had problems with my feet and I am diabetic and I discovered a product by the name of Nikken. Nikken works for the whole body including your feet. It has helped me tremendously I wear the insole which is filled with magnets and that's what Nikken is about it deals with magnets please visit www. nikken.co.uk/connect
Reply:Try the Z-coil shoes. the look funny but work great!!!!
Reply:I don't think there's that much to do about it besides try to stay off your feet. I had the same problem when I did hair. I found out that I had a circulation problem. My feet would sting for hours after I got off them, I would just try to massage them until it was better.
skin disease
I'm a supervisor at a food restuarant and can't get my feet to stop hurting?
Reply:You may need to do exercises to strengthen your back. Your back might actually be the problem.
Good Luck!
Reply:Hi I also had problems with my feet and I am diabetic and I discovered a product by the name of Nikken. Nikken works for the whole body including your feet. It has helped me tremendously I wear the insole which is filled with magnets and that's what Nikken is about it deals with magnets please visit www. nikken.co.uk/connect
Reply:Try the Z-coil shoes. the look funny but work great!!!!
Reply:I don't think there's that much to do about it besides try to stay off your feet. I had the same problem when I did hair. I found out that I had a circulation problem. My feet would sting for hours after I got off them, I would just try to massage them until it was better.
skin disease
Uggs-Smelling bad?
ive had my uggs for a few months now and ive started noticing when i take them off at nite my feet stink!! is there anyway i can reverse this problem? they were not cheap so really dont wana have to chuck them! would insoles or ne sprays help?
any advice appreciated
Uggs-Smelling bad?
They have cleaning solutions from Uggs to wash the sheepskin inside. It's a special kind and you can't just use water. It's this: http://www.whatshebuys.com/ugg-9603.html
It's only like 10 dollars or something and I think its hte best for cleaning your uggs. You can't use it to wash the outside only the inside (sheepskin). And you have to be really careful. Hope that helps!
Reply:dont have the shoes, but you might try baking soda, that removes smells but not sure if it would hurt the inside
Reply:omg i have the same problem to
i wore my uggs without socks because thats what they tell you but now my feet smell really bad
my mom told me to wear socks and put baby powder in them and put something that smells good into the boot overnight.
Reply:idk mine stink like skunk.
idc tho b/c shoes are supposed to smell bad
Reply:its payback for the support you lent to have sheep maimed, beaten, and cut up while still alive, feeling every minute of it. I for one, don't think the punishement fits the crime.
Reply:Don't wear them with out socks.
Reply:use baby powder on your feet and the inside of the uggs.
Reply:Is it your feet or the suede in the boots which smell? If it's the first then try a deoderising product - there are lots out there - should sort you out because your feet will naturally smell in such cozy shoes. If it's the second then I know the feeling. I have suede boots which smell also because when the material gets wet it tends to whiff a little! A skoosh of deoderising spray should work on that too. Good luck :)
Reply:it happens when your feet sweat in them.. socks help alot even the really skinny socks that are like tights
Reply:Odor Eaters foot powder in the boot, on your feet, and wear socks!
Reply:i completely agree with the person above me
Reply:Try Dr. Scholl's odour destroyers deodorant powder, it kills foot odor!! I put it in my shoes all the time! and it works you can put it directly on your feet but i just put it in my shoes. Hope it helps try it, it works for me
Reply:Try putting on socks when you wear your uggs or put on of those little packets that smell really nice in your uggs
dog skin problem
any advice appreciated
Uggs-Smelling bad?
They have cleaning solutions from Uggs to wash the sheepskin inside. It's a special kind and you can't just use water. It's this: http://www.whatshebuys.com/ugg-9603.html
It's only like 10 dollars or something and I think its hte best for cleaning your uggs. You can't use it to wash the outside only the inside (sheepskin). And you have to be really careful. Hope that helps!
Reply:dont have the shoes, but you might try baking soda, that removes smells but not sure if it would hurt the inside
Reply:omg i have the same problem to
i wore my uggs without socks because thats what they tell you but now my feet smell really bad
my mom told me to wear socks and put baby powder in them and put something that smells good into the boot overnight.
Reply:idk mine stink like skunk.
idc tho b/c shoes are supposed to smell bad
Reply:its payback for the support you lent to have sheep maimed, beaten, and cut up while still alive, feeling every minute of it. I for one, don't think the punishement fits the crime.
Reply:Don't wear them with out socks.
Reply:use baby powder on your feet and the inside of the uggs.
Reply:Is it your feet or the suede in the boots which smell? If it's the first then try a deoderising product - there are lots out there - should sort you out because your feet will naturally smell in such cozy shoes. If it's the second then I know the feeling. I have suede boots which smell also because when the material gets wet it tends to whiff a little! A skoosh of deoderising spray should work on that too. Good luck :)
Reply:it happens when your feet sweat in them.. socks help alot even the really skinny socks that are like tights
Reply:Odor Eaters foot powder in the boot, on your feet, and wear socks!
Reply:i completely agree with the person above me
Reply:Try Dr. Scholl's odour destroyers deodorant powder, it kills foot odor!! I put it in my shoes all the time! and it works you can put it directly on your feet but i just put it in my shoes. Hope it helps try it, it works for me
Reply:Try putting on socks when you wear your uggs or put on of those little packets that smell really nice in your uggs
dog skin problem
Is there anyone who knows a bit about hip pain?
I have clicking and iliac type pain on my right side, I do feel it is something muscular rather than skeletal as it is quite pronounced with stretchers. Spinal ct scan appears fine, and despite my thinking this would be fine the dr insisted. I am taking pain relief daily with some short acting anti inflams. Upon waking in the morning my whole lower back is stiff and takes some convincing to move enough to get out of bed. Due to my really bad track record of taking medications, I often try to go without any. However I am in strife quite quickly in the mornings as ignoring it only makes it worse until my LEFT (and yes I did say LEFT) thigh muscle is burning and going numb. It feels to me that what ever is going on on the rights side, is pulling all the lower back muscles across to that side. ( May not be right, but just what it feels like). The pain is constant and although I am taking pain relief the most I can get it down to is pain in the area it is clicking, it never goes away entirely, yet at that point is tolerable. Its' behaviour is a bit weird for me as it does not seem to be affected by walking or lifting etc yet standing, lifting leg up into hip joint or twisting can be extremely painful and can set off the burning/numbness sensation on the left side?? After the ct scan the dr sent me to a podiatrist who has given me orthotics as she says I have both my feet falling inwards and I walk with a push off skating action, since having the orthotics, she says the walking has improved significantly and that this condition in me is severe not minor. I am unable to put my feet together when standing and yet when I am in a sitting position I can. I am unable to stand straight against a wall my shoulders tend not to go back that far and yet I lay in a bed??? I do stretches everyday to no avail. As a disability support worker, I don't have the time for my pain, and get quite annoyed at it, however what can one do? You've got it have to live with it and move on. Any suggestions though at this point would be great. My next move into the new year is to see a PT for some manual stretching I just cant do myself, maybe that is what it takes, I don't really know.
? what is the difference in a pysio and chiro?
I have only had my insoles for 10wks, the first six weeks she built them up only 50% and then built them up the rest of the way so my body adjusts better to it. Interestingly, she did not give a degree of turn when diagnosing??
Is there anyone who knows a bit about hip pain?
Sounds to me like you should see a Neurosurgeon, because I believe it may be an issue with your Sciatic Nerve. What sells me on that conclusion is the fact that at times you have trouble with both "leg areas". The sciatic nerve runs from the middle of your back to your hips, down the hip and thigh, past the knee across your shin into your big toe. Any or all of those areas can feel displaced pain. I had most of mine in the hip area. For a very long time I (and my doctor) thought is was my hip, only after a MRI did we find that a herniated disc had compromised my Sciatic Nerve. The displaced pain that is caused by this type of problem causes many wrong diagnosis's. MRI's are the only way to determine soft tissue damage and will likely give you the solution to your problem.
Good Luck to You, hope this helps.
Reply:You need a chiropracter to put your back into alignment, I had the same, but am better now, it will take about 4,5 times of going.... Sleeping better too actually. One of your backbones is pressing on your hip or leg nerve... Dont worry, they wont break y;our back but they know really well how to put it straight again. If you dont have money, even going once will already help significantly
Hotel reviews
? what is the difference in a pysio and chiro?
I have only had my insoles for 10wks, the first six weeks she built them up only 50% and then built them up the rest of the way so my body adjusts better to it. Interestingly, she did not give a degree of turn when diagnosing??
Is there anyone who knows a bit about hip pain?
Sounds to me like you should see a Neurosurgeon, because I believe it may be an issue with your Sciatic Nerve. What sells me on that conclusion is the fact that at times you have trouble with both "leg areas". The sciatic nerve runs from the middle of your back to your hips, down the hip and thigh, past the knee across your shin into your big toe. Any or all of those areas can feel displaced pain. I had most of mine in the hip area. For a very long time I (and my doctor) thought is was my hip, only after a MRI did we find that a herniated disc had compromised my Sciatic Nerve. The displaced pain that is caused by this type of problem causes many wrong diagnosis's. MRI's are the only way to determine soft tissue damage and will likely give you the solution to your problem.
Good Luck to You, hope this helps.
Reply:You need a chiropracter to put your back into alignment, I had the same, but am better now, it will take about 4,5 times of going.... Sleeping better too actually. One of your backbones is pressing on your hip or leg nerve... Dont worry, they wont break y;our back but they know really well how to put it straight again. If you dont have money, even going once will already help significantly
Hotel reviews
Hip iliac type pain any suggestions?
I have clicking and iliac type pain on my right side, I do feel it is something muscular rather than skeletal as it is quite pronounced with stretchers. Spinal ct scan appears fine, and despite my thinking this would be fine the dr insisted. I am taking pain relief daily with some short acting anti inflams. Upon waking in the morning my whole lower back is stiff and takes some convincing to move enough to get out of bed. Due to my really bad track record of taking medications, I often try to go without any. However I am in strife quite quickly in the mornings as ignoring it only makes it worse until my LEFT (and yes I did say LEFT) thigh muscle is burning and going numb. It feels to me that what ever is going on on the rights side, is pulling all the lower back muscles across to that side. ( May not be right, but just what it feels like). The pain is constant and although I am taking pain relief the most I can get it down to is pain in the area it is clicking, it never goes away entirely, yet at that point is tolerable. Its' behaviour is a bit weird for me as it does not seem to be affected by walking or lifting etc yet standing, lifting leg up into hip joint or twisting can be extremely painful and can set off the burning/numbness sensation on the left side?? After the ct scan the dr sent me to a podiatrist who has given me orthotics as she says I have both my feet falling inwards and I walk with a push off skating action, since having the orthotics, she says the walking has improved significantly and that this condition in me is severe not minor. I am unable to put my feet together when standing and yet when I am in a sitting position I can. I am unable to stand straight against a wall my shoulders tend not to go back that far and yet I lay in a bed??? I do stretches everyday to no avail. As a disability support worker, I don't have the time for my pain, and get quite annoyed at it, however what can one do? You've got it have to live with it and move on. Any suggestions though at this point would be great. My next move into the new year is to see a PT for some manual stretching I just cant do myself, maybe that is what it takes, I don't really know.
? what is the difference in a pysio and chiro?
I have only had my insoles for 10wks, the first six weeks she built them up only 50% and then built them up the rest of the way so my body adjusts better to it. Interestingly, she did not give a degree of turn when diagnosing??
Hip iliac type pain any suggestions?
feet are a good start but after so many years your body will acquire compensation patterns . dermatone= body pain in on spot could actually be caused from somewhere else . i would go to a local massage school and book a massage , but ask to speak to the instructor and tell them every where you hurt and what actions you are doing when it hurts the most ask for p.i. stretches to be performed as part of your massage . It sounds as though you could really benefit from rolfing = a type of massage that is actually pain full during , but it hits every muscle in your body , and your fascia , The benefits of this are felt for up to one year . it usually requires multiple sessions for a month . you can research it more under Ida Rolf , or rolfing , or body integration .You will also need to locate where it is performed around you as the practitioners are required to go to school for 4 years.
Reply:could be bursitis ? I had it for two years.Shots for it help for about 6 weeks, be sure to rule out the need for a hip replacement from not enough blood flow. called avasrual neocis can't spell it. Have you fallen lately?
cat skin problem
? what is the difference in a pysio and chiro?
I have only had my insoles for 10wks, the first six weeks she built them up only 50% and then built them up the rest of the way so my body adjusts better to it. Interestingly, she did not give a degree of turn when diagnosing??
Hip iliac type pain any suggestions?
feet are a good start but after so many years your body will acquire compensation patterns . dermatone= body pain in on spot could actually be caused from somewhere else . i would go to a local massage school and book a massage , but ask to speak to the instructor and tell them every where you hurt and what actions you are doing when it hurts the most ask for p.i. stretches to be performed as part of your massage . It sounds as though you could really benefit from rolfing = a type of massage that is actually pain full during , but it hits every muscle in your body , and your fascia , The benefits of this are felt for up to one year . it usually requires multiple sessions for a month . you can research it more under Ida Rolf , or rolfing , or body integration .You will also need to locate where it is performed around you as the practitioners are required to go to school for 4 years.
Reply:could be bursitis ? I had it for two years.Shots for it help for about 6 weeks, be sure to rule out the need for a hip replacement from not enough blood flow. called avasrual neocis can't spell it. Have you fallen lately?
cat skin problem
Does anyone have plantar fasciitis? Any ideas how to make it go away?
I've been to the podiatrist, I got insoles from him. I ice it, I stretch and take Ibuprofin. It was better for a while but now it is right back to hurting. Any other ideas?
Does anyone have plantar fasciitis? Any ideas how to make it go away?
It does go away eventually on its own but can take 6 months. Good insoles are the answer. Go back to the podatrist and tell him the problem.
Reply:If you have access to a foot bath or whirlpool that would help. Also try some stretches such as moving your foot up and down ( as pressing a gas pedal), roll your foot over a 2 liter bottle, and toes raises ( lifting yourself up and down using your toes.
Reply:Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by excessive tension in the muscles that pull on the bottom of the foot across the heel, and the interconnecting fascia tissue.
Massage deeply into the calf muscles on the rear of your lower leg, looking for sore spots. You may have to work these for a few days, but the tension will eventually disappear, and the pain on your heel and bottom of the foot as well.
When you feel better, you can roll a golf ball under the arch of the foot as a preventive measure. Keep working the calf, too.
develop skin cancer
Does anyone have plantar fasciitis? Any ideas how to make it go away?
It does go away eventually on its own but can take 6 months. Good insoles are the answer. Go back to the podatrist and tell him the problem.
Reply:If you have access to a foot bath or whirlpool that would help. Also try some stretches such as moving your foot up and down ( as pressing a gas pedal), roll your foot over a 2 liter bottle, and toes raises ( lifting yourself up and down using your toes.
Reply:Plantar fasciitis is usually caused by excessive tension in the muscles that pull on the bottom of the foot across the heel, and the interconnecting fascia tissue.
Massage deeply into the calf muscles on the rear of your lower leg, looking for sore spots. You may have to work these for a few days, but the tension will eventually disappear, and the pain on your heel and bottom of the foot as well.
When you feel better, you can roll a golf ball under the arch of the foot as a preventive measure. Keep working the calf, too.
develop skin cancer
How can i grow taller?
I cant grow as tall as I want to be, what can i do? Shall I buy them height increasing insoles or not?
How can i grow taller?
they used to use 'the rack' but I doubt that current Health and Safety legislation permits that
Reply:Do lots of stretches.
Reply:Diet- more protein from milk, dairy, soy, etc.
Posture- sit up straight and stand proud
Sleep- at least 8 hours a day for the body to grow
Exercise- Get your exercise, 30 mins- 1 hour a day. Jump rope, running and swimming are perfect for your health and your height.
there are also some stretches that will temporarily lengthen your spine. your spine can lengthen (even in the morning, when you're tallest) but this lasts only temporarily. these stretches at giantscientific.com will help.
remember: the better your health the taller you will grow . there's also a limit to how much you can grow, this is SOLELY genetics. if you have a short family (like I do), you won't be much taller.
Reply:From the past answers that I have read, i think you should increase your protein intake and have longer sleep.
You should also try to do some sort of jumping or stretching activity before sleep.
such as rope skipping or yoga
thats only if you are young around 10-18. after 20 you don't really grow a lot
Reply:I'm sorry dude but growing tall isnt very controlable. Notice on that website how they dont have any claims. Sure they will increase your height. Maybe 10mm or so. Let me tell you that even prescription growth drugs take months to get a hold of and only increase your height by about 1/20. I'm 14 and I'm 6'1 and it isn't particulary great either. Looking down on people is annoying. Try not to fall for those stupid websites.
Reply:hell no u short bastard. Learn how to grow taller.
Reply:Im afraid there is NOTHING u can do, unless u get that operation that extends limbs lol, which is very expensive and painful (long period) as ive heard.
Reply:You've not said your age but I'm guess your young,
Don't worry as there's plenty of time yet to grow taller.
Thanks :)
If you eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy life you'll be fine.
Reply:I am 6 ft 4ins and although it has some redeeming factors it has not made any difference to my life. I played rugby and football to a reasonable level. I play tennis and badminton again to a reasonable level and my height and general size has helped in these sports. I now play golf and the better players in my club are all shapes and sizes but none over 6ft. So be happy with how you are and enjoy life as you are. Trying to be tall by mechanical aids will make you a figure of fun in the same way as men that wear hair pieces because they are bald. I am bald by the way. I might also add that I had more and better girlfriends when I was bald than when I had a full head of hair. Just be YOU.
Happy and blessed Christmas.
Reply:bye shoes that r big hahahahahahhaha
microsoft excel
How can i grow taller?
they used to use 'the rack' but I doubt that current Health and Safety legislation permits that
Reply:Do lots of stretches.
Reply:Diet- more protein from milk, dairy, soy, etc.
Posture- sit up straight and stand proud
Sleep- at least 8 hours a day for the body to grow
Exercise- Get your exercise, 30 mins- 1 hour a day. Jump rope, running and swimming are perfect for your health and your height.
there are also some stretches that will temporarily lengthen your spine. your spine can lengthen (even in the morning, when you're tallest) but this lasts only temporarily. these stretches at giantscientific.com will help.
remember: the better your health the taller you will grow . there's also a limit to how much you can grow, this is SOLELY genetics. if you have a short family (like I do), you won't be much taller.
Reply:From the past answers that I have read, i think you should increase your protein intake and have longer sleep.
You should also try to do some sort of jumping or stretching activity before sleep.
such as rope skipping or yoga
thats only if you are young around 10-18. after 20 you don't really grow a lot
Reply:I'm sorry dude but growing tall isnt very controlable. Notice on that website how they dont have any claims. Sure they will increase your height. Maybe 10mm or so. Let me tell you that even prescription growth drugs take months to get a hold of and only increase your height by about 1/20. I'm 14 and I'm 6'1 and it isn't particulary great either. Looking down on people is annoying. Try not to fall for those stupid websites.
Reply:hell no u short bastard. Learn how to grow taller.
Reply:Im afraid there is NOTHING u can do, unless u get that operation that extends limbs lol, which is very expensive and painful (long period) as ive heard.
Reply:You've not said your age but I'm guess your young,
Don't worry as there's plenty of time yet to grow taller.
Thanks :)
If you eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy life you'll be fine.
Reply:I am 6 ft 4ins and although it has some redeeming factors it has not made any difference to my life. I played rugby and football to a reasonable level. I play tennis and badminton again to a reasonable level and my height and general size has helped in these sports. I now play golf and the better players in my club are all shapes and sizes but none over 6ft. So be happy with how you are and enjoy life as you are. Trying to be tall by mechanical aids will make you a figure of fun in the same way as men that wear hair pieces because they are bald. I am bald by the way. I might also add that I had more and better girlfriends when I was bald than when I had a full head of hair. Just be YOU.
Happy and blessed Christmas.
Reply:bye shoes that r big hahahahahahhaha
microsoft excel
Will the internet empty my wallet?
i hate shops.
But with the internet, you can think it, and two seconds later, you've bought it. I just bought grease filters for a cooker hood, and running shoes. With insoles.
so is there a syndrome where people get addicted to online shopping? Is it serious? how bad can it get?
Will the internet empty my wallet?
Tell me about it!! OMG im going banckrupt through internet shopping its driving me crazy but i just cant stop!!
help me !!!!!!
Reply:Oh no!!! now ive got these extra points to spend .... i might just have to chase you and give them back.....
will be on the look out....... Report It
Reply:LoL I agree with you. I have bought like 3 things just today on ebay ... and like 20 things in the last two weeks ... LoL I think we need to be diagnosed together
Reply:Not if you start asking questions
Reply:Yes, and faster than you think!
Be careful. If it's a shop that you don't have to buy from right now, wait a day or so to help slow down the process.
Reply:Only if you let it, stay on Yahoo Answers it costs nothing.
Reply:Internet shopping made easy -- A growing number of web-surfers are becoming addicted to buying online and stretching their credit to the limit.
The proliferation of e-commerce sites and online auction houses has made spending money in cyberspace not just commonplace, but for many people, compulsive. ''People get very caught up in the illusion that they're not spending money,'' Young says. ''Your card gets debited, and that removes the mechanics of shopping. It feels good for a moment, but because it's a temporary state, you do it again and again.''
For more information, read the rest of this article at:
Reply:It's caled Ebay-a-hol-ic-ism. My mom has it. Just don't ever go there and you'll be fine.
Reply:You do not kneed the internet to empty you wallt just give me your bank details
Reply:You have to use self control. Have items you need in mind and don't shop for anything else. Don't go beyond a certain money amount.
Reply:Depends if your male or female :D Females are born to burn money shopping!
But with the internet, you can think it, and two seconds later, you've bought it. I just bought grease filters for a cooker hood, and running shoes. With insoles.
so is there a syndrome where people get addicted to online shopping? Is it serious? how bad can it get?
Will the internet empty my wallet?
Tell me about it!! OMG im going banckrupt through internet shopping its driving me crazy but i just cant stop!!
help me !!!!!!
Reply:Oh no!!! now ive got these extra points to spend .... i might just have to chase you and give them back.....
will be on the look out....... Report It
Reply:LoL I agree with you. I have bought like 3 things just today on ebay ... and like 20 things in the last two weeks ... LoL I think we need to be diagnosed together
Reply:Not if you start asking questions
Reply:Yes, and faster than you think!
Be careful. If it's a shop that you don't have to buy from right now, wait a day or so to help slow down the process.
Reply:Only if you let it, stay on Yahoo Answers it costs nothing.
Reply:Internet shopping made easy -- A growing number of web-surfers are becoming addicted to buying online and stretching their credit to the limit.
The proliferation of e-commerce sites and online auction houses has made spending money in cyberspace not just commonplace, but for many people, compulsive. ''People get very caught up in the illusion that they're not spending money,'' Young says. ''Your card gets debited, and that removes the mechanics of shopping. It feels good for a moment, but because it's a temporary state, you do it again and again.''
For more information, read the rest of this article at:
Reply:It's caled Ebay-a-hol-ic-ism. My mom has it. Just don't ever go there and you'll be fine.
Reply:You do not kneed the internet to empty you wallt just give me your bank details
Reply:You have to use self control. Have items you need in mind and don't shop for anything else. Don't go beyond a certain money amount.
Reply:Depends if your male or female :D Females are born to burn money shopping!
What has your dog used as a chew toy that really made you upset?
My dogs, despite having expensive Kongs, pork twisties (at $10.00 a bag!!) and other toys, have chewed:
The insoles out of my slippers.
A cell phone charger.
Blankets on the bed.
Mind you, the lipstick, Chapstick and cell phone charger were all left on the bedroom floor of the resident slob here and were not my doing.
The youngest one is the worse culprit...I read they kind of grow out of this after three.
My friend's 2 y/o pit bull ate all of their solar lights, their driveway markers, chewed the siding on the house and chewed the stump where they cut the tree down, even though he has Kongs, etc.
I think this is the worse: this woman's dog ate her couch http://dandelionarts.com/blog/postwarcou...
What has your dog used as a chew toy that really made you upset?
My wedding shoes! Yes, about a month before my wedding, my dog somehow got into my closet, into the shoebox, into the bag that the shoes were in, and chewed them to bits. Luckily, they weren't hard to find another pair.
Oh, and our engagement photos. On Christmas day! Oh, the things that boy has chewed...
Reply:My diabetes supplies, blood tester, keytone strips, test strips, all on a Friday and the Pharmacie was closed that weekend. :(
Reply:My parents coffee table. At least 4 EXPENSIVE bras. My undies :( I know it's gross, but obviously it's because it smells like me.
Reply:all of My reticulation is now ripped up from my little ANGEL, he is a 9month old pure bred german shepherd ( not that i think breed matters) other things he has chewed up are rear passenger seatbelt in my car, shoes, solanoids in the garden, hose ( he pulled tthe hose reel right off the wall actually then attacked the hose), his beds .. and im sure ill find sumthing else when i get home tonight :-)
Reply:A remote remote control for my TV that cost me $75 to replace because I had to order it from Toshiba. The cheapo ones that you can buy for $10 wouldn't work on my TV.
Reply:The neighbors cat and her wading pool.
Reply:I have never had a problem with my any of my dogs chewing anything, but one of my Sibes used to be obsessed with my baby's things. She would eat his socks, blankets, diapers, etc. I never figured out why, but we quickly learned to keep everything where she couldn't get to it. We had other children in the house, but she was there before he was born. (I got her when I was pregnant with my son) She was very good with him, but maybe it was a bit of jealousy.
Reply:Dakota has chewed my shoes and a cord that went to my nintendo(I had to buy another one)
Duke has chewed my mom's shoes,the iron cord twice,the vaccum cord ,and tore up my mattress and chewed on it.
They have chewed my undies too!
Reply:My youngest dog is now 18months and he love to chew my hose (not cheap to replace) and pull my cloths of the line - i was lovin' that i had holes in all my cloths. If i don't watch them they chew up there dog beds (cushions), boxes of tissues, they empty the bin really quick so it's generally placed up high
Reply:first off..dogs chew like that out of frustration, seperation anxiety and lack of proper exercise. You need to walk your dog every day..especially a poweful breed like a pit. they need to be walked at least an hour every day..perferably twice a day. and play with them. its never the dogs fault or the breed, but always the human is not doing something right.
Reply:The faceplate to my $500 car stereo... the passenger side head rest, the rear armrest, numerous doors, floors, and walls.. c/o Chansey the pit bull
Wood work on the windowsill and banister in a 1700's apartment.. also part of the wall eaten away.. c/o Kairi the Great Dane
Pine cones and sticks.. c/o Zephyr, the pit bull.
Oh, and all 3 have been caught chewing on the bed frame, and Chansey has killed A LOT of stuffed animals, as well as several other stuffed items.
Reply:Many many expensive high heels! The most expensive were: a $200 dollar pair of heels and another $200 pair of boots. Obviously it is my fault for leaving them out or for naively believing that if I put them on top of a cupboard they won't be able to reach it.
It's funny that she only goes for nice and expensive heels coz I can leave thongs and sneakers around with absolutely no problems at all. I guess she has good taste :)
Though it is a bit annoying that she will only chew one of the pair but now if I can, I just paint over the chews bits and still wear them!! LOL!!
Reply:When my female lab was a puppy, she used our trestle dining room table as a teething ring of sorts. Ate right through it and a leg on one of the chairs before we realized it.
She will eat anything on the ground or left unattended if you let her. I saw a piece of yarn hanging out of her mouth once and started pulling...and pulling, and pulling...she had almost a quarter of a small ball of yarn swallowed. I still don't know from where. Crazy thing. Our male lab mix is only 6 months older than she is and we have never had to worry about him like this.
Reply:dogs chew because of anxiety and boredom. mine has chewed:
cell phone
almost 70.00 and had to tape all those pieces back together.
tv remotes (5 all together at 50.00 each)
queen size bed frame
tie out cable
pvc pipes
but if you want the best most inexpensive chew toy you could ever buy, it is.....................a 2 liter soda bottle. after i gave them that, they never chewed anything of value again. u would think the batteries would give them a little zap and they would never touch it again wouldn't you.
Reply:I was preparing dinner, I had made a plate for myself for dinner and then I turned my back just for a second and my sneaky dog climbed up on the chair and jumped on the table and started eating MY dinner that I prepared. I was gonna yell at her but i couldn't it was too funny!!
windows media player 11
The insoles out of my slippers.
A cell phone charger.
Blankets on the bed.
Mind you, the lipstick, Chapstick and cell phone charger were all left on the bedroom floor of the resident slob here and were not my doing.
The youngest one is the worse culprit...I read they kind of grow out of this after three.
My friend's 2 y/o pit bull ate all of their solar lights, their driveway markers, chewed the siding on the house and chewed the stump where they cut the tree down, even though he has Kongs, etc.
I think this is the worse: this woman's dog ate her couch http://dandelionarts.com/blog/postwarcou...
What has your dog used as a chew toy that really made you upset?
My wedding shoes! Yes, about a month before my wedding, my dog somehow got into my closet, into the shoebox, into the bag that the shoes were in, and chewed them to bits. Luckily, they weren't hard to find another pair.
Oh, and our engagement photos. On Christmas day! Oh, the things that boy has chewed...
Reply:My diabetes supplies, blood tester, keytone strips, test strips, all on a Friday and the Pharmacie was closed that weekend. :(
Reply:My parents coffee table. At least 4 EXPENSIVE bras. My undies :( I know it's gross, but obviously it's because it smells like me.
Reply:all of My reticulation is now ripped up from my little ANGEL, he is a 9month old pure bred german shepherd ( not that i think breed matters) other things he has chewed up are rear passenger seatbelt in my car, shoes, solanoids in the garden, hose ( he pulled tthe hose reel right off the wall actually then attacked the hose), his beds .. and im sure ill find sumthing else when i get home tonight :-)
Reply:A remote remote control for my TV that cost me $75 to replace because I had to order it from Toshiba. The cheapo ones that you can buy for $10 wouldn't work on my TV.
Reply:The neighbors cat and her wading pool.
Reply:I have never had a problem with my any of my dogs chewing anything, but one of my Sibes used to be obsessed with my baby's things. She would eat his socks, blankets, diapers, etc. I never figured out why, but we quickly learned to keep everything where she couldn't get to it. We had other children in the house, but she was there before he was born. (I got her when I was pregnant with my son) She was very good with him, but maybe it was a bit of jealousy.
Reply:Dakota has chewed my shoes and a cord that went to my nintendo(I had to buy another one)
Duke has chewed my mom's shoes,the iron cord twice,the vaccum cord ,and tore up my mattress and chewed on it.
They have chewed my undies too!
Reply:My youngest dog is now 18months and he love to chew my hose (not cheap to replace) and pull my cloths of the line - i was lovin' that i had holes in all my cloths. If i don't watch them they chew up there dog beds (cushions), boxes of tissues, they empty the bin really quick so it's generally placed up high
Reply:first off..dogs chew like that out of frustration, seperation anxiety and lack of proper exercise. You need to walk your dog every day..especially a poweful breed like a pit. they need to be walked at least an hour every day..perferably twice a day. and play with them. its never the dogs fault or the breed, but always the human is not doing something right.
Reply:The faceplate to my $500 car stereo... the passenger side head rest, the rear armrest, numerous doors, floors, and walls.. c/o Chansey the pit bull
Wood work on the windowsill and banister in a 1700's apartment.. also part of the wall eaten away.. c/o Kairi the Great Dane
Pine cones and sticks.. c/o Zephyr, the pit bull.
Oh, and all 3 have been caught chewing on the bed frame, and Chansey has killed A LOT of stuffed animals, as well as several other stuffed items.
Reply:Many many expensive high heels! The most expensive were: a $200 dollar pair of heels and another $200 pair of boots. Obviously it is my fault for leaving them out or for naively believing that if I put them on top of a cupboard they won't be able to reach it.
It's funny that she only goes for nice and expensive heels coz I can leave thongs and sneakers around with absolutely no problems at all. I guess she has good taste :)
Though it is a bit annoying that she will only chew one of the pair but now if I can, I just paint over the chews bits and still wear them!! LOL!!
Reply:When my female lab was a puppy, she used our trestle dining room table as a teething ring of sorts. Ate right through it and a leg on one of the chairs before we realized it.
She will eat anything on the ground or left unattended if you let her. I saw a piece of yarn hanging out of her mouth once and started pulling...and pulling, and pulling...she had almost a quarter of a small ball of yarn swallowed. I still don't know from where. Crazy thing. Our male lab mix is only 6 months older than she is and we have never had to worry about him like this.
Reply:dogs chew because of anxiety and boredom. mine has chewed:
cell phone
almost 70.00 and had to tape all those pieces back together.
tv remotes (5 all together at 50.00 each)
queen size bed frame
tie out cable
pvc pipes
but if you want the best most inexpensive chew toy you could ever buy, it is.....................a 2 liter soda bottle. after i gave them that, they never chewed anything of value again. u would think the batteries would give them a little zap and they would never touch it again wouldn't you.
Reply:I was preparing dinner, I had made a plate for myself for dinner and then I turned my back just for a second and my sneaky dog climbed up on the chair and jumped on the table and started eating MY dinner that I prepared. I was gonna yell at her but i couldn't it was too funny!!
windows media player 11
Need some advice about picking skis?
I love sports and am just starting to get into skiing more now that I live in MN. I have already been boot shopping and i have decided on getting Technica M12 boots and I'm going to have them worked on with custom insoles. The problem that I run into with skiing is that it is not designed for big people. I wear a 13 4E shoe and weigh about 270. Not many people my size are good at sports but I am a state champ football player and play AAA hockey. Anyways, I am looking for twin tip skis that will serve me well both in MN and in places like Colorado where there is more powder. I was looking at the J.O. Pros by Head but I'm not sure if the flex is too flimsy. I am just looking for good advice on which skis to consider given my criteria and my weight. Thanks in advance for reading this and for your help.
Need some advice about picking skis?
You probably won't want to hear this but stay away from the twintips. You won't find any that you'll be happy with off the terrain park. At your size you'll find all of them will chatter too much at any kind of speed and will be hard to edge. If you are determined to do some park riding you're gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase 2 pair of skis. There really isn't a great all mountain ski but in the case of us big guys it just doesn't exist
Reply:Don't ask questions here, go demo and then buy...especially at your size, ski flex is gonna have a huge impact and you can't really know how it's gonna perform until you get out on the hill with it.
That being said, I could give you a short list of skis that may work for you, but would need to know more about where you ski most, what kind of terrain you ski (big mountain, park, trees, groomers, bumps) and what your skill level is.
Either way the JO Pro's are a good, fun park ski, but they are almost completely useless anywhere else on the mountain. So I would not recommend them to you unless you are looking for a strictly park ski.
Go to your local ski shop (DO NOT GO TO A BIG BOX RETAILER as they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to skiing) and pose the same question to them as you have here and they should be able to help you out or at least point you in the right direction. I can't do much without more info.
Reply:Just my opinion, but all skis feel very different. I ride a pair of atomics and Armada 06/07ARWs. and I can feel the difference when I switch up skis, even when my friends and I switch up skis between us. Some skis will feel better than others. What I would recommend is that you go demo skis, find a ski that is comfortable for you. When you demo you'll find some skis feel like noodles, some are just really hard etc. You need to find what you like.
Need some advice about picking skis?
You probably won't want to hear this but stay away from the twintips. You won't find any that you'll be happy with off the terrain park. At your size you'll find all of them will chatter too much at any kind of speed and will be hard to edge. If you are determined to do some park riding you're gonna have to bite the bullet and purchase 2 pair of skis. There really isn't a great all mountain ski but in the case of us big guys it just doesn't exist
Reply:Don't ask questions here, go demo and then buy...especially at your size, ski flex is gonna have a huge impact and you can't really know how it's gonna perform until you get out on the hill with it.
That being said, I could give you a short list of skis that may work for you, but would need to know more about where you ski most, what kind of terrain you ski (big mountain, park, trees, groomers, bumps) and what your skill level is.
Either way the JO Pro's are a good, fun park ski, but they are almost completely useless anywhere else on the mountain. So I would not recommend them to you unless you are looking for a strictly park ski.
Go to your local ski shop (DO NOT GO TO A BIG BOX RETAILER as they have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to skiing) and pose the same question to them as you have here and they should be able to help you out or at least point you in the right direction. I can't do much without more info.
Reply:Just my opinion, but all skis feel very different. I ride a pair of atomics and Armada 06/07ARWs. and I can feel the difference when I switch up skis, even when my friends and I switch up skis between us. Some skis will feel better than others. What I would recommend is that you go demo skis, find a ski that is comfortable for you. When you demo you'll find some skis feel like noodles, some are just really hard etc. You need to find what you like.
What would you recommend for shin and ankle pain?
My 22 year old son's job requires a lot of physical activity to stay in shape. He runs at least two miles a day and he often has to go uphill. He is having a lot of pain in his shins and ankles. This has gotten worse during the past month. What else could he do besides wearing gel insoles, stretching and wearing good shoes? Please note that "not running" is not an option.
What would you recommend for shin and ankle pain?
He may be running on the tips of his feet. he has to make sure that his heel hits first, and then he rolls off of it to propel forward. It helped me with my shin pain. Good luck And I hope this works.
Reply:he should go to a physiotherapist, my son had trouble he runs and they gave him exercises to do and he is fine now
Reply:Well, one big thing is how your body is able to handle the stress and adapt to it. If he is relatively new to the job, it may just take a while to get used to it. It sounds like he has some shin splints combined with tendinitis and inflammation in his ankle joints. Honestly, he is doind everything he can, ie wearing insoles, stretch before during and after, and wearing good shoes. If he is not new to the job and it has continued to be painful, then you have an issue. Shin splints and ankle pain don't usually go away in a chornic condition and he may need to begin doing a run-walk regimine, and see a sports med specialist to find the cause before he does more damage. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing, and if all else fails, cowboy up and do your job!
What would you recommend for shin and ankle pain?
He may be running on the tips of his feet. he has to make sure that his heel hits first, and then he rolls off of it to propel forward. It helped me with my shin pain. Good luck And I hope this works.
Reply:he should go to a physiotherapist, my son had trouble he runs and they gave him exercises to do and he is fine now
Reply:Well, one big thing is how your body is able to handle the stress and adapt to it. If he is relatively new to the job, it may just take a while to get used to it. It sounds like he has some shin splints combined with tendinitis and inflammation in his ankle joints. Honestly, he is doind everything he can, ie wearing insoles, stretch before during and after, and wearing good shoes. If he is not new to the job and it has continued to be painful, then you have an issue. Shin splints and ankle pain don't usually go away in a chornic condition and he may need to begin doing a run-walk regimine, and see a sports med specialist to find the cause before he does more damage. Tell him to keep doing what he is doing, and if all else fails, cowboy up and do your job!
ARe my PUma Sneakers that trashed? (Worn them without socks for 4 Winters in a row)?
I have a pair of PUma sneakers that are 4 years old, and going on the 5th Winter wearing them without socks since I bought them. These sneaks are pretty much ready for the trash, but I really want to keep them for a while longer, because they are so comfy. They are totally trashed, by very dark insoles, which used to be white (they are now a dark brown color) the heel part of the sneaker is beginning to tear a bit on one of the sneakers, (The hole is like a pinhole and it is starting to get bigger a little bie, and they stink bad! As soon as I take them off my bare feet they would smell the minute I take them off. SO are these sneakers that trashed? Should I throw them out?
ARe my PUma Sneakers that trashed? (Worn them without socks for 4 Winters in a row)?
Throw them out dear and make sure you wear socks next time and buy two pair so you can rotate and now wear one out so quickly poor pumas throw them in the washer and see what happens maybe you can keep them for sentimental purposes.
Reply:If you were them often they are only good for a few months 6 max
C++ Function
ARe my PUma Sneakers that trashed? (Worn them without socks for 4 Winters in a row)?
Throw them out dear and make sure you wear socks next time and buy two pair so you can rotate and now wear one out so quickly poor pumas throw them in the washer and see what happens maybe you can keep them for sentimental purposes.
Reply:If you were them often they are only good for a few months 6 max
C++ Function
Memory foam shoes? Where can I buy them?
Does anyone know if they make regular shoes (not slippers) with memory foam insoles? If so, where are they sold? Brand name? Online links? Thanks!
Memory foam shoes? Where can I buy them?
Reply:never heard of shoes, only memory foam beds. That's a good idea, but wouldn't it make you're feet hot and sweaty? Just wondering...hmmmm
Reply:Temperpdic Shoes =
Reply:Doctor Soles sells them at Walmart and Target.
Memory foam shoes? Where can I buy them?
Reply:never heard of shoes, only memory foam beds. That's a good idea, but wouldn't it make you're feet hot and sweaty? Just wondering...hmmmm
Reply:Temperpdic Shoes =
Reply:Doctor Soles sells them at Walmart and Target.
How to look taller?
are there any normal looking sneakers that can give u 2 inches of height or foot insoles that u can buy that wont hurt your posture?
How to look taller?
I used to have a grea pair that had a 2 inch sole. they were really comfortable and looked great. i think the make was kangaroo. something like that
Reply:just go try on shoes with a higher botton bball shoes work
Reply:Heel lifts.
Reply:you have flat form sneakers that you can buy if you are a girl.
How to look taller?
I used to have a grea pair that had a 2 inch sole. they were really comfortable and looked great. i think the make was kangaroo. something like that
Reply:just go try on shoes with a higher botton bball shoes work
Reply:Heel lifts.
Reply:you have flat form sneakers that you can buy if you are a girl.
What is the best way to treat tendonitis caused by excessive pronation.?
I was looking at different insoles, but there are so many types. Also is it best to wrap the foot with tape/elastic bandage, soak w/Epsoms or any other suggestions? Please the pain has been going on for a month and I don't want to get cortisone shot if I can help it. Thanks
What is the best way to treat tendonitis caused by excessive pronation.?
See a good Chiropodist (Foot Doctor) and wear custom orthotics. Don't even bother with over the counter sets because they are too generic. If you must exercise, wear shoes for overpronation. New Balance are the best and come in all sizes and widths.
Reply:Has your doctor thought of plantar fascitis? This condition of the foot can be related to and go hand in hand with tendinitis caused by over-pronation. A registered massage therapist should be able to assess and treat the tissue properly or give you some relief. Also look into having a pair of orthotic insoles made especially for your feet. You would need a referral for this. Custom made orthotics ensure that your foot is in balance and can restore the propper balance between pronation and supination of your foot. Taping the foot does not help and only weakens the muscles of your foot. It is mostly used for sports for injuries when athletes need to get back on the field and for postural correction. Either way taping must be done by someone experienced. Here iare some resources about plantar fascitis: It may or may not be the problem.
Hope this helps.
Reply:Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis causes inflammation and degeneration of the achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is the large tendon located in the back of the leg that inserts into the heel. The pain caused by achilles tendonitis can develop gradually without a history of trauma. The pain can be a shooting pain, burning pain, or even an extremely piercing pain. Achilles tendonitis should not be left untreated due to the danger that the tendon can become weak and ruptured.
Achilles Tendonitis is aggravated by activities that repeatedly stress the tendon, causing inflammation. In some cases even prolonged periods of standing can cause symptoms. It is a common problem often experienced by athletes, particularly distance runners. Achilles Tendonitis is a difficult injury to treat in athletes due to their high level of activity and reluctance to stop or slow down their training.
Individuals who suffer from achilles tendonitis often complain that their first steps out of bed in the morning are extremely painful. Another common complaint is pain after steps are taken after long periods of sitting. This pain often lessens with activity.
There are several factors that can cause achilles tendonitis. The most common cause is over-pronation. Over-pronation occurs in the walking process, when the arch collapses upon weight bearing, adding stress on the achilles tendon.
Other factors that lead to achilles tendonitis are improper shoe selection, inadequate stretching prior to engaging in athletics, a short achilles tendon, direct trauma (injury) to the tendon, and heel bone deformity.
Treatment and Prevention
Athletes, particularly runners, should incorporate a thorough stretching program to properly warm-up the muscles. They should decrease the distance of their walk or run, apply ice after the activity and avoid any uphill climbs. Athletes should use an orthotic device like The Ultimate Heel and Arch Support for extra support.
The Ultimate elevates the heel to reduce stress and pressure on the achilles tendon. The device is made with light-weight, shock absorbing materials. The Ultimate Heel and arch Support can be used to control over-pronation, support the longitudinal arch, and reduce stress on the knees. ankles and achilles tendons.
If the problem persists, consult your foot doctor.
What is the best way to treat tendonitis caused by excessive pronation.?
See a good Chiropodist (Foot Doctor) and wear custom orthotics. Don't even bother with over the counter sets because they are too generic. If you must exercise, wear shoes for overpronation. New Balance are the best and come in all sizes and widths.
Reply:Has your doctor thought of plantar fascitis? This condition of the foot can be related to and go hand in hand with tendinitis caused by over-pronation. A registered massage therapist should be able to assess and treat the tissue properly or give you some relief. Also look into having a pair of orthotic insoles made especially for your feet. You would need a referral for this. Custom made orthotics ensure that your foot is in balance and can restore the propper balance between pronation and supination of your foot. Taping the foot does not help and only weakens the muscles of your foot. It is mostly used for sports for injuries when athletes need to get back on the field and for postural correction. Either way taping must be done by someone experienced. Here iare some resources about plantar fascitis: It may or may not be the problem.
Hope this helps.
Reply:Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis causes inflammation and degeneration of the achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is the large tendon located in the back of the leg that inserts into the heel. The pain caused by achilles tendonitis can develop gradually without a history of trauma. The pain can be a shooting pain, burning pain, or even an extremely piercing pain. Achilles tendonitis should not be left untreated due to the danger that the tendon can become weak and ruptured.
Achilles Tendonitis is aggravated by activities that repeatedly stress the tendon, causing inflammation. In some cases even prolonged periods of standing can cause symptoms. It is a common problem often experienced by athletes, particularly distance runners. Achilles Tendonitis is a difficult injury to treat in athletes due to their high level of activity and reluctance to stop or slow down their training.
Individuals who suffer from achilles tendonitis often complain that their first steps out of bed in the morning are extremely painful. Another common complaint is pain after steps are taken after long periods of sitting. This pain often lessens with activity.
There are several factors that can cause achilles tendonitis. The most common cause is over-pronation. Over-pronation occurs in the walking process, when the arch collapses upon weight bearing, adding stress on the achilles tendon.
Other factors that lead to achilles tendonitis are improper shoe selection, inadequate stretching prior to engaging in athletics, a short achilles tendon, direct trauma (injury) to the tendon, and heel bone deformity.
Treatment and Prevention
Athletes, particularly runners, should incorporate a thorough stretching program to properly warm-up the muscles. They should decrease the distance of their walk or run, apply ice after the activity and avoid any uphill climbs. Athletes should use an orthotic device like The Ultimate Heel and Arch Support for extra support.
The Ultimate elevates the heel to reduce stress and pressure on the achilles tendon. The device is made with light-weight, shock absorbing materials. The Ultimate Heel and arch Support can be used to control over-pronation, support the longitudinal arch, and reduce stress on the knees. ankles and achilles tendons.
If the problem persists, consult your foot doctor.
Flat feet question?
hi, i think i have flat feet and because my feet go inwards, especailly my left foot, it ruins my shoes really quickly, the heels wear out.
Im on my 3rd pair since september!
What do you suggest i do to help this?
Would going to the doctors help?
Should i just buy special insoles or something?
Thanks ♥
Flat feet question?
I had a flat left foot and the chiropracter fixed it in a month. He can also get you a good insole
Reply:What do you mean you think you have flat feet? Either you do or not. Do you have an arch or is it flat?
Reply:that's being pigeon toed, not necessarily having flat feet. i would see an orthopedic surgeon for corrective foot wear.
Im on my 3rd pair since september!
What do you suggest i do to help this?
Would going to the doctors help?
Should i just buy special insoles or something?
Thanks ♥
Flat feet question?
I had a flat left foot and the chiropracter fixed it in a month. He can also get you a good insole
Reply:What do you mean you think you have flat feet? Either you do or not. Do you have an arch or is it flat?
Reply:that's being pigeon toed, not necessarily having flat feet. i would see an orthopedic surgeon for corrective foot wear.
My feet hurt so bad !!! What can I do ?
Its from working , I bought comfortable shoes , gel insoles , and I soak my feet , but nothing helps ! I need advice quick bcuz i gotta go to work tomorow and my feet aren't doint to hot .
My feet hurt so bad !!! What can I do ?
I use a foot spa. I just fill it with hot water and turn it on. It has a massage setting, a bubbles setting, or you can turn both of them on at the same time. That way they can soak and get a massage at the same time. Aaahhhh!!!
Reply:kick back and put your legs up so you can relax them, call me and i'll come rub em for yah if you got nobody at home to.
Reply:take a leave from your office and get yourself a good leg massage
Reply:try to put up your feet up the wall (if your bed's against it) when you're lying down. if not, just make sure that your feet's raised.
Reply:Are you overweight? I work on my feet all day too and i had the same problem. Doctor told me to lose 10-15 lbs and i would feel better and it worked!
Reply:do u have a 20oz or a 2litter bottle empty it and fill it full with very hot water....put it under your foot and roll it back and forth....omg i think it's the greatest feeling...it really sooths mine.........good luck......it u don't have those things
try a can u can't heat it but the back and forth motions doe's help
Reply:elevate your feet for awhile..at least above your heart, that usually helps foot aches
Reply:Quit buying your shoes from K-Mart!
Reply:put 'em both in the air and let me do the rest!
Reply:well, if you have a foot massager, use that for sure. any massager will work, honestly. soak your feet in some bath salts, if you have them...or just hot water and bubbles will work. if you have a man, make him massage them. you can do it yourself, obviously...just more fun that way!
good luck!
Reply:you might need to go to a doctor, you might have some bone problems. If you can get yourself some nurse shoes they are very comfortable. Does your back hurt also? That would be a sign of your shoes not supporting you.
Reply:call a friend to massage them
soaking is good . . .you could try alternating between icewater and warm water . . .
you might need to rest them . .take a day off . .
Reply:try to take some medicine
Reply:Just keep off you feet as much as possible.
Reply:buy a coconut oil and then rub on your feet
Reply:Massage your feet with liniment(the chinese kind). It increases blood flow. It worked for me. I used to be a martial arts instructor.
Reply:go for a foot massage. it relaxes your feet.. u'll love it..
or if you don't have much time, just massage it yourself.
Reply:Soak them ho warm water. Get someone to massage them for you. If that does't help then see a Pediatrist.
My feet hurt so bad !!! What can I do ?
I use a foot spa. I just fill it with hot water and turn it on. It has a massage setting, a bubbles setting, or you can turn both of them on at the same time. That way they can soak and get a massage at the same time. Aaahhhh!!!
Reply:kick back and put your legs up so you can relax them, call me and i'll come rub em for yah if you got nobody at home to.
Reply:take a leave from your office and get yourself a good leg massage
Reply:try to put up your feet up the wall (if your bed's against it) when you're lying down. if not, just make sure that your feet's raised.
Reply:Are you overweight? I work on my feet all day too and i had the same problem. Doctor told me to lose 10-15 lbs and i would feel better and it worked!
Reply:do u have a 20oz or a 2litter bottle empty it and fill it full with very hot water....put it under your foot and roll it back and forth....omg i think it's the greatest feeling...it really sooths mine.........good luck......it u don't have those things
try a can u can't heat it but the back and forth motions doe's help
Reply:elevate your feet for awhile..at least above your heart, that usually helps foot aches
Reply:Quit buying your shoes from K-Mart!
Reply:put 'em both in the air and let me do the rest!
Reply:well, if you have a foot massager, use that for sure. any massager will work, honestly. soak your feet in some bath salts, if you have them...or just hot water and bubbles will work. if you have a man, make him massage them. you can do it yourself, obviously...just more fun that way!
good luck!
Reply:you might need to go to a doctor, you might have some bone problems. If you can get yourself some nurse shoes they are very comfortable. Does your back hurt also? That would be a sign of your shoes not supporting you.
Reply:call a friend to massage them
soaking is good . . .you could try alternating between icewater and warm water . . .
you might need to rest them . .take a day off . .
Reply:try to take some medicine
Reply:Just keep off you feet as much as possible.
Reply:buy a coconut oil and then rub on your feet
Reply:Massage your feet with liniment(the chinese kind). It increases blood flow. It worked for me. I used to be a martial arts instructor.
Reply:go for a foot massage. it relaxes your feet.. u'll love it..
or if you don't have much time, just massage it yourself.
Reply:Soak them ho warm water. Get someone to massage them for you. If that does't help then see a Pediatrist.
Weak Ankles?
I am a 14 year old boy, actually just turned 14, but I just noticed that during all my sports, after about an hour my feet would pain me to an extent where it is unbearable. I play soccer, tennis, and basketball, and I'm not one of those people who are forced to play, I enjoy them. Sometimes I play sports like football or baseball, but very little. I have had gel insoles before, and I think that I have chiropractic problems. I'm Somewhere around 5' 7" or 5'8" and am 154 pounds. Currently, I am wearing Converse Skateboarding shoes (Arcs inside), and I am tired of this pain I've had since I can remember. Are there any excercises I can do or any products that will help?
Weak Ankles?
You'd probably do better with a cross-training shoe intended for high-impact sports. (The Converse is stylish but doesn't offer much in the way of foot and ankle support or padding.)
Yeah, it'll be less cool, but sports aren't about looking cool.
If you suspect weak ankles are a factor, you can do two things. One, wear ankle braces on both ankles, under your socks. Invisible, and they'll keep you from pronating or supranating your foot--turning the sole very far off level.
Two, strengthen your ankles with exercises which stress them but do not strain them. Speed-walking is one.
However, I don't think from your description that weak ankles is the source of the problem. I think it's poorly chosen shoes for what you're doing.
Reply:I have a weak left ankle. I was in pointe ballet for a couple years. maybe while you're playing your sport, get a ace bandage type of thing. maybe go to a doctor %26amp; get new shoes? I also apply icy/hot gel to my ankle to relieve the pain :]
car audio
Weak Ankles?
You'd probably do better with a cross-training shoe intended for high-impact sports. (The Converse is stylish but doesn't offer much in the way of foot and ankle support or padding.)
Yeah, it'll be less cool, but sports aren't about looking cool.
If you suspect weak ankles are a factor, you can do two things. One, wear ankle braces on both ankles, under your socks. Invisible, and they'll keep you from pronating or supranating your foot--turning the sole very far off level.
Two, strengthen your ankles with exercises which stress them but do not strain them. Speed-walking is one.
However, I don't think from your description that weak ankles is the source of the problem. I think it's poorly chosen shoes for what you're doing.
Reply:I have a weak left ankle. I was in pointe ballet for a couple years. maybe while you're playing your sport, get a ace bandage type of thing. maybe go to a doctor %26amp; get new shoes? I also apply icy/hot gel to my ankle to relieve the pain :]
car audio
Does anyone know a way to get rid of shin splints?
I've tried everything, from changing my running shoes to running on grass instead of pavement, wearing specialized insoles, slowing my pace. I know that if I keep running with shin splints it can cause stress fractures. Is there any other way to go about this?
Does anyone know a way to get rid of shin splints?
The biggest thing you can do to eliminate shin splints is to work on your form, and long term they will go away and not come back.
Two big things to concentrate on that cause them and will help get rid of them.
1. knee raise. If you dont lift your knees properly you won't strike correctly and it will be hard on your shins.
2. heel to toe. Land on the heel and roll to your toe.
The best way to improve those is to over-emphasize them on every run and they will start to become natural and you will settle into a better overall form.
Reply:I don't know if this will fix them or not but it helps. Lie on your back and bring your legs to your chest and hold them tightly. After that (still holding them) rotate your ankles around and around up and down and everywhere for 1-2 minutes. It helped me during wrestling season last year, hope it helps you.
Reply:shin splints suck. something that helped me was, like you said, shoes. but im gonna tell you something your not gonna like. (shin splints never really go away) they may go away..for a while, but they will be back. the best thing is to ice down the area it hurts after a run (or when it hurts) or a good idea is to freeze water in a paper cup, rip the paper off so its like an ice-cup and then rub the area in little circles (like your massaging it while iceing it down) another weird idea is to crush up motrin and mix it with vasoline and rub it on the area (its weird but it works, trust me)
good luck
Reply:what Dylan said helps. but you can also ice it every day. up to 20 minutes..
Reply:after icing use something to massage them with intensity, i reccommend "the Stick" it is a massage tool. try to build muscle in your shin by lying on yor bed face down with your toes hanging over the edge. Then pull your toes upward against the resistance of the mattress. If the pain is on the inside of your leg and calf go to the doctor because it could be tendonitis
Does anyone know a way to get rid of shin splints?
The biggest thing you can do to eliminate shin splints is to work on your form, and long term they will go away and not come back.
Two big things to concentrate on that cause them and will help get rid of them.
1. knee raise. If you dont lift your knees properly you won't strike correctly and it will be hard on your shins.
2. heel to toe. Land on the heel and roll to your toe.
The best way to improve those is to over-emphasize them on every run and they will start to become natural and you will settle into a better overall form.
Reply:I don't know if this will fix them or not but it helps. Lie on your back and bring your legs to your chest and hold them tightly. After that (still holding them) rotate your ankles around and around up and down and everywhere for 1-2 minutes. It helped me during wrestling season last year, hope it helps you.
Reply:shin splints suck. something that helped me was, like you said, shoes. but im gonna tell you something your not gonna like. (shin splints never really go away) they may go away..for a while, but they will be back. the best thing is to ice down the area it hurts after a run (or when it hurts) or a good idea is to freeze water in a paper cup, rip the paper off so its like an ice-cup and then rub the area in little circles (like your massaging it while iceing it down) another weird idea is to crush up motrin and mix it with vasoline and rub it on the area (its weird but it works, trust me)
good luck
Reply:what Dylan said helps. but you can also ice it every day. up to 20 minutes..
Reply:after icing use something to massage them with intensity, i reccommend "the Stick" it is a massage tool. try to build muscle in your shin by lying on yor bed face down with your toes hanging over the edge. Then pull your toes upward against the resistance of the mattress. If the pain is on the inside of your leg and calf go to the doctor because it could be tendonitis
Do You Believe Magnets Work For Your Pain?
I have a few magnetic wraps, I use them when the pain gets severe, I don't know if they really work, but I do feel relief at times, I have magnetic insoles, too. No mean answers, but do you use them. Thanx.
Do You Believe Magnets Work For Your Pain?
I can't use them -- they toss me right out of balance. Instead of masking the pain symptom, please find out what the cause is (if you don't already know). Check this web site for a naturopath near you: www.trinityschool.org. The graduates I've met from there are knowledgeable, caring individuals who can help you get to the root of the problem.
Reply:I have boughts of carpal tunnel so I wear hematite bands and they seem to work not to mention they were reccomended by my doctor.
Reply:Yes, I use them. Because I sit in the office much, I often have lower back pains. For some extra support I use the magnet belts. I wrap them really tight around my waist and as you stated already: sometimes I feel relief. I don't think it is imaginary because magnets create an energy field just as we do ourselves.
Reply:No. my sister and dad bought tons of magnetic things (belts for losing weight, thing that magnetises water; i have no idea why one needs to magnetise water; ) , magnetic bracelet hurt my wrist:too heavy.
If you are olooking for stress releif go in the dark sit on the floor cross legs, BACK STRAIGHT, close your eyes,inhale deeply and exhale completely, at the same time stretch your neck towards your shoulders slowly...
Reply:good question, I never could see why they should work as the magnetic field they make is very small, but I recently started wearing a copper bracelet on my arm which is often troubled with sever arthritis, and was supprised that when I wear it I dont have any symptoms, maybe a coincidence but I've had problems with the elbow for 36 years now and suddenly nothing. I think maybe it's worth investigating further.
Reply:Used to sell them. Some people get good results; some don't. Now we sell monavie juice for painful conditions. Some people get amazing results; others, little or no relief.
Reply:I do use the occasional magnet for relief. I have back problems and when the muscles become extraordinarily tense, a well placed magnet often helps to ease the tension. I'm not sure if it is the magnet or the fact that I want it to work, but it does seem to help.
Reply:All magnetic wraps are not to be a good pain reliever. Only few are good and that too not for a long term.
Normally I use some pain relief tablets or massage
Reply:Well, if you believe they bring some relief, then they will...I'm kind of a believer in any kind of medicine, that makes someone feel better. Placebos work as much as drugs, 7 times out of 10.
But I also believe alot of it is a bunch of hooey...
But I DO believe in magnets...there is biological basis for that.
Won't bore you w/ details...but, yes....they do help alot of people.
That's a fact.
Reply:Pure placebo. Magnetic fields in these products are far too weak to have any effect.
Reply:i have not used but have surely heard of magnetic therapy works well.. i am very happy to know it works good on you....also such thing is good as it will not give u any side effects
Reply:Nah, I don't think so. But you can get a placebo effect from anything if you BELIEVE it works. And if it works for you, it doesn't really matter why.
Reply:they're a placebo
You're Welcomex
Reply:I get severe back pain, and since I've been wearing a magnetic bracelet I've had some relief. Also I have a small magnet that clips onto my undies at that time of the month, I swear it's a god-send!!
Reply:I have never heard of that. If it works for you do it.
Reply:A friend of mine tried it. Said it doesn't work.
Do You Believe Magnets Work For Your Pain?
I can't use them -- they toss me right out of balance. Instead of masking the pain symptom, please find out what the cause is (if you don't already know). Check this web site for a naturopath near you: www.trinityschool.org. The graduates I've met from there are knowledgeable, caring individuals who can help you get to the root of the problem.
Reply:I have boughts of carpal tunnel so I wear hematite bands and they seem to work not to mention they were reccomended by my doctor.
Reply:Yes, I use them. Because I sit in the office much, I often have lower back pains. For some extra support I use the magnet belts. I wrap them really tight around my waist and as you stated already: sometimes I feel relief. I don't think it is imaginary because magnets create an energy field just as we do ourselves.
Reply:No. my sister and dad bought tons of magnetic things (belts for losing weight, thing that magnetises water; i have no idea why one needs to magnetise water; ) , magnetic bracelet hurt my wrist:too heavy.
If you are olooking for stress releif go in the dark sit on the floor cross legs, BACK STRAIGHT, close your eyes,inhale deeply and exhale completely, at the same time stretch your neck towards your shoulders slowly...
Reply:good question, I never could see why they should work as the magnetic field they make is very small, but I recently started wearing a copper bracelet on my arm which is often troubled with sever arthritis, and was supprised that when I wear it I dont have any symptoms, maybe a coincidence but I've had problems with the elbow for 36 years now and suddenly nothing. I think maybe it's worth investigating further.
Reply:Used to sell them. Some people get good results; some don't. Now we sell monavie juice for painful conditions. Some people get amazing results; others, little or no relief.
Reply:I do use the occasional magnet for relief. I have back problems and when the muscles become extraordinarily tense, a well placed magnet often helps to ease the tension. I'm not sure if it is the magnet or the fact that I want it to work, but it does seem to help.
Reply:All magnetic wraps are not to be a good pain reliever. Only few are good and that too not for a long term.
Normally I use some pain relief tablets or massage
Reply:Well, if you believe they bring some relief, then they will...I'm kind of a believer in any kind of medicine, that makes someone feel better. Placebos work as much as drugs, 7 times out of 10.
But I also believe alot of it is a bunch of hooey...
But I DO believe in magnets...there is biological basis for that.
Won't bore you w/ details...but, yes....they do help alot of people.
That's a fact.
Reply:Pure placebo. Magnetic fields in these products are far too weak to have any effect.
Reply:i have not used but have surely heard of magnetic therapy works well.. i am very happy to know it works good on you....also such thing is good as it will not give u any side effects
Reply:Nah, I don't think so. But you can get a placebo effect from anything if you BELIEVE it works. And if it works for you, it doesn't really matter why.
Reply:they're a placebo
You're Welcomex
Reply:I get severe back pain, and since I've been wearing a magnetic bracelet I've had some relief. Also I have a small magnet that clips onto my undies at that time of the month, I swear it's a god-send!!
Reply:I have never heard of that. If it works for you do it.
Reply:A friend of mine tried it. Said it doesn't work.
Which brand of tennis shoes are best for standing all day?
I work in a factory and I stand on concrete 10 hours a day, plus I have wide flat feet. It is hard for me to find comfortable shoes. I love nikes but to me they run narrow and I always end up in pain by the end of the day. I have tried insoles in my shox but no help.
Which brand of tennis shoes are best for standing all day?
My sis has problems with narrow shoes as well, she likes Reeboks and Air walks. Air walks are skater shoes, so while they are good for walking, I don't think they'd give you a lot of support if your standing around all day. Try Reeboks. If the insoles you purchase at drugstores are not helping much, go get them specially made for you by consulting with a "Podiatrist Specialist". A foot doctor. They can measure out your foot and have special made foot soles for you.
Reply:I worked retail and the best shoes I ever had were Ecco's. they were pricey, but totally worth it. I tried LifeStride, Naturalizer, SoftSoles, Aerosoles, regular tennis shoes and these helped me immensely.
Reply:Kswiss and Rebock
Which brand of tennis shoes are best for standing all day?
My sis has problems with narrow shoes as well, she likes Reeboks and Air walks. Air walks are skater shoes, so while they are good for walking, I don't think they'd give you a lot of support if your standing around all day. Try Reeboks. If the insoles you purchase at drugstores are not helping much, go get them specially made for you by consulting with a "Podiatrist Specialist". A foot doctor. They can measure out your foot and have special made foot soles for you.
Reply:I worked retail and the best shoes I ever had were Ecco's. they were pricey, but totally worth it. I tried LifeStride, Naturalizer, SoftSoles, Aerosoles, regular tennis shoes and these helped me immensely.
Reply:Kswiss and Rebock
Im going to the foot doctor to get xrays.....?
i got fallen arches(flat feet) and tendonitis...i have to wear personalized insoles in my feet... i have no arch in my feet and its so bad the thing in my foot that keeps me balanced is basiclly gone and i have to use my sholdurs and hips for balance...im gettin xrays....wats going to happen? anything serious?...it hurts to walk/run and when i go down stairs my feet feel like they r being shot at...help
Im going to the foot doctor to get xrays.....?
I feel sooooo bad 4 u do u want me to give u some kissies it will help! MUAHHHHHHHHH!!! and a nother one here MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I love you my Xrays man...
Reply:you better get running
Im going to the foot doctor to get xrays.....?
I feel sooooo bad 4 u do u want me to give u some kissies it will help! MUAHHHHHHHHH!!! and a nother one here MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I love you my Xrays man...
Reply:you better get running
Has Dr Scholls gel inserts hurt your feet?
I recenty purchased a pair of casual shoes that came with Dr Scholls gel insoles already in the heel of the shoe. After 2 weeks of wearing them I now have heels that are so painful that I can't hardly touch them. I have never had pain with my feet like I do now! Has anyone heard of a class action that is being brought against this company?
Has Dr Scholls gel inserts hurt your feet?
I've tried the heel inserts for heel spur problems I've had and they did not help. They take up extra room in your shoe and put pressure other places.
Reply:i think dr scholls suck, ive waisted alot of money on that crap. none of it works. you do know that there is no real, Dr scholl right
Has Dr Scholls gel inserts hurt your feet?
I've tried the heel inserts for heel spur problems I've had and they did not help. They take up extra room in your shoe and put pressure other places.
Reply:i think dr scholls suck, ive waisted alot of money on that crap. none of it works. you do know that there is no real, Dr scholl right
How long should I wear supports after plantar fasciitis?
I was starting to get PF from increasing my mileage/speed too quickly while running. So I purchased some cheap arch supports from the local drug store. Now the pain is pretty much all gone and I would like to get back into running (slowly). How long should I keep wearing the insoles?
How long should I wear supports after plantar fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis transformed me from a marathoner into a couch potato...twice. The second time I was waiting for it, probing my heels everyday wondering if it would return. One morning, there it was, a faint sensation and I knew it was time to stop running, take Naproxen, ice it, massage it and wear my custom made orthotics at all times. But it was too late; despite my vigil, the damage was done and I never felt it coming. It took FIVE MONTHS of hobbling around (no running at all) before the pain subsided. I believe running stimulates endorphin production and hides the pain until the damage is done, so I quit running every two months for at least a week to see if any thing happens.
So I would recommend getting custom made orthotics and wearing them always. If you can, get hard ones for walking around and semi-soft ones for running. Also keep your feet cool at all times, and if the pain starts, applying medical tape or duct tape to the soles of your feet works wonders (I kid you not!). See this site, treatment #3.
I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery. The site I added really helped me get over it faster. Keep in mind it's a form of tendinitis and it takes months to really, truly heal. I got very good at push ups while waiting for it to heal.
Reply:I think you may want to keep wearing them. Better yet I suggest going to See an actual Podiatrist. He/she can custom fit you for orthotics.
It may just keep coming back. Good luck. I know it hurts
Reply:Try massage and ice on your feet. It will help. If you are using cheap insoles I am not sure how much good they are doing. If the pain is gone you can start running easy, just work on your feet before and after working out. Take it easy and do not do too much too soon.
Reply:if i were you i would ask myself, "is the pain really all gone?" if it is i would suggest you to start running without them again. and if its not, then you should wear them until it is completely gone. if your feet start to hurt again then put them back on for a week or two. eventually you will be fine. good luck with running.
Reply:I'm dealing with it now, too. I'd keep wearing them. There's nothing wrong with the added support while you run. Ease into it. If you feel like you don't need them, try it, but use them if the pain comes back. I'm having a hard time getting rid of mine. Do be careful.
How long should I wear supports after plantar fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis transformed me from a marathoner into a couch potato...twice. The second time I was waiting for it, probing my heels everyday wondering if it would return. One morning, there it was, a faint sensation and I knew it was time to stop running, take Naproxen, ice it, massage it and wear my custom made orthotics at all times. But it was too late; despite my vigil, the damage was done and I never felt it coming. It took FIVE MONTHS of hobbling around (no running at all) before the pain subsided. I believe running stimulates endorphin production and hides the pain until the damage is done, so I quit running every two months for at least a week to see if any thing happens.
So I would recommend getting custom made orthotics and wearing them always. If you can, get hard ones for walking around and semi-soft ones for running. Also keep your feet cool at all times, and if the pain starts, applying medical tape or duct tape to the soles of your feet works wonders (I kid you not!). See this site, treatment #3.
I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery. The site I added really helped me get over it faster. Keep in mind it's a form of tendinitis and it takes months to really, truly heal. I got very good at push ups while waiting for it to heal.
Reply:I think you may want to keep wearing them. Better yet I suggest going to See an actual Podiatrist. He/she can custom fit you for orthotics.
It may just keep coming back. Good luck. I know it hurts
Reply:Try massage and ice on your feet. It will help. If you are using cheap insoles I am not sure how much good they are doing. If the pain is gone you can start running easy, just work on your feet before and after working out. Take it easy and do not do too much too soon.
Reply:if i were you i would ask myself, "is the pain really all gone?" if it is i would suggest you to start running without them again. and if its not, then you should wear them until it is completely gone. if your feet start to hurt again then put them back on for a week or two. eventually you will be fine. good luck with running.
Reply:I'm dealing with it now, too. I'd keep wearing them. There's nothing wrong with the added support while you run. Ease into it. If you feel like you don't need them, try it, but use them if the pain comes back. I'm having a hard time getting rid of mine. Do be careful.
girls ahhh my birthday is coming up again - and as per usual it will be a night starting off at a bar then when i cant walk any more (that'll be my shoes hehe) we all head to a club - but always end up staggering and walking bear foot back home even those party feet insoles do nothing-
what smart shoes do you swear by for clubbing that dont hurt your feet half way through the night
wedge heels are comfortable and platform heels are comfortable. i mean strippers walk around in them so they cant be that bad.
sacrifice a little pain for a lot of cuteness. you can always soak your fee the day after. have fun. if you need a great dress for your birthday check out. Hapy Birthday!!!!!!!!!http://www.saucywardrobe.com/
Reply:Try Wedges, or shoes with a wider heel, they are a lot more comfortable.
Reply:well wedges would be adorable but could hurt your feet so i sudgest you wear cute stylish flip flops like these
or these
(look at the charm flip flops)
or even ...
these would be pretty and comfy
hope it helps xoxo brycie
maintenance repairs
what smart shoes do you swear by for clubbing that dont hurt your feet half way through the night
wedge heels are comfortable and platform heels are comfortable. i mean strippers walk around in them so they cant be that bad.
sacrifice a little pain for a lot of cuteness. you can always soak your fee the day after. have fun. if you need a great dress for your birthday check out. Hapy Birthday!!!!!!!!!http://www.saucywardrobe.com/
Reply:Try Wedges, or shoes with a wider heel, they are a lot more comfortable.
Reply:well wedges would be adorable but could hurt your feet so i sudgest you wear cute stylish flip flops like these
or these
(look at the charm flip flops)
or even ...
these would be pretty and comfy
hope it helps xoxo brycie
maintenance repairs
New shoes are a half-size too big?
I got these gorgeous leather loafers at a thrift store today for $3 (!) but they're a 7.5 and I'm a 7. What kind of insoles do I need to make them fit better?
I also have a pair of heels that have the same issue (my mom gave them to me).
New shoes are a half-size too big?
I always use those sponges you find for make-up. Just slip a couple in and make sure it's comfortable and there you go. works for me.........................................
Reply:im not sure but you can wear thick socks or you can stuff a sock in your shoe before you put them on get me/ ok
Reply:you can go to CVS or rite aid or something and get these little gel things and put them in the heel of the shoe.
Reply:toilet paper
Reply:My feet are really wide so sometimes I have to get shoes that are a little bigger to accommodate but they are just a bit too long. I put in those thick gel insoles from Dr. Scholls (the gellin' ones) and they make the shoes fit just fine.
Reply:wear thick socks.
Reply:Dr shooles make one of foam or go to a shoe repair shop and get a leather pair of insoles
Reply:Put some cotton balls in the front of the shoe so your foot does not slide in to the tip while they are to big
Reply:my mom always told me to put a little tissue in the toe :)
works for me
Reply:try foot petals they may help. its the stick on things that you can put on the heel or sides(depending on which you buy) to help with fit. they sell them at target and at zappos. you can also type in foot petals into google and you'll get the site.
Reply:what i would do is stuff tissue in the front part of the shoe,for emergencies.
Reply:you may have to wait until you grow some more
Reply:Hate it when that happens: You thrift something amzing and it doesn't fit!
I would say some pads in the toes could keep your feet from sliding backwards, as well as in the back, or a bit of tissue or something so the back will hit your heel and your toe can't go further up. You can get the pads at Payless or something, and the tissue from...your bathroom. Hope this helps!
Reply:You could try doubling up on the regular (cheapy) Dr. Scholls... Just don't plan on being *too* active, you might lose tracking *inside* the shoe.
Reply:Leaves growing room. Don't worry about it.
Reply:Just put cotton balls at the bottom. It should do the trick.
Reply:the normal Dr. Scholl's insoles (or the generic version) will work well for the loafers and heels (just make sure you get the thin version, not a thick one).
Or cotton in the front is good too (either a cotton strip or some cotton balls).
Reply:sometimes you can double up on insoles, but that will just help in the arch area. If you have too much space in the toe, you can put some tissue in the sole to fill up the volume so your foot will not slip and cause blisters.
I also have a pair of heels that have the same issue (my mom gave them to me).
New shoes are a half-size too big?
I always use those sponges you find for make-up. Just slip a couple in and make sure it's comfortable and there you go. works for me.........................................
Reply:im not sure but you can wear thick socks or you can stuff a sock in your shoe before you put them on get me/ ok
Reply:you can go to CVS or rite aid or something and get these little gel things and put them in the heel of the shoe.
Reply:toilet paper
Reply:My feet are really wide so sometimes I have to get shoes that are a little bigger to accommodate but they are just a bit too long. I put in those thick gel insoles from Dr. Scholls (the gellin' ones) and they make the shoes fit just fine.
Reply:wear thick socks.
Reply:Dr shooles make one of foam or go to a shoe repair shop and get a leather pair of insoles
Reply:Put some cotton balls in the front of the shoe so your foot does not slide in to the tip while they are to big
Reply:my mom always told me to put a little tissue in the toe :)
works for me
Reply:try foot petals they may help. its the stick on things that you can put on the heel or sides(depending on which you buy) to help with fit. they sell them at target and at zappos. you can also type in foot petals into google and you'll get the site.
Reply:what i would do is stuff tissue in the front part of the shoe,for emergencies.
Reply:you may have to wait until you grow some more
Reply:Hate it when that happens: You thrift something amzing and it doesn't fit!
I would say some pads in the toes could keep your feet from sliding backwards, as well as in the back, or a bit of tissue or something so the back will hit your heel and your toe can't go further up. You can get the pads at Payless or something, and the tissue from...your bathroom. Hope this helps!
Reply:You could try doubling up on the regular (cheapy) Dr. Scholls... Just don't plan on being *too* active, you might lose tracking *inside* the shoe.
Reply:Leaves growing room. Don't worry about it.
Reply:Just put cotton balls at the bottom. It should do the trick.
Reply:the normal Dr. Scholl's insoles (or the generic version) will work well for the loafers and heels (just make sure you get the thin version, not a thick one).
Or cotton in the front is good too (either a cotton strip or some cotton balls).
Reply:sometimes you can double up on insoles, but that will just help in the arch area. If you have too much space in the toe, you can put some tissue in the sole to fill up the volume so your foot will not slip and cause blisters.
My feet hurt!!?
I am an RN and I have a new job. I have to stand up for most of my 12 hour shifts. At the end of the day my feet hurt. I have good shoes. I bought some insoles to try. I also bought some Alleve to take during the day. I have a footbath at home. Any other suggestions?
My feet hurt!!?
make a slant board so that you can elevate your legs for proper circulation. Purchase plywood big enough for your body and longer so that you can place one end on a chair or sofa and the other end on the floor. Lay on this for 30 minutes after work. If you can do this twice daily you will start to feel many differences.
I've enclosed a link for a supplement that works really well on leg pain. Also use the spice turmeric as much as possible because it works on pain and inflammation.
Reply:My foot doc said the freeze a water bottle and roll it under your feet when you get home.
Reply:I would think you need to have a job where you are not working 12 hr. shifts! 8 hrs is long enough for anyone to work no matter what the proffession is.
Reply:Try ultra absorbent insoles from prettypinktoes.co.uk. They are fantastic expecially if you are on your feet all day. They absorb the sweat and dissapate it out. Your feet will stay fresh and dry all day, not sweaty and hot. They really are worth a try
Reply:Humans weren't meant to stand on their feet for 12 hours at a time. We aren't horses! But, if you absolutely have to stand, bring another pair of shoes to work with you (a different style) and change in the middle of your shift. Whenever you get a break take your shoes off and rotate your ankles, stretch your achilles tendons and massage your tarsals and metatarsals. If you stand in one position get a box or something to set one foot on and alternate.
My feet hurt!!?
make a slant board so that you can elevate your legs for proper circulation. Purchase plywood big enough for your body and longer so that you can place one end on a chair or sofa and the other end on the floor. Lay on this for 30 minutes after work. If you can do this twice daily you will start to feel many differences.
I've enclosed a link for a supplement that works really well on leg pain. Also use the spice turmeric as much as possible because it works on pain and inflammation.
Reply:My foot doc said the freeze a water bottle and roll it under your feet when you get home.
Reply:I would think you need to have a job where you are not working 12 hr. shifts! 8 hrs is long enough for anyone to work no matter what the proffession is.
Reply:Try ultra absorbent insoles from prettypinktoes.co.uk. They are fantastic expecially if you are on your feet all day. They absorb the sweat and dissapate it out. Your feet will stay fresh and dry all day, not sweaty and hot. They really are worth a try
Reply:Humans weren't meant to stand on their feet for 12 hours at a time. We aren't horses! But, if you absolutely have to stand, bring another pair of shoes to work with you (a different style) and change in the middle of your shift. Whenever you get a break take your shoes off and rotate your ankles, stretch your achilles tendons and massage your tarsals and metatarsals. If you stand in one position get a box or something to set one foot on and alternate.
How can you increase your natural height ?
I'm 6'0".. but I'd like a little increase.
I've been told stretching could to the trick etc etc..
eating right and sleeping early...
But I'm in college.. and sleeping early isn't an option. So does anyone have any ideas ? Please.. don't suggest height insoles or lifts... because if and when you have to take your shoes off..like at a friends house etc.. you're screwed...
So keep it coming....
How can you increase your natural height ?
Using natural 20 inch soles!
Reply:umm..dude its heredity..but if u need a mental consolation..drink more milk ..and ..um..sleeping should help because you usually shrink during the day and at night u grow it back..
Reply:u must play basketball more and do not do any masturbation as it delay u from growing
Reply:If perchance you are studying history, you will have head of a medievil torture...the rack. said to stretch you....
Reply:It is never going to happen.
By the time you have reached 6 foot tall you are obviously either an adult or almost. no more growth spurts left.
Reply:i don't think you can but stretching would be the best try
Reply:stand in the sun for a few days
we are part flower maybe it will work
Reply:not so sure bout that sun 1- people who spend their life in the sun are uaually about 2 foot tall by 60. Wild horses could be the answer. And whats wrong with 6'0"? i'm only 5'9" you giant
military loans
I've been told stretching could to the trick etc etc..
eating right and sleeping early...
But I'm in college.. and sleeping early isn't an option. So does anyone have any ideas ? Please.. don't suggest height insoles or lifts... because if and when you have to take your shoes off..like at a friends house etc.. you're screwed...
So keep it coming....
How can you increase your natural height ?
Using natural 20 inch soles!
Reply:umm..dude its heredity..but if u need a mental consolation..drink more milk ..and ..um..sleeping should help because you usually shrink during the day and at night u grow it back..
Reply:u must play basketball more and do not do any masturbation as it delay u from growing
Reply:If perchance you are studying history, you will have head of a medievil torture...the rack. said to stretch you....
Reply:It is never going to happen.
By the time you have reached 6 foot tall you are obviously either an adult or almost. no more growth spurts left.
Reply:i don't think you can but stretching would be the best try
Reply:stand in the sun for a few days
we are part flower maybe it will work
Reply:not so sure bout that sun 1- people who spend their life in the sun are uaually about 2 foot tall by 60. Wild horses could be the answer. And whats wrong with 6'0"? i'm only 5'9" you giant
military loans
I wanted to know if anyone had a shoe review for the Nike zoom bb af basketball shoes.?
These are the shoes that Steve Nash, and Tony Parker wore in the playoffs. I wanted to know how durable they are, and if they are really light and comfortable. Also I'm about 230 pounds with a 44 inch vertical so I would also like to know about the insoles,and what you would rate them from 1 to 10.
I wanted to know if anyone had a shoe review for the Nike zoom bb af basketball shoes.?
they are pretty nice but somewhat expensive but they are light and durable
Reply:well they are pretty light: 16.4 oz. (tho not as light as the huarache 2k4, 2k5, and the total package). the shoe shouldnt be that bad. also i really dont believe u got a 44 inch vertical, michael jordan's was only 42 inches.
visual arts uk
I wanted to know if anyone had a shoe review for the Nike zoom bb af basketball shoes.?
they are pretty nice but somewhat expensive but they are light and durable
Reply:well they are pretty light: 16.4 oz. (tho not as light as the huarache 2k4, 2k5, and the total package). the shoe shouldnt be that bad. also i really dont believe u got a 44 inch vertical, michael jordan's was only 42 inches.
visual arts uk
When i wear heels there is a gap between my heel and the back of the shoe how do i stop this?
I have UK size 3 feet thats a 36 or a 5 in US. you cannot get afforable heels in a smaller size what can i do to stop this? insoles maybe?
When i wear heels there is a gap between my heel and the back of the shoe how do i stop this?
Insoles will help, but make sure you get the half-insoles that only go into the front of the shoe - these will push your feet back into the heel whereas a full insole will just raise your foot up. If there's still a gap, insoles coupled with heel grips should do the trick.
Reply:you can get pads that stick to the back of the shoe, i used them when i had blisters but they kept falling off or sticking to my heel. useless..
Reply:I don't remember exactly what they are called; but you want to look for Dr. Scholl's. Look for a small package. They are rubber and you fit them into the lining of your heel. They work great and keep your heel from sliding.
Reply:www.smallmeasures.co.uk sells shoes for UK size 1-3.5, so should have a shoe that fits you, then you won't need to wear insoles!
Reply:you can get insoles made of a blue jelly like substance, they cool your feet at the same time!
Reply:there are little pads you can put in the back of the shoe and your foot wont slip.
in the us they sell them at payless shoe store
Reply:Most shoe shops sell things called heel grips. Bits of material that stick to the inside of the heel of the shoe. hope this helps
Reply:Get half insoles, I have a similar problem except I'm a size 4 (UK). In very high heels my feet slip to the fronts of the shoes, I buy half insoles (or whole ones cut to size) pretty cheap from Woolworths, Wilkinson's etc..
Reply:If it's not open toed you could stuff the front with a little toilet paper.
Reply:get your shoes specially made or buy ones that fit properly
Reply:Put some soft packing into the toe of the shoes and add a heel grip at the back. An insole will fill out the rest of the shoe. You could wear a foot sock, that is one that does not go up to the ankle.
Reply:See a foot doctor about specialized shoes, as you sound like you have very low arches.
Reply:take the shoe's off
Reply:it might be the style. some heels are like that on me too, so I don't wear that style. If you keep buying the same style, try a different style and see how that works! Hope I help!
When i wear heels there is a gap between my heel and the back of the shoe how do i stop this?
Insoles will help, but make sure you get the half-insoles that only go into the front of the shoe - these will push your feet back into the heel whereas a full insole will just raise your foot up. If there's still a gap, insoles coupled with heel grips should do the trick.
Reply:you can get pads that stick to the back of the shoe, i used them when i had blisters but they kept falling off or sticking to my heel. useless..
Reply:I don't remember exactly what they are called; but you want to look for Dr. Scholl's. Look for a small package. They are rubber and you fit them into the lining of your heel. They work great and keep your heel from sliding.
Reply:www.smallmeasures.co.uk sells shoes for UK size 1-3.5, so should have a shoe that fits you, then you won't need to wear insoles!
Reply:you can get insoles made of a blue jelly like substance, they cool your feet at the same time!
Reply:there are little pads you can put in the back of the shoe and your foot wont slip.
in the us they sell them at payless shoe store
Reply:Most shoe shops sell things called heel grips. Bits of material that stick to the inside of the heel of the shoe. hope this helps
Reply:Get half insoles, I have a similar problem except I'm a size 4 (UK). In very high heels my feet slip to the fronts of the shoes, I buy half insoles (or whole ones cut to size) pretty cheap from Woolworths, Wilkinson's etc..
Reply:If it's not open toed you could stuff the front with a little toilet paper.
Reply:get your shoes specially made or buy ones that fit properly
Reply:Put some soft packing into the toe of the shoes and add a heel grip at the back. An insole will fill out the rest of the shoe. You could wear a foot sock, that is one that does not go up to the ankle.
Reply:See a foot doctor about specialized shoes, as you sound like you have very low arches.
Reply:take the shoe's off
Reply:it might be the style. some heels are like that on me too, so I don't wear that style. If you keep buying the same style, try a different style and see how that works! Hope I help!
"moving foot pain"?
I have chronic foot pain that seems to move around on my foot. One day the pain may be on top, the next day the pain is on the side, etc. I have tried insoles, new shoes, ointments, but othing seems to help. I know losing weight will help, but what can I do to get rid of the pain? I can barely walk sometimes, let alone stand for any period of time. All suggestions are welcome. HELP!!!
"moving foot pain"?
Chiropractors are good to make sure that it is not being agrivated by being out of alignment.
Calf muscles are foot muscles, it is possible that a massage therapist can help. Other muscles that might be involved are back, rump, and other leg muscles (as well as feet).
If the shoes and/or the insoles do not have a good arch support - it is a smart idea to use them.
If none of this works you are probably going to need a foot doctor.
other - Much pain is from muscles below is an example of what may help (based on headaches).
Begin with a couple swigs of molasses or a couple of bananas (natural muscle relaxers) daily - magnesium (which regulates many things in the body) and potassium (a needed building block for muscles).
Drink at least 1/2 gallons of water per day. Running a body low on water is like running a car low on oil is the analogy the head of neurology at UCDavis told my husband about 10 years ago.
Now to the cause - muscles - your back, neck shoulders and head have tender spots. They are knots in the fibers of the muscles called trigger points. It makes the muscles tight which makes them press on nerves and other things causing the pain.
The cure - start with a professional massage, you will also want to go back over any place you can get to 6-12 times per session up to 6 times per day rubbing (or lightly scratching on your head) every where that is tender until the knots go away. The place where the skull connects to the spine press up under the edge of the skull (to get to those muscles).
For more information read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies. It teaches what to do and where the pain comes from.
Reply:Have you ever been checked for arthritis. It could be ostio or gouty arthritis. Try an OTC anti inflammatory such as Tylenol or Motrin.
"moving foot pain"?
Chiropractors are good to make sure that it is not being agrivated by being out of alignment.
Calf muscles are foot muscles, it is possible that a massage therapist can help. Other muscles that might be involved are back, rump, and other leg muscles (as well as feet).
If the shoes and/or the insoles do not have a good arch support - it is a smart idea to use them.
If none of this works you are probably going to need a foot doctor.
other - Much pain is from muscles below is an example of what may help (based on headaches).
Begin with a couple swigs of molasses or a couple of bananas (natural muscle relaxers) daily - magnesium (which regulates many things in the body) and potassium (a needed building block for muscles).
Drink at least 1/2 gallons of water per day. Running a body low on water is like running a car low on oil is the analogy the head of neurology at UCDavis told my husband about 10 years ago.
Now to the cause - muscles - your back, neck shoulders and head have tender spots. They are knots in the fibers of the muscles called trigger points. It makes the muscles tight which makes them press on nerves and other things causing the pain.
The cure - start with a professional massage, you will also want to go back over any place you can get to 6-12 times per session up to 6 times per day rubbing (or lightly scratching on your head) every where that is tender until the knots go away. The place where the skull connects to the spine press up under the edge of the skull (to get to those muscles).
For more information read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies. It teaches what to do and where the pain comes from.
Reply:Have you ever been checked for arthritis. It could be ostio or gouty arthritis. Try an OTC anti inflammatory such as Tylenol or Motrin.
Footsy trouble?
Hi folks, need advice.
I have a very serious foot odour problem, they smell like death and puke on a bad day out at a sulphor factory. I have tried everything possible to treat them, powders, sprays, insoles etc..., nothing touches them. Even odour eaters run away. Is there any way I can get them to stop smelling like a bag of week old cheesy puffs??? Even my wife, who loves me a lot, is getting to the point where she cannot stand the stench any longer. Yes, I have even tried steeping them for hours and they still smell like a bucket of slapped trouts. Help me, pleeeeaaaasssseee
Footsy trouble?
It could be the footwear that's the problem
Some shoes make feet stink. Try different types of shoes
Reply:Thanks folks, the majority have been tried, but I like the tea suggestion. I think I'll give that one a try, better than my wifes suggestion of amputating them.
Kindest regards to you all Report It
Reply:How about going to the doctor to find out what is wrong. You may have an infection or a stubborn fungus. Go see your doc and get checked out.
Reply:change your shoes regularly and dont wear plastic shoes/trainers as feet cant breathe. failing that stop dancing in wotsits
Reply:I'd get yourself to the doctor. They had a man like you on 'Spa of Embarrassing illnesses' programme on TV and they sorted him out no problem. Good luck.
Reply:Gold Bond foot powder and lotions are pretty good. Also you cuold try Absorbien Junior. I know it is for athletes foot but it kills germs and bacteria which is what caused the odor.
Don't wear the same shoes 2 days in a row ~ and put baking soda in them to help absorb and de-bacteria them.
If Odor eaters don't do it ~ they may be no hope for yuor tootsies.
Oh yea, you cuold try one morething - soak them each night in steeped TEA. It pulls out the toxins.
Reply:chop them off...good luck
Reply:First off, your use of metaphor is outstanding! LOL. It could be skin fungus. Try an anti fungal cream.
leather handbag
I have a very serious foot odour problem, they smell like death and puke on a bad day out at a sulphor factory. I have tried everything possible to treat them, powders, sprays, insoles etc..., nothing touches them. Even odour eaters run away. Is there any way I can get them to stop smelling like a bag of week old cheesy puffs??? Even my wife, who loves me a lot, is getting to the point where she cannot stand the stench any longer. Yes, I have even tried steeping them for hours and they still smell like a bucket of slapped trouts. Help me, pleeeeaaaasssseee
Footsy trouble?
It could be the footwear that's the problem
Some shoes make feet stink. Try different types of shoes
Reply:Thanks folks, the majority have been tried, but I like the tea suggestion. I think I'll give that one a try, better than my wifes suggestion of amputating them.
Kindest regards to you all Report It
Reply:How about going to the doctor to find out what is wrong. You may have an infection or a stubborn fungus. Go see your doc and get checked out.
Reply:change your shoes regularly and dont wear plastic shoes/trainers as feet cant breathe. failing that stop dancing in wotsits
Reply:I'd get yourself to the doctor. They had a man like you on 'Spa of Embarrassing illnesses' programme on TV and they sorted him out no problem. Good luck.
Reply:Gold Bond foot powder and lotions are pretty good. Also you cuold try Absorbien Junior. I know it is for athletes foot but it kills germs and bacteria which is what caused the odor.
Don't wear the same shoes 2 days in a row ~ and put baking soda in them to help absorb and de-bacteria them.
If Odor eaters don't do it ~ they may be no hope for yuor tootsies.
Oh yea, you cuold try one morething - soak them each night in steeped TEA. It pulls out the toxins.
Reply:chop them off...good luck
Reply:First off, your use of metaphor is outstanding! LOL. It could be skin fungus. Try an anti fungal cream.
leather handbag
My husband's feet hurt him all the time it seems.?
He's flat footted. (however you spell it.) And he's on his feet all day long. He's a few pounds overweit, but besides buying very expensive insoles, does anyone out there have any ideas how to help with this strange predicament?
My husband's feet hurt him all the time it seems.?
Besides seeing a podiatrist and getting orthodics, he may have plantar fasciatis, which is a tightening of the tendon in the foot that runs north-south in the foot. When the tendon tightens and he doesn't stretch, the pulling on the tendon creates little tears in it which make the feel hurt. He should stretch the tendon by pulling his toes back as well as stretching his calf muscle. The best way to do that is to put the toes/ball of the foot on the edge of a stair and then put one's weight down on it. That will stretch the tendon too and it helps.
Lastly, some people have reported that anti-depressants also help with foot pain. Don't know why that is but if it gets to be too much, he could look into that as well.
P.S.- When he goes to the podiatrist, make sure the podiatrist takes a cast of his foot when it's hanging off the edge of the table vs. taking an imprint when he is standing. I've had orthodics made both ways and the ones made when my foot was in its natural state (and the foot/arch not altered when I was standing) are much better.
Reply:He needs to see a podiatrist. Not even the most expensive insoles will help his problem. He needs orthotics from the podiatrist. Call today and make him an appointment ASAP. Left untreated he can wind up with bunions which are NOT fun.
Reply:If his feet keep hurting him, I would take him to a doctor.It could be artheritis.But if it is still hurting for more than a couple of weeks, take him to the doctor.
Reply:a lot of people have sore feet from a job where they stand most of the day=your hubby should get a very good pair of shoes and insoles to ease the pain and soak and massage them(feet) at night
Reply:if he's flat footed and it hurts alot take him to the doctor.. but he could need arch support.. right in the middle of the foot.. i am flat footed too
Reply:OMG I thought my husband was the only one like that. He too has "Flat Feet" and complains of pain all the time. It's just the way he is standing all day that makes his feet ache. Mostly since he doesn't have the arch the rest of us have for comfort. You should buy him a foot massager and fill it with hot water and salt to help him sooth his feet before he sleeps. Also never underestimate the power of pedicures the little massage helps out a lot.
Reply:Sorry to hear of your husbands foot problem....my oldest brother has that problem....he was a few pounds over weight as well....he works at a post office so he is on his feet all day......He has lost some weight and seems to be adjusting better....but everyone is different.....here is a website you can check out about flat feet...hope it helps....take care
office chair
My husband's feet hurt him all the time it seems.?
Besides seeing a podiatrist and getting orthodics, he may have plantar fasciatis, which is a tightening of the tendon in the foot that runs north-south in the foot. When the tendon tightens and he doesn't stretch, the pulling on the tendon creates little tears in it which make the feel hurt. He should stretch the tendon by pulling his toes back as well as stretching his calf muscle. The best way to do that is to put the toes/ball of the foot on the edge of a stair and then put one's weight down on it. That will stretch the tendon too and it helps.
Lastly, some people have reported that anti-depressants also help with foot pain. Don't know why that is but if it gets to be too much, he could look into that as well.
P.S.- When he goes to the podiatrist, make sure the podiatrist takes a cast of his foot when it's hanging off the edge of the table vs. taking an imprint when he is standing. I've had orthodics made both ways and the ones made when my foot was in its natural state (and the foot/arch not altered when I was standing) are much better.
Reply:He needs to see a podiatrist. Not even the most expensive insoles will help his problem. He needs orthotics from the podiatrist. Call today and make him an appointment ASAP. Left untreated he can wind up with bunions which are NOT fun.
Reply:If his feet keep hurting him, I would take him to a doctor.It could be artheritis.But if it is still hurting for more than a couple of weeks, take him to the doctor.
Reply:a lot of people have sore feet from a job where they stand most of the day=your hubby should get a very good pair of shoes and insoles to ease the pain and soak and massage them(feet) at night
Reply:if he's flat footed and it hurts alot take him to the doctor.. but he could need arch support.. right in the middle of the foot.. i am flat footed too
Reply:OMG I thought my husband was the only one like that. He too has "Flat Feet" and complains of pain all the time. It's just the way he is standing all day that makes his feet ache. Mostly since he doesn't have the arch the rest of us have for comfort. You should buy him a foot massager and fill it with hot water and salt to help him sooth his feet before he sleeps. Also never underestimate the power of pedicures the little massage helps out a lot.
Reply:Sorry to hear of your husbands foot problem....my oldest brother has that problem....he was a few pounds over weight as well....he works at a post office so he is on his feet all day......He has lost some weight and seems to be adjusting better....but everyone is different.....here is a website you can check out about flat feet...hope it helps....take care
office chair
I have leg problems and don't know what it is!?
I have had extremely sore calfs and ankles while walking since I was about 13 and have seen the doctor numerous times for this and have had tests for intermittant claudication and have also got insoles for my shoes but these don't seem to help! I have also found out my half brother has the same problem! Any ideas? It's driving me crazy!
I have leg problems and don't know what it is!?
It sounds as if you have an Achilles problem. Do you feel comfortable on an incline rather than a flat surface. My pain is at the end of my calf muscle and the top of my ankle. I stretch by putting my foot on a step and stretching my calf, it eases the pain, but on a morning I find it hard to walk down the stairs because my calf muscle has been in the same position all night. You may need an insole that fits at the front of you shoe so that you heel dips. Just a thought anyway!
Reply:go to another doctor keep going til you find one that will help !what one doctor does not find .another doctor might run different tests /and they will find your problem.I know it happen to me .you dont want something to be wrong with you but their is .you have the pain.no one can feel for you GOOD LUCK%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Reply:go to some different doctors, some doctors dont want to deal with mysteries, they just want like people with the flu. i had endo for 13 years and no one discovered it even though i ask numerous doctors to test me for it, because they just didn't want to deal with something that wasn't an easy fix.
I have leg problems and don't know what it is!?
It sounds as if you have an Achilles problem. Do you feel comfortable on an incline rather than a flat surface. My pain is at the end of my calf muscle and the top of my ankle. I stretch by putting my foot on a step and stretching my calf, it eases the pain, but on a morning I find it hard to walk down the stairs because my calf muscle has been in the same position all night. You may need an insole that fits at the front of you shoe so that you heel dips. Just a thought anyway!
Reply:go to another doctor keep going til you find one that will help !what one doctor does not find .another doctor might run different tests /and they will find your problem.I know it happen to me .you dont want something to be wrong with you but their is .you have the pain.no one can feel for you GOOD LUCK%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Reply:go to some different doctors, some doctors dont want to deal with mysteries, they just want like people with the flu. i had endo for 13 years and no one discovered it even though i ask numerous doctors to test me for it, because they just didn't want to deal with something that wasn't an easy fix.
Women's Running shoes!?
I need to purchase new running shoes. I currently run 5-7 miles per day mainly on the treadmill. I have narrow feet and VERY high arches. My current pair are Asics to which I added poly sorb insoles, I love them now, but they were really hard to break in, they pushed down on my toes for a long time (no they are not too small, I always get my feet measured and the size has been the same for a long time). So ladies or men who REALLY know about women's running shoes, can anyone recommend a shoe for my foot type and need that will not take forever to break in? I would love to go to a specialty running store, but there is not one in my area.
BTW-I don't care about what is cute or trendy.
Women's Running shoes!?
2 words: New Balance. They're great running and walking shoes.. They are very light weight and merciless on the balls of your feet... They are really comfortable... I ran track and I would slip them on after I ran and they are a good quality shoe.. pricy but good.
Reply:You're very welcome. I assumed you got you a pair. I pay attention to the stuff I buy especially if I'm gonna spend my own money! But I know they're great shoes and it has great arch support so enjoy your shoes! Always here 2 help! Report It
Reply:kanga roos they are really comfy and dont take long to break in
Reply:Nike tends to run narrow, but doesn't have a lot of arch supports...but most shoe stores will sell full length arch supports. That being said...I have a pair of Nike airmax 360's and they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned!
Reply:nike, airmax
BTW-I don't care about what is cute or trendy.
Women's Running shoes!?
2 words: New Balance. They're great running and walking shoes.. They are very light weight and merciless on the balls of your feet... They are really comfortable... I ran track and I would slip them on after I ran and they are a good quality shoe.. pricy but good.
Reply:You're very welcome. I assumed you got you a pair. I pay attention to the stuff I buy especially if I'm gonna spend my own money! But I know they're great shoes and it has great arch support so enjoy your shoes! Always here 2 help! Report It
Reply:kanga roos they are really comfy and dont take long to break in
Reply:Nike tends to run narrow, but doesn't have a lot of arch supports...but most shoe stores will sell full length arch supports. That being said...I have a pair of Nike airmax 360's and they are the most comfortable shoes I've ever owned!
Reply:nike, airmax
Shin splint type injury - healing slowly?
So I've got the bane of all active folk, shin splints. The pain is along the medial face of the tibia, I know it's from overpronation of the ankle joint (rolling my weight onto the arch of my foot). I've been taping, icing, and generally resting my legs for almost a week, and the pain is still present even when I'm just walking around.
I do swing dancing, I'm eager to get back to it, but I'm worried about making the damage worse. How long do these injuries usually take to heal, and what can I do apart from the above to help it along? I haven't got the money to see a podiatrist just now, but I'm considering bolstering my insoles with some neoprene cutouts... any thoughts on this?
Shin splint type injury - healing slowly?
This is a great guide that I found for people that came to my Health spa...
I http://www.drugs.com/cg/shin-splints.htm...
PLZ note - I am not advising anything- I would just like to suggest a few things-- I was a runner so my training was a lot different. Ok
My physical therapist recommended POOL THERAPY or Water walking. NOT water aerobics.
I would say that IF you can get in a POOL and lightly stretch- that would really help alot. You are cushioned by the water and it feels so awesome! it couldn't hurt!
Reply:Since you're unable to see a podiatrist, your best bet to try to get the best over the counter arch support. You have 2 really great options - one is called Superfeet which is an excellent insert. If you have a high arch, then get the "green" one and if it's low, get the "blue" one. Also another great insert is called Powerstep (can get them here www.healthyfeetstore.com). Any of these inserts will help. They of course are not made to last and will need to be replaced every 3-6months. That's why a custom insert is the way to go, but understandable that finances are tight. Hope this helps!
I do swing dancing, I'm eager to get back to it, but I'm worried about making the damage worse. How long do these injuries usually take to heal, and what can I do apart from the above to help it along? I haven't got the money to see a podiatrist just now, but I'm considering bolstering my insoles with some neoprene cutouts... any thoughts on this?
Shin splint type injury - healing slowly?
This is a great guide that I found for people that came to my Health spa...
I http://www.drugs.com/cg/shin-splints.htm...
PLZ note - I am not advising anything- I would just like to suggest a few things-- I was a runner so my training was a lot different. Ok
My physical therapist recommended POOL THERAPY or Water walking. NOT water aerobics.
I would say that IF you can get in a POOL and lightly stretch- that would really help alot. You are cushioned by the water and it feels so awesome! it couldn't hurt!
Reply:Since you're unable to see a podiatrist, your best bet to try to get the best over the counter arch support. You have 2 really great options - one is called Superfeet which is an excellent insert. If you have a high arch, then get the "green" one and if it's low, get the "blue" one. Also another great insert is called Powerstep (can get them here www.healthyfeetstore.com). Any of these inserts will help. They of course are not made to last and will need to be replaced every 3-6months. That's why a custom insert is the way to go, but understandable that finances are tight. Hope this helps!
Where can I get extra Nike arch cookies? They no longer make them, and I can't wear their shoes without them.
Nike so wisely chose to quit producing the 2 cent pieces of styrofoam arch supports that they used to provide with all running shoes. A very select few, like me, can't use Nike shoes without this little bit of extra support. I can buy $35 insoles, but I'd sure rather have the cheap pieces of styrofoam. Nike couldn't help me, so maybe someone here knows of a specific place where I can get them.
Where can I get extra Nike arch cookies? They no longer make them, and I can't wear their shoes without them.
It's really a shame that Nike decided to remove the arch supports. 2 cents x ~100,000 shoes = $$. Unfortunately, arch cookies are not exactly popular items that you can buy. The only place I could find on the web are the the first link below. I cannot say whether it is a reputable website at all, so there is a significant risk there. Alas, they are not at eBay..
I know that it's a hard pill to swallow, but I highly suggest that you buy one of those $35 insoles. In particular, a lot of my running buddies (who run marathons) and myself have had great success with the SuperFeet line of insoles (see link #2). The green ones are for people with medium to high arches. They often last a lot longer than the lifetime of a single shoe. For me, I replace them every three shoes or so.
Reply:Try ordering them on Ebay
Reply:Never been a fan of Nike running shoes...too narrow of a toe box. Sounds like Nike has lost an avid buyer!!! Have you written their customer service department? Shoe companies always stop making your favorite shoe and replace it with a shoe that doesn't even come close...I feel your pain!!!
Where can I get extra Nike arch cookies? They no longer make them, and I can't wear their shoes without them.
It's really a shame that Nike decided to remove the arch supports. 2 cents x ~100,000 shoes = $$. Unfortunately, arch cookies are not exactly popular items that you can buy. The only place I could find on the web are the the first link below. I cannot say whether it is a reputable website at all, so there is a significant risk there. Alas, they are not at eBay..
I know that it's a hard pill to swallow, but I highly suggest that you buy one of those $35 insoles. In particular, a lot of my running buddies (who run marathons) and myself have had great success with the SuperFeet line of insoles (see link #2). The green ones are for people with medium to high arches. They often last a lot longer than the lifetime of a single shoe. For me, I replace them every three shoes or so.
Reply:Try ordering them on Ebay
Reply:Never been a fan of Nike running shoes...too narrow of a toe box. Sounds like Nike has lost an avid buyer!!! Have you written their customer service department? Shoe companies always stop making your favorite shoe and replace it with a shoe that doesn't even come close...I feel your pain!!!
How to fix a sore knee?
My knee hurts because i jumped offf one foot on concrete downhill and i landed hard on that foot and i wasnt wearing insoles so my knees absorbed the shock an dnow tyhey hurt, how do i fix this?
How to fix a sore knee?
if its just sore an not injured then exercize it. do sprints. the more you exercize it, the less pain there is.
Reply:i have a dislocated knee and well obv its sore and swelling. what i do is put a hot pack on for ten minutes. do stretching and then after put an ice pack for ten minutes.
Reply:well you just put ice on it. It works because when i had a sore foot from basketball. My foot wasn't sore today. That is only 3 days. put it on for 5 minutes a day.
Reply:do some physiotherapy
Reply:Go to the doctor to see if you didnt pulll anything
and if you ice it that will help
How to fix a sore knee?
if its just sore an not injured then exercize it. do sprints. the more you exercize it, the less pain there is.
Reply:i have a dislocated knee and well obv its sore and swelling. what i do is put a hot pack on for ten minutes. do stretching and then after put an ice pack for ten minutes.
Reply:well you just put ice on it. It works because when i had a sore foot from basketball. My foot wasn't sore today. That is only 3 days. put it on for 5 minutes a day.
Reply:do some physiotherapy
Reply:Go to the doctor to see if you didnt pulll anything
and if you ice it that will help
What are the best shoes for a wal-mart cashier?
I just started working at Wal-Mart, and my feet kill me after every shift I work. I am looking for a good pair of shoes to wear at work on very hard tile floors, and I need good arch support too. I have very little natural arch in my foot, and even with Dr. Scholl's insoles in my best pair of shoes, my heels, ankles, knees, and lower back kill me. Some co-workers have said New Balance shoes are good, others that the shoes with springs, I think Nike Shox, are good. Please help me... I have a limited budget and can't stand being in pain so much all the time.
What are the best shoes for a wal-mart cashier?
When I had to work on my feet for 8+ hours at a time, New Balance shoes worked pretty well for me. There are special shoes for people with low arches that might be worth looking into. Here is the website: http://www.walkerswarehouse.com/store/me...
Hope this helps!
Reply:try a supportive lace up shoe with a rigid shank and stiff sole. you can also add an arch support in the shoes while working. you may have to work up to full day in arch supports by wearing them a few hours at a time. try this great informative web site, myfootshop.com and good luck!
skin rashes
What are the best shoes for a wal-mart cashier?
When I had to work on my feet for 8+ hours at a time, New Balance shoes worked pretty well for me. There are special shoes for people with low arches that might be worth looking into. Here is the website: http://www.walkerswarehouse.com/store/me...
Hope this helps!
Reply:try a supportive lace up shoe with a rigid shank and stiff sole. you can also add an arch support in the shoes while working. you may have to work up to full day in arch supports by wearing them a few hours at a time. try this great informative web site, myfootshop.com and good luck!
skin rashes
High heels and ur weight?
I bought a pair of steve madden heels there 4 inches no platform and the heel is very skinny. when i first got them i had a terrible time my foot felt like it was being streched and every step i took my foot wobbeled but then after a while i got better but my foot still hurts about 20 min into wearing them i put insoles and padding extra at the ball of the foot part and still there just not that comfortable i dont know if the arch in my foot is big or small how do u tell? i have a size 9. i was also wondering maybe its because i dont weigh 90 pounds! :) im 5 feet 4 inches and i weigh about 175 pounds is this why most feet keep hurting? if i lose weight will my feet stop hurting? losing weight has to make some difference right? thanks for the info!
High heels and ur weight?
While high heels may be bad for a woman's feet, they are very good for her mental health. They make you feel pretty and feminine and it is admirable that you pursue your dreams.
1. Yes, the load on your feet is proportional to your body weight, so losing weight will help.
2. When you buy heels, check the angle of the heel part of the sole. The sole under the forefoot is of course horizontal. The part under the arch will have to be steeply slanted. But HH shoes differ in the angle of the sole under the heel The less slanted this is, the more weight you will be able to support with your heel rather than your forefoot. Bad HH shoes have an arch and heel section with almost the same angle. This will put all the load on your forefoot and it will be uncomfortable and painful. Good HH shoes have a more horizontal heel section of the sole.
Reply:the shoes probably don't have an arch and that might be the source. not really ur weight cuz i ave the fattest feet but as long as my arch is supported i'm good.
Reply:your weight has nothing to do with why your feet hurts, it's the shoe period. if you're looking for height without hurting your feet, i suggest you invest your money into wedges. One thing with shoes is that, when you first try them on, if they're not comfortable, DO not buy them, it's a sure sign that it'll hurt in the long run.
Reply:Stilettos hurt no matter what. The guy that created heels should be tarred and feathered!
Reply:buy some cute flat sandles for target or walmart, they're cheap, cute and best of all...COMFY
i dont think it's cause of your weight that your feet hurt, it's the shoes, my sisters had some like that and she threw them out after a week.
Reply:Steve Madden makes cute shoes however like 99% of high heels they hurt terribly! I don't think losing weight will help that much, it's really just the shoes. It wouldn't hurt to try if you think it may help. I would try getting a smaller heel like a 2' that will help greatly. You can tell your arch size by looking at it or you could go to an upscale shoe store or dept. store (Macy's) %26amp; have your foot %26amp; arch fitted. It's free 2! Good luck!
Reply:that's because all your weight are supported only by your sole.. ( i duno wat its called) instead of both sole + heels.. doesnt metter if u're 200 pounds or 90 pounds
Reply:well firstly 4 inch heels are rarely comfortable and with my own experience with steve madden heels they don't have enough padding. however from the way you described the shoes it sounds like you are wearing the wrong size or they might be too wide for you. your weight may be part of the problem as it is simply more stress on your feet but that alone woudn't cause you this much pain.
Reply:All platforms that high are going to hurt
whether your 91 lbs or 200 lbs
Its not natural for the body
Reply:whoa, big gurl, big gurl
car makes
High heels and ur weight?
While high heels may be bad for a woman's feet, they are very good for her mental health. They make you feel pretty and feminine and it is admirable that you pursue your dreams.
1. Yes, the load on your feet is proportional to your body weight, so losing weight will help.
2. When you buy heels, check the angle of the heel part of the sole. The sole under the forefoot is of course horizontal. The part under the arch will have to be steeply slanted. But HH shoes differ in the angle of the sole under the heel The less slanted this is, the more weight you will be able to support with your heel rather than your forefoot. Bad HH shoes have an arch and heel section with almost the same angle. This will put all the load on your forefoot and it will be uncomfortable and painful. Good HH shoes have a more horizontal heel section of the sole.
Reply:the shoes probably don't have an arch and that might be the source. not really ur weight cuz i ave the fattest feet but as long as my arch is supported i'm good.
Reply:your weight has nothing to do with why your feet hurts, it's the shoe period. if you're looking for height without hurting your feet, i suggest you invest your money into wedges. One thing with shoes is that, when you first try them on, if they're not comfortable, DO not buy them, it's a sure sign that it'll hurt in the long run.
Reply:Stilettos hurt no matter what. The guy that created heels should be tarred and feathered!
Reply:buy some cute flat sandles for target or walmart, they're cheap, cute and best of all...COMFY
i dont think it's cause of your weight that your feet hurt, it's the shoes, my sisters had some like that and she threw them out after a week.
Reply:Steve Madden makes cute shoes however like 99% of high heels they hurt terribly! I don't think losing weight will help that much, it's really just the shoes. It wouldn't hurt to try if you think it may help. I would try getting a smaller heel like a 2' that will help greatly. You can tell your arch size by looking at it or you could go to an upscale shoe store or dept. store (Macy's) %26amp; have your foot %26amp; arch fitted. It's free 2! Good luck!
Reply:that's because all your weight are supported only by your sole.. ( i duno wat its called) instead of both sole + heels.. doesnt metter if u're 200 pounds or 90 pounds
Reply:well firstly 4 inch heels are rarely comfortable and with my own experience with steve madden heels they don't have enough padding. however from the way you described the shoes it sounds like you are wearing the wrong size or they might be too wide for you. your weight may be part of the problem as it is simply more stress on your feet but that alone woudn't cause you this much pain.
Reply:All platforms that high are going to hurt
whether your 91 lbs or 200 lbs
Its not natural for the body
Reply:whoa, big gurl, big gurl
car makes
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